A call to arms for America and the world.

Greatest-I-am's avatar
A call to arms for America and the world.

A world-wide threat must be met by a world-wide response by the masses if freedom is to be sought against the masters of this world. If the free political and religious systems of this generation do not respond and repel, woe unto all of our children and shame on us.




Those who oppress the masses are a world-wide united force. The only way to defeat them is with a world-wide united force. Unfortunately our masters have divided our houses and we cannot stand against them unless we unite.

Unite or accept your slave status and pass it down to your children. Shame on us all if we do not.

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DoctorV23's avatar
Hmm, most nations were formed on the premiss of ending tyranny and instating social justice; whether or not they actually achieved this is a matter of debate, but ... who exactly are we up against? Anyway, have to love Carlin.
Horus2299's avatar
I get where you're coming from to some extent. Even though it doesn't always look like it, I think Republicans and Democrats are mostly being controlled by the same group of people. I'd recommend that you check out Stormfront. It's among the most helpful websites I've seen that put the whole Zionist-Illuminati-Communist conspiracy together.

This is one of my favorite videos on the subject, I think you'll like it: [link]
saintartaud's avatar
Wow, you're actually recommending Stormfront?
Jeremyti's avatar
Stormfront? Seriously?
Greatest-I-am's avatar
What an irritating voice --- but I basically agree with him.

I see the conflict as a political, demographic and geopolitical one.

This term was used then things were better.


If you are a history buff then -------


Horus2299's avatar
He's got an irritating voice perhaps, but his claims are no less valid for it. ;)

To me, the best situation is when different groups of people can coexist in peace with each other, yet still be loyal to their own kind.
ScottaHemi's avatar
is this about Obama taking executive power to get rid of our guns tommarow?
Greatest-I-am's avatar
Fat chance of that so no.
If that is all you see then read on.


Pakaku's avatar
I'm going to assume you'll never get tired of making these threads
kaput6no's avatar
Mankind only get what it deserve.
Greatest-I-am's avatar
Thanks for showing your concern for your fellow man.
Nice social conscience. Not.

JackMolotov3's avatar
I don't get it.

First link: George Carlin dealing with hecklers. (part of being a comedian)

Second Link: An old speech of JFK about government transparency

Third Link: digital art of a goat in a box in a concentration camp.

the rest of the post, some ramble rousing, speaking of unity, rebellion, with no clear definition of who or what we are exactly fighting.

The truth is, everyone thinks they are fighting for freedom.
Greatest-I-am's avatar
There was no one person heckling Carlin so I am not sure what you were watching.

The second link speaks to secret societies. Try listening from about the 1.40 mark.

Finally. Try to see what the third clip is telling you and this might help.


kaput6no's avatar
Lol, the third one is a video, just click on it. ;)

This video is quite fascinating to be honest, every sequences are full of symbolism and allegories, there's a dozen videos on youtube with people giving their interpretation/analysis, really interesting.
JackMolotov3's avatar
Oh, I am reading a great book right now, entitled "They though they were free", it was about interviews with former nazis.
Mclandis's avatar
Obvious troll is obvious.
Abstract-Mindser's avatar
By the way, your lightning rod hat was finished. I realize its a bit tall, but we had a special request from Charles Darwin to make it so tall that it touches power lines above.
JessaFlux's avatar
OP is an idiot!
RobStrand's avatar
Oh look! It's this thread again!
maddmatt's avatar
I love how you really didn't say anything and then linked out to crazy videos.

And then you called everyone slaves.

I will enjoy the expected nonsensical response.
LeapingLela's avatar
What the hell was with that last video?

Also I put the finishing touches on your tin foil hat! It has sequins and glitter on it now!
theGman0's avatar
The last video was a weird attempt at taking multiple conspiracy theories and mashing them together in a more artistic format.
HtimsNayr's avatar
I like how the links get progressively more bizarre. (Though I liked the third one - the imagery is out there, but it does offer a unique look at recent history.)

That second one is pretty crazy.