We're Going Off a Big Cliff

TBSchemer's avatar
With Obama's victory over Romney, the United States is in dire straights. We're heading for a cliff and the brakes have been cut. We're sitting on a bomb, and the fuse has been lit. We're hanging by a thread, and that thread is fraying.

With 4 more years for Obama, we're barreling forward towards the (now inevitable) extreme consequences on all of these issues:

:bulletblack: Partisan polarization
:bulletblack: Racial polarization
:bulletblack: Nixonian politicking
:bulletblack: Economic growth
:bulletblack: The budget deficit
:bulletblack: The size of the national debt
:bulletblack: The US credit rating
:bulletblack: The Fiscal Cliff
:bulletblack: The growth of entitlement programs
:bulletblack: Greek-style bankruptcy and the inevitable austerity that results
:bulletblack: The loss of property rights
:bulletblack: The loss of legal rights
:bulletblack: The loss of free speech
:bulletblack: The marginalization of our Constitution
:bulletblack: The assertion of executive power
:bulletblack: The overall abandonment of liberty
:bulletblack: The price of health care
:bulletblack: Energy prices
:bulletblack: Declining income
:bulletblack: The extraction of greater tax revenue from the people
:bulletblack: Government dependence
:bulletblack: The politicization of science and technology
:bulletblack: Our patent system
:bulletblack: International weakness
:bulletblack: Defenselessness against terrorist attacks

We can't avoid any of it now. By reelecting Obama, the US has doomed itself to decline. It will take generations to undo the damage that was done the night of November 6th, 2012, if it's even possible at all. This is what you've voted for.
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majinsharingan's avatar
"Partisan polarization"
Would've been just as bad with Romney.

"Racial polarization"

"Nixonian politicking"
Was worse with Romney and McCain.

"Economic growth"
The economy is growing.

"The budget deficit"
Would've been worse with Romney.

"The size of the national debt"
Potentially just as bad if not worse with Romney.

"The US credit rating"
Potentially just as bad if not worse with Romney.

"The Fiscal Cliff"
Potentially just as bad if not worse with Romney.

"The growth of entitlement programs"
Potentially just as bad if not worse with Romney.

"Greek-style bankruptcy and the inevitable austerity that results
Potentially just as bad if not worse with Romney.

"The loss of property rights"
Lol, not even close.

"The loss of legal rights"
Lol, not even close

"The loss of free speech"
Lol, not even close

"The marginalization of our Constitution"
Lol, not even close

"The assertion of executive power"
Lol, not even close

"The overall abandonment of liberty"
Lol, not even close

"The price of health care"
You're right, the price of health care will decline.

"Energy prices"
Cleaner energy costs more until we can make it more efficient. That's not Obama's fault, that's just a simple fact. That would be true if Romney, Johnson, or even Big Bird got elected.

"Declining income"

"The extraction of greater tax revenue from the people"
The rich people are not the people

"Government dependence"

"The politicization of science and technology"

"International weakness
Defenselessness against terrorist attacks"
Lol, not even close.

Overall, you are a moron who I sincerely hope is kidding. If not, I pity the people, if any, that have to deal with you.
JackMolotov3's avatar
"Partisan polarization"
Its been like this since dubya, and I never saw the republicans or anyone else do a damn thing to quiet it down.

" Racial polarization"
probably less so than the 1990s, at least people have confronted it now. Remember the race riots of the 1990s, Rodney King?

"Nixonian politicking"
Which has been the standard since McGovern lost. How would have Mitt Romney stopped this?

" The budget deficit
:bulletblack: The size of the national debt"
Thats always been a problem, that everyone talks about and no one does shit about.

"The US credit rating"
partisan political knuckledragging in congress, Obama didn't do that.

"The loss of property rights
The loss of legal rights
The loss of free speech"
As compared to what? When was the last time we really had them. While Obama is certainly not going to give them back, most of the rights crushing acts of this generation were made under Bush admin. Can you find me one politician who is going to scale back the surveillance state.

