congrats to prez Obumhole...four more shitty years to look forward to!!!!!

meanus's avatar
high gas prices
high unemployment
high poverty rate
high debt
the working class working twice as hard to pay off all Odumass's handouts to the ever increasing bum class

but don't worry america...Meanus will be here to critique God bama every fucked up step along the way!!!!
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3wyl's avatar
Please read the Forum Posting Guidelines before posting as this does not encourage discussion and should be in your journal. Furthermore, there are already many active threads about the re-election of Obama so please stick to one active thread per topic and contribute to discussion there.

FAQ #801: Are there any rules for the Forums?

Fairy-Red-Hime's avatar
Yes, you're clearly a mature and level-headed human being, I can take stock in your obviously educated, non-name-calling, and grammar-obeying opinion. :) ...oh wait.
ThePumpkinBloak's avatar
Oh jeez, quit whining already. If you're so good at foretelling the future you should have seen this coming. Even with a not so shiny record, Obama managed to hold off Romney. And why? Because the GOP failed to convince the common guy that they're on his side. Even the senior citizens got a scare this time because of Ryan and his voucher thing.

The bleak fat maggots that leeched off the people all the time have learned that no super PAC can buy an election and that is a comforting thought. If the GOP wants to maintain a role of significance it needs to lay off it's butt hurt obstructionism and get rid of it's image of a hub for all sorts of lobbyists, bigots, opportunists, zealots and whatever scum they represent. Despite all cold war trauma and other rhetoric the GOP turned out to be the ones that are not trusted by the masses and their intentions remain obscure to say the least. Hopefully we got rid of the carrot that kept dangling in front of the mule.
DragonQuestWes's avatar
It's okay meanus. Romney won too.

He was Obama's running mate and now Vice President.

They both agree on the same overall policies.
line-melte's avatar
Are you typing so badly because Obama's massive cock is in your mouth? :meow:
rellik1138's avatar
It's hot outside today
CouchyCreature's avatar
oh boohoo dude. Man up and be brave.
zodiacgal's avatar
Wonderful weather we're having!
TortelliniPen's avatar
It's okay to feel sad sometimes.
I had a burger today. :D
SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
Nah. I expected this result. He has four hard years to come. I wonder what will happen when the people that sees him as a saviour find out he cannot do everything he promissed , because is not an easy task. He has a huge mess in his hands and even if he can try to change some laws , the society will not change so easily.

The successful people will be sucessful under Obama and the messed up will continue messed up.
meanus's avatar
he certainly has inherited a huge mess from the last four years
CouchyCreature's avatar
LOL, not as bad as his first time round.
Smkiller's avatar
And we're going to pretend that it's allll hiiiis faaaault.
SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
The next four years are going to be "funny". When they can not do what they say they are foing to do, they can always blame the republicans. Ummm... excuses are coming...
Comment Flagged as Spam
VorpalPen's avatar
2%?! Not even close to the 20% decline in the market that we had under Bush. People REALLY loved being poor and lazy under Bush.
kitsumekat's avatar
The stock market crashes every few years.
kkart's avatar
Why did the stock market crash today? Europe and news that a large recession is almost a certainty & the European Union slashed its growth forecast for next year [link]

Why is it that people post without knowing facts and just throw out random stuff....sigh
meanus's avatar
it crashed because Obummer got re elected
VorpalPen's avatar
Just imagine if someone as unqualified as Zomney (or whatever his name was) got elected...we can only assume the crash would have been as bad as the one under Bush.
kkart's avatar
no it crashed because of what I stated. That is fact. read the article :)
Asnea's avatar
Have fun whining. lulz.