Obozo kills the Fast Food industry

EbolaSparkleBear's avatar

Count Wendy’s as the latest fast-food restaurant to respond to Obamacare with a reduction in worker hours. Following some other chains that have made headlines recently, a Wendy’s franchise owner in Omaha, Neb., told about 100 workers in the area that their hours would be cut in anticipation of mandates in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

According to a local TV station, the store said that employees in non-management positions will have their hours reduced to 28 a week. A spokesman blamed the cuts on the new law that, beginning in 2014, will require employers to offer health coverage to employees who log at least 30 hours a week, or pay a penalty starting at $2,000 per worker.

The Wendy’s spokesman said, as a small-business owner, he can't afford to stay in operation and pay for everyone's health insurance. Under the law, any company that has more than 50 full-time workers falls under the new health insurance mandate.

It's a good thing these people are getting healthcare somewhere right?

Chain owners are getting kicked in the balls with the mandate.

“I think some of these companies are going to face a significant cost burden and I would expect to see prices to go up generally for a lot of them,” Hottovy says.

Last year Papa John’s (PZZA) CEO John Schnatter said he would raise pizza prices and cut employee hours because of Obamacare’s expected higher costs. According to a Politico report, Shattner said, "Our best estimate is that the Obamacare will cost 11 to 14 cents per pizza, or 15 to 20 cents per order from a corporate basis."

:thumbsup: Does ObamaCare force Americans to start cooking more at home?

:thumbsup: Is ObamaCare going to make people eat more healthy?

:thumbsup: Or is ObamaCare just going to make people pay more food they can't afford with their now reduced hours?

A clever post I saw online somewhere:

"So let me get this straight, We are going to be gifted with a healthcare plan that we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which reportly covers 10 million more people without adding a single new doctor, but provides 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a congress that didn’t read it, but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect by your government which has bankrupted social security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.

So what the heck can possibly go wrong?"


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kitsumekat's avatar
I see some positives with this.
FerricPlushy's avatar
Ironically if fast food costs were to rise dramatically, we might stop leading the world in diabetes, hyper tension, and high cholesterol.
Also, this isn't a new phenomenon. Look at walmart, if an employee is fulltime(36+ hours per week) then they must receive benefits, but 90% of walmart employees are "part time" (<32 hours per week)
THANK GOD republicans eliminated the single payer mandate, because if they did then these healthcare costs wouldn't be passed on to job creators, good job GOP, looking out for job creators
I find this entertaining nowadays. The making of arguments that someone's policies cause hardship in the form of economic strife or prices rising has been around for years from both sides. Like the dems saying Bush's tax cuts caused unemployment to rise, so this is the same thing. Prices on all things will always go up, and always do. So if I know something is inevitable, and then claim my opponent is causing it- then I can say I'm always right. It's going to rain all week in Charlotte, so I'm going to say it is caused by the tea baggers opposing balancing the budget. It rained all day today, and the forecast says rain for all night and tomorrow- how can I be proved wrong? :lol:

CEO John Schnatter is the icing on the cake though. The guy who had plenty of money to throw at Romeny's campaign, a losing presidential campaign I might add- he had enough to piss away on that. So how can we prove his "calculation" wrong that the Affordable Care Act will raise his overhead by 20 cents per pizza? Unless he publicizes his Cost-Each on pizzas, which no business ever does, then we can't disprove him. And it's irrelevant now- because he just made an announcement to millions of potential customers that he's raising prices for political reasons. About 52% of Americans voted for Obama, so by law of averages that means he is telling more than half his customers to GET THEIR PIZZA SOMEWHERE ELSE!! :rofl:

You know what will be really rich, is if Domino's or Pizza Hut comes out and says: "We're not raising our prices like Papa John's! And get delivery FREE with this coupon!"
Yeah, competition's a bitch eh Schnatter? :lol:
bohobella's avatar
Raising the cost of unhealthy food has always been a method of encouraging healthy eating. I don't see this as some evil ploy to make fat people poorer and fatter, now that there is some sort of health care system there's all the more reason to keep the massive public in better fucking health, and the whole fast food nation thing is your first problem in that respect. It is actually possible to eat healthy on limited, little income rather than choosing the equally cheap, crappy instant food options.
Debit's avatar
Personally, I think fast food industries, although they are very convenient at times -- as in having to travel very long distances and need to get some food on a short notice -- they should not be immune from 'creative destruction'. Based on my own experience, eating out on a regular basis is an easy way of gaining waist circumference and longer-term health issues.

Overall, it may well be better to induce individual households to pay more attention to groceries, cooking, and nutritional issues?
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
It's been three weeks since I last had take out/fast food.

I can cook and I prefer to do so.
Debit's avatar
The last time I visited a restaurant was almost six months ago. Economic consideration also plays a part; eating out frequently eats up wallet pretty fast. The amount of money I pay for two (my mom and myself) in a low-end restaurant like Souplantation is equivalent to about a week's worth of common grocery items like fruits, veggies and seafood. As for fast food .... the last time I visited a place like McDonald's was over three years ago!
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
I like sushi and that can get expensive.
Jeysie's avatar
It's not any easier there. Until we make eating healthy cheaper and more convenient, waistlines will stay large.
Agburanar's avatar
Having stopped reading your post after the title, I must ask if you are suggesting it would be a bad thing.
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Health wise for the nation it would be awesome.
Business wise it'd be a disaster.
Agburanar's avatar
Oh, I'm sure shareholders would find some other way to profiteer on the underpaid labor of others.
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
They'd lose their investments though. If the junk food industry collapsed.
ADHDnoJutsu's avatar
Well, if it reduces the number of absolute failures driving to Walmart on scooters because they've become too fat to fucking walk, looking for more fat food so they can hold on to that lazy-ass scooter, great. Nothing wrong with eating less quantity and more quality. I tried it, it's great.
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Scooter people are like a new demographic, it's terrible.
Jeysie's avatar
"Chain owners are getting kicked in the balls with the mandate."

Then they were a failing business to begin with.

If you want healthy workers, it's your responsibility to pay for your workers to stay healthy, whether it's via paying for their insurance directly or paying them enough to afford the treatment they need to stay healthy. Your free ride of expecting everyone else to pay for your needs is over.

Of course, the real solution would be to do what every other developed country did for its businesses and cover healthcare via the government... but... nope. The Republicans wanted the private sector to take care of everything! Well, private sector honeys, it's time to do what you said you wanted.
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
"Then they were a failing business to begin with."

Jeysie's avatar
...I'm not sure how to interpret this.
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
That's okay. Blame Obama
Jeysie's avatar
For holding them more accountable?
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Oh I don't know. Aren't we supposed to blame OBama for Katrina and bad weather and united shoes?
Jeysie's avatar
Well, I meant, I agree you can blame Obama for holding them accountable. I just don't see how that's a bad thing.
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