"The overall abandonment of liberty
International weakness
Defenselessness against terrorist attacks"

And how was Mitt Romney going to balance "fighting terrorism" with "preserving libertey"

If anything the unmaintainable wars seem to serve only the interests of defense contractors and don't actively promote US security.

While Obama certainly isn't great, Romney's plan was to further expand our military footprint, buy more extremely expensive naval ships we don't need, and run up cost of military hardware which is not contributing to anything but an unbalanced budget.

"The extraction of greater tax revenue from the people"
by "the people", you mean "corporations, and insanely wealthy"
gluzzmunk's avatar
Well then, I shall join you to jump off the cliff.
Black-Allison's avatar
Wait, the States wasn't already a polarized racially segregated cesspit?
AbCat's avatar
I could take issue with most, if not all of these, I want to single the 14th point out especially, because, to be frank, don't you think the Constitution is a tad overvalued considering it was written by a group of slave owners?
TBSchemer's avatar
That's like saying "don't you think electricity was overvalued because it was discovered by a bunch of slaveowners?"
AbCat's avatar
The constitution was written, not discovered. That means who wrote it, and what their values were is an important contextual element to the content of the document.
JackMolotov3's avatar
the point is you can't judge a document on its own merits without judging those who wrote it.

It wasn't written by all slave holders. You have one giant strawman.
Trorbes's avatar
Electricity never suggested that "all men are created equal."
TBSchemer's avatar
You're right. That was Thomas Jefferson, the first American abolitionist.
Trorbes's avatar
Who owned slaves. I believe the point `AbCat was making was that the US Constitution is not the paragon of liberty you make it to be. If the founders of the country considered enslavement of an entire race of people to be an implicit right, then perhaps their constitution isn't the infallible declaration of liberty it's depicted as.
TBSchemer's avatar
The Constitution is meant to protect liberty by placing constraints on the government. Certainly, those constraints are not infallible. But that is no reason to completely give up on constraining the government altogether, as we now have.
Trorbes's avatar
While I agree the government needs its bounds, the constitution in itself cannot be idolized as the epitome of this concept. It was the federal government which stepped in and forced the individual states to outlaw slavery. It was the federal government which stepped in to ensure women had the right to vote. It was the federal government which ended miscegenation and segregation, and it may be the federal government which ultimately allows same-sex marriage. People argued that all these things were beyond the scope of the federal government, that the constitution guarantees the right of the states to make the decisions themselves, but do you believe liberty to be a world where only white males are liberated? That is why we cannot rely on the constitution to define what is right.
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DryBonesReborn's avatar
Not to mention firing due to Obama winning.

TBSchemer's avatar
Obama will go down in history as the worst president to ever win reelection.
DryBonesReborn's avatar
So far people think Carter is bad. People 'want' healthcare.
Reaperchris13's avatar
These are just companies making threats trying to control the system. Fuck them.
DryBonesReborn's avatar
What if they can't afford to pay them health care benefits?
Reaperchris13's avatar
I doubt Applebee's, Papa Johns, and the other large companies saying this shit can't afford it. These people don't care and probably haven't read much in to the bill. If it is small businesses you speak of then they aren't hurt as well. There are studies that show it.
ISolitude's avatar
You mean Obama won? Oh, I hadn't heard.


tune4jack's avatar
The overall abandonment of liberty

Do you expect to be taken seriously? He's not Stalin. How is ALL LIBERTY going to be abandoned? Do you have any concrete, unbiased evidence that Obama has a plan to eliminate all liberty in your country? How does he plan on doing this? Why are you the only one who knows? Are you privy to some special source of information? If you are you should contact the CIA since you apparently already know that the government plans to strip you any freedoms that you have.
Dkalban's avatar
He doesn't have any unbiased evidence. He's a FOX drone
Ragerancher's avatar
*Warning! Independent thought ditected! Terminate terminate TERMINAAAAAATE!*