A leader like this exists???

After--Life's avatar
I want to know your views.

Are there any, or such leaders in this world that rule globally across the Earth? Instead of political boundaries?

Let's say, there are millions of people that follow a leader, this leader has his headquarters in a specific location, but many different citizens from 100+ countries around the world are under his rule.

Does a leader like this exist?

What are your thoughts.
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heaven-spawn's avatar
dude man i would do it. legalize weed 420 errday
Fairy-Red-Hime's avatar
Everyone knows it's Shigeru Miyamoto.
Cosmic--Chaos's avatar
Hmm, either it's aliens, the Catholic Pope, the Judeo-Christian God/Jesus, Allah or myself.
Is this your way of telling us to believe in the baby jeezus? ;)
EnuoCale's avatar
All US presidents.

In their minds that is. YEE-HAW!

RedPirate's avatar
spockmou's avatar
Religious leaders, I suppose.
More religious doctrines but I suppose they aren't sentient.
Sakura136's avatar
maddmatt's avatar

I love the easy sunday school answers. :D
Any organization.

1) Organized religions such as Islam and Christianity.

2) Al Quada's Bin Laden did this.

3) Any corporation.

4) Any private business which the owner owns property and or business (employs people) across national boarders. (your continued financial existence depends upon the owner not firing you.)

Need more examples?
WolfySpice's avatar
Honestly, I think the Pope would be the only one close to fitting that criteria.
HtimsNayr's avatar
Svataben's avatar
I'm like that.

Only... No-one ever pays attention. :iconcryforeverplz:
maddmatt's avatar

I'll follow you. Can we get some sammiches here?
Svataben's avatar
Oooooh! You could be my evil adviser!

Whisper in my ear and corrupt me. More so! :eager:
maddmatt's avatar
Paaaastrammmmiiii.........kaaaatzzz dellllliiiiii.....
Svataben's avatar
Are you trying to make me look like the North Korean type of dictator leader? I don't want to be that round!
Cosmic--Chaos's avatar
Sources say that the rocket was launched from North Korea last week in protest to Hostess closing.
You stop Twinkies?! We launch rocket! Dear Double-chin must be appeased! :lol:
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maddmatt's avatar
wiiith dieeeet cooookkkeee....
Solum-Ipsum's avatar
I wonder if Freemasons have a single embodied puppetmaster.