Obozo rides the 47 percent bum class to victory again!!!

meanus's avatar
We are starting to look more and more like Hugo Chavez's vision of socialist paradise. Hugo is a little cheaper, buying votes with hotdogs, beer, and t shirts but its mostly the same. Odumass had the bum class (about 47 percent of the population) to back him up. Thats why Obama doesn't want the nation to have good jobs...his party would be useless then.

I suspect thats why the poor has multiplied so drastically under Odumass. More votes for democrats to keep the foodstamps coming. What are your thoughts?
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mondu's avatar
What's that, meanus' age range?
puddelbal's avatar
A rating for the thread.
Kiwi-Punch's avatar
Get the fuck off of the forums. We're tired of your shit.
meanus's avatar
you first Hairy Goku
Kiwi-Punch's avatar
That's like a compliment. You're basically insulting me by saying I am Goku in his monkey form, which is a massive uncontrollable machine of death and destruction, also making me sound tough.
meanus's avatar
you are a massive monkey? I always suspected as much
zeruch's avatar
I see the butt-hurtage is exceptional in the double-labial Meanus-world.

meanus's avatar
my cute little flamer chick!!!!
zeruch's avatar
Wrong gender, wrong profile, but like always...you are wrong, so at least you are consistent.

Stay labial, little hamwallet.
meanus's avatar
your flaming isn't any better and I can't believe a guy would have such a "cute" avatar
zeruch's avatar
Oddly, I don't consider calling you out for what you are flaming. What you do is rolling, and your subsequent commentary certainly is pretty much a flamefest.

But I suppose projection is one more trait we can chalk up to you being a hamwallet.
meanus's avatar
ok, thanks anyway!!!
zeruch's avatar
Hey no problem. DIAF.
TortelliniPen's avatar
So, in other words: BAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW :iconbawwplz:
zodiacgal's avatar
Bum class? That's a new one.
meanus's avatar
nice, isn't it!!!
Shidaku's avatar
I think Chavez's paradise is one in which he's really, really rich. That's why he still sells us his oil.
Requiemachina's avatar
"Bum class"


Now go on and bag the working class why don't cha.

meanus's avatar
what working class? Seen the unemployment numbers lately dear
Hopesick's avatar
My thoughts? Well let's see...

What jumped out at me is your uncivil tone. That's not terribly uncommon wherever there's a political discussion on the Internet, but calling people who voted for the other guy a "bum class" is a ridiculous generalization, and isn't getting us anywhere. If you're upset because your favorite candidate lost, that's fine, I would be too, but acting like a petulant little shit just makes you and all other conservatives look bad.

Anyway, your rant seems to revolve around two premises: your comparison of Obama to Hugo Chavez, and your claim that "the poor has multiplied so drastically under Odumass" (again, with the incivility. What are you, twelve?). The first, of course, is totally absurd. Chavez makes Obama look like Ronald Reagan, and if you tried telling him that he and Obama shared the same political views, he's probably laugh in your face. Chavez has criticized Obama for not being left-wing enough even before Obama was elected in 2008.



As for your second claim, I can't begin to guess what basis you might have for making it. But just for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume it's the increase in TANF recipients between 2009 and 2012. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the number of TANF recipients in January 2009, when Obama was inagurated, was 3,978,297. As of December 2011, the number was 4,262,052. That is a net increase of around seven percent, NOT a multiplication.



In any case, it's not like the president has godlike powers over the economy. He can't directly control the unemployment rate, consumer spending, or investment. If you're confused, you might want to read the Constitution and find out what exactly the president is able to do with regards to fiscal policy.
Dkalban's avatar
To call meanus 12 is an insult to middle schoolers everywhere; they're all smarter than him
meanus's avatar
Obama is called the foodstamp president for a reason...thanks for not calling me any worse names that what you did...I appreciate your civility you petulant little shit