Socialism: Your thoughts and opinions

Paulwe's avatar
I would like to see some opinions on socialism from the community. Here's my current (changeable) stance on it:

Look. Here's the deal. Socialism and Communism are dirty words in America. I am not a Communist, but I am a Socialist. Coincidentally, I am also Canadian.

You say we have no arguments. You say that socialism requires handing all power to the state. You say the we're all dirty pinkos, that we can't make our own decisions, that we're un-American and should be shot.

But we require no arguments. If you have ever seen a homeless person on the street, and though, "There must be a better way of doing things," then you are a socialist, for socialism is simply the reform of government in a way meant to eliminate a poor underclass. If you have not thought that even once, you are a filthy monster. This is all there is to it.

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meanus's avatar
California is the most liberal, most socialist state in the Usa
it has 167 billion in debt!!!!!!!
its schools rank 37 out of 50
it has over ten percent unemployment
despite having eight percent of the us spends one third of the welfare dollars the fed gives out
you have to be rich to buy a house there
it has the highest prison population BY FAR
the weather is nice though
hooded-wanderer's avatar

This article best exemplifies that the most "Socialist" nations are also apparently the least socialist nations ;)
sonrouge's avatar
Putting it bluntly, socialism is a smokescreen thieves hide behind to distract their victims and, in too many cases, fool themselves into believing they are committing a moral act rather than an immoral act of force. No act of kindness (such as allegedly wanting to eliminate an poor underclass, though I should mention it is socialism that divides people into classes) justifies the use of force outside of self-defense.

And I don't recognize your right to dictate my morals or make me ignore reality, so you can take the "you are a filthy monster for not believing as I believe" and throw it at someone stupid enough to believe it.
Scnal's avatar
Socialism is like meepo from DOTA 2 (if what I've heard is correct). If you're bad as meepo, meepo is the worst hero you could possibly pick. It doesn't help that he's the hardest hero to play good as too. But if you're good as meepo, he's the best hero you could be and the team will be expecting you to be the one to win the game (even if there's other carry's).
freyv's avatar
Socialism is about sharing your things and caring about the people that aren't as fortunate as you. Think about that next time you call someone a filthy communist for wanting high taxes.
meanus's avatar
no job, nothing to share sweetheart...with anybody
sonrouge's avatar
No, that's what freedom is. Socialism is someone forcing you to share your things against your will at the point of a gun because he isn't willing to put his money where his mouth is.

And if you believe something is worth your money, feel free to put your own money towards it. Leave those of us who don't agree with you alone.
Ragerancher's avatar
Not really. Socialism is about forcing people to share because they DON'T care enough to do it willingly. That was the whole basis of it (wealth being concentrated in fewer hands and the rich not paying the poor enough to buy the goods they produced).
meanus's avatar
socialism is great if you aren't willing to work
Ragerancher's avatar
Likewise corporatism and cronyism are great if you are getting paid for it. What do you think is worse: A poor person not working but getting paid a bit for it or a poor person working their arse off but barely scraping a living while a richer person who puts in far more work lives in luxury. Which do you think is the greatest injustice?
meanus's avatar
if you are worth more, you get paid more...thats called real justice
Ragerancher's avatar
If you inherit a fortune, do you deserve a large salary? Nope.
meanus's avatar
if you drink all day and watch porn you are qualified for a free living off the backs of working taxpayers? Hell no
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Sonic1234567891's avatar
With that description, I am a socialist. I can't give critique your statement because i agree with it.
puddelbal's avatar
I think your stance is a bit hard-line, but I agree with you - to an extent.
delusionalHamster's avatar
2 words

direct democracy
Paulwe's avatar
It would never work, not unless we used an easier voting system.
delusionalHamster's avatar
The technology required to implement it exists and is feasible. I don't see a problem.
Machine-Intellectual's avatar
I believe we need things like regulation so big business won't rule the world or we don't eat bad food, I believe in publicly funded healthcare, education, and I believe people should come together as a community to better their homeland.
Paulwe's avatar
I'm not sure who this will show up for, but I would like to say that I am revising my opinion. I used language hat did not represent what I actually meant and inadvertently ended up supporting communism, which in real life I do not. Hence, this thread no long represents my opinion.
MJWilliam's avatar
I don't normally post in forums, but this was on the front page and caught my eye.

Look... I was born in the USSR and lived there for 20 years. What you have in Canada is NOT socialism. Can you own property? Can you sell it? Can you start a business? If you answered yes to any of the above then what you have is not socialism, but capitalism with socialistic elements. If you had real socialism, you'd hate it, believe me. John Stormer was right when he said that it's "a disease of the intellect that promises universal brotherhood, peace and prosperity to lure humanitarians and idealists into participating in a conspiracy which gains power through deceit and deception and stays in power with brute force." Granted, he was speaking about communism, not socialism, but I personally don't believe communism is achievable. Socialism is as close as you can get to it, so your comment about being "socialist but not communist" is actually kind of an oxymoron.

The only equality you get with socialism is equal poverty, apathy, and misery. You get your fair share and you pay your fair share, so's the basic idea, but tell me this: WHO decides what's fair? Human beings are simply not happy with the bare minimum. It's in our blood to want to improve our lives and the lives of our loved ones, to strive for bigger, better. Socialism doesn't let you do that. Take your free shit and shut the hell up, be glad you're getting even that. It takes away ambition. It makes people apathetic. It turns people into slaves. Slavery doesn't always come with literal shackles. Sometimes the shackles are purely ideological.

Anti-capitalists say capitalism is driven by human greed, but so what? Greed is part of the human nature. Good luck editing it out. If greed drives capitalism but results in a better world, what's wrong with that? Of course, by that I mean true capitalism, not the crony capitalism we seem to have now.

So for all those who're praising this recent change of direction in American politics, and embrace socialism... All I can say is, SIGH. Enjoy it while it lasts, which I don't expect will be for long. Don't take my word for it, just look at Greece. That's going to be you in a couple of years. Because fact of the matter is, true socialism does not work.

I'm done, bring on the rotten tomatoes...
JackMolotov3's avatar
Why is the only alternative to hardline communism presented as "capitalism"

socialism features the same flaw as our current "capitalist" system is that it allows the power to be in the hands of a few, who both abuse it, and don't know how to govern beyond staying in power, and sooner or later disenfranchise those with the real talent, and motive to do good.

Again, I bring up individualist anarchism as a viable alternative to both, try reading some Thomas Paine.
MJWilliam's avatar
I've read about anarcho-capitalism/agorism. I saw this the other day, and I think he's talking about the same thing: [link] . While it sounds good, I see two problems with it. One, the current government would never let us transition to it, especially if it takes off and becomes successful. And two, I don't see how any form of anarchism can stop power-mongers from gaining and abusing power.

In a free market society the abuse of power depends entirely on the size and involvement of the government. The smaller the government the lesser the potential for abuse of power. That's what I believe.
JackMolotov3's avatar
I am not talking about anarcho-capitalism