Move over SOPA/CISPA Don't send any bad stuff in email. Now the Gov can read it

DryBonesReborn's avatar

It used to protect people's emails and only the Gov' needed a warrant. Now is not the case.


Thanks to this Democrat

"Got any illegal downloads" Don't even bother asking in some e-mail.

I wonder about HIPPA violations. I mean, if you have health issues and doc sends by e-mail something, they can then read it. Would it effect this as well?
News from Cnet.
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Machine-Intellectual's avatar
Government surveillance is one thing I cannot stand, it reminds me of 1984. Big brother is watching you, big brother wants your freedom.
DryBonesReborn's avatar
Or to well 'censor it'

I mean hate crime. I think hate speech is a crime.

So, if you and your friend send an email about how you hate how your girlfriend was or what not, it could be read and then deemed a crime.
Machine-Intellectual's avatar
A slow progression into a police state.
DryBonesReborn's avatar

Creeping inch by inch.

"It's ok if schools track were kids go. Teachers have to know anyhow."

"It's ok if you track your workers, so they know who's on break and who's isn't..."



Untill we all are tagged like cattle.

Next step is TSA booths at bus stops, trains etc.
ScottaHemi's avatar
I'd be more worried about those rumors about the UN wanting to tax the Internet...
angelxxuan's avatar
the government can monitor facebook, emails and phone calls. this isn't new, they been doing this for years now, for once I'm going to state it, Bush started it when the "act of terror" started up, it appears future Presidents have seriously stirred the pot wanting to know more of what their people are talking about and listen out for key words.
Zigholtul88's avatar
Ehh they're welcome to read any of my e-mails, its not like they're actually do anything about it. If they're gonna come after me for some frivolous reasons then they're only going to be in a world of hurt when I and several other Americans don't comply with them. All these constant threats of martial law and how we're living in a police; if that's the case then it would only be the most logically conclusion to turn away from the system and would be foolish if our government is gonna succeed with all of this without any complications.
JackMolotov3's avatar
If there is no a petition on for President Obama to veto this, I think we should start one.
Look at this fucktard Novuso-
He thinks China is ahead of us, because it's stifling here. ? What the fuck? America is behind China because of imfringements on your "right" to steal software off the internet?

CHINA? The country with the worst human rights record and a surveillance network that makes old USSR jealous, and government control over its entire internet is considered more free than America by you? The country that shoots protestors. Okie dokie.

JackMolotov3's avatar
I agree with you up until I heard.

"He thinks China is ahead of us, because it's stifling here. ? What the fuck? America is behind China because of imfringements on your "right" to steal software off the internet? "
I disapprove of using the word "steal" when it is not being used to deprive anyone else use of said software.

"unauthorized access" is not "stealing" or "piracy"
Yeah the stealing software off internet thing is derived from the old-saw about SOPA/PIPA which is how all this outcry began.
I forgot that, but there is some overlap. Nevertheless, the bill written by Patrick Leahy is just a bill and not a law. I don't support the thing at all, but I detest the hysterics about it and it engrages me to see anyone daft enough to say China is better than the USA with regard to ANY freedoms.
JackMolotov3's avatar
"Yeah the stealing software off internet thing is derived from the old-saw about SOPA/PIPA which is how all this outcry began."
No, it did NOT begin with that. This outcry has been in constant motion since the 1990s. If you don't believe me, read the articles in SOPA/PIPA was the first time non-techinical people could be drawn to give a damn about the internet.

We were up in arms about the DMCA back in 1999 too, and sure enough its been abused thoroughly.

This could also go back as far as the 1970s, when the same RIAA/MPAA tried banning home video recording, and congress established "fair use act" allowing it.

" but I detest the hysterics about it and it engrages me to see anyone daft enough to say China is better than the USA with regard to ANY freedoms."

Most of us do not equate the USA with China over SOPA/PIPA.

We just see China is the direction that SOPA and PIPA, CISPA, and the rest of this internet online thought police is going. Now that we are on the subject of China....

Do you know that the official reason that China censors the internet? To stop file sharing and online pornography, both of which are highly illegal in China.

Do you know what is censored by the by the Great Firewall of China?? Everything but online pornography and file sharing, to include political opinions.

Its not hysterics to see how that the RIAA used its weight to sink 10 years ago, who's primary business was promoting independent artists, by bypassing the record labels.

Thats what this is about. the RIAA and MPAA have outdated business models, and no growth potential, and are trying to sink industries that do, because they don't want their business models to be made irrelivant. They have been terrible at innovation, and have been using the law to enforce the status quo by force, with friends in government.

They need to go.
This article is all opinion and has no facts. No facts that I need- such as- how many and which Senators voted for it. I know- this is deviant so you'll claim I didn't read it as your only way to disagree wit me- okie dokie- tell me how many Sens voted for it?
He can rewrite a bill as many times as he wants. Welcome to the US legislative system- a BILL is not a LAW.
DryBonesReborn's avatar
Thank you for pointing this out. :) A bill, not law. :phew:
xTernal7's avatar
That's why smart people use PGP and the likes.
DryBonesReborn's avatar
PGP? You can be smart and not know all about a computer XD Varying Intelligences.
xTernal7's avatar
Invalid argument; that's why Google's for.
DryBonesReborn's avatar
Not so.

According to Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence, many people can be smart without knowing all about a computer. There's Quantum Physics out there. Not many people can learn with only text only. Some need touch. Hands-on approach.

Google doesn't answer all questions one has. Sometimes you have to look up the definition of a definition because it was too complex.

X equals 1 gigabyte.
What's a gigabyte
etc etc...

Sometimes google doesn't translate as well.
xTernal7's avatar
many people can be smart without knowing all about a computer.
You don't need to know all about computers to use them in a secure way. I doubt that there's more than a million people on this world who have the knowledge to write up and compile a linux kernel — probably there's far less. And I doubt that anyone would be able to count you all 600+ programming languages, much less knowing each and every one of them. You also don't need to know all the protocol, know every file system in existence, how your CPU is connected to your motherboard etc.

You need only to know a few basic rules, and learning them is about as difficult as riding a bike and knowing what you are allowed and which things you must not do to do while riding a bike. Knowing of these few basic rules shouldn't be a problem for the smart folks — if they're smart, then it won't take long for them to acquire these few rules and follow them.

Google doesn't answer all questions one has.
That is not the case at the matter at hand, though. Also, not having all the answers does not even remotely imply that search is pointless, so shut the fuck up and browse before you're going to complain.

X equals 1 gigabyte.
What's a gigabyte

Size: X GB.
TIL that B is unit for size, while it's common knowledge that G is a prefix. Prefixes (micro, mili, centi, deci, kilo, mega and giga) are already common knowledge in every country that is smart enough to use metric system instead of imperial.

Not many people can learn with only text only.
Which is why internet also provides movies and pictures.

Sometimes google doesn't translate as well.
Which only applies for people who don't speak English and is the only partially valid line of your argument.
DryBonesReborn's avatar
" so shut the fuck up and browse before you're going to complain."

Who says I'm complaining? I'm stating a point.