So Obama Wins Again...

KSXZT's avatar
What do you think? Did the best man win?

Or would Mitt Romney have been better?
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hbgoo's avatar
Four more years, but the good thing is that he won't run again.
saxeh's avatar
I knew he will win.
ARTificialphanTOM's avatar
People have too much expectation for this one person. He is president not emperor. Obama is a good guy with good intention but he can't wave his magic wand and fix all the ills of the U. S. The thing that made this country great was individual initiative and self reliance. The beauty of democracy is that we all share the power rather than give it to one person. Those who think Obama was the wrong choice, too bad, he is our president and its time to get to work. (Takes a bow after his long rambling motivational speech):-)
FaydenDane's avatar
Even if Romney won, the house is rebublican and the senate is democrat. It would be a standstill yet again and we can look forward to another 4 years of "Its the other guy's fault."
Reaperchris13's avatar
Luckily they are talking about a Filibuster Reform. Hopefully that stops the standstill and brings some resolution. I think we need to reform how things are done in general though.
FaydenDane's avatar
Well I agree with ~FerricPlushy that the middle-class, being a concern, should have proper attention directed towards it. Job training would definitely be helpful. Also, there is that hurdle with businesses not making money, and therefore cutting back in labor expenses which is counter-productive to what we're trying to do here. There has to be a balance truck and it won't happen unless congress stops the dick-measuring contests.
alice-hime's avatar
The first thing I thought after I heard Obama won was that the butts shall be hurting. lmao
Bullet-Magnet's avatar
Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos!
WeirdyMike's avatar
I would've preferred Romney, but eh, America is still America. It's a pretty damn good place to live anyways.

But do you know who REALLY should've been president? Vermin Supreme. :iconverminsupremeplz: Who doesn't like free ponies for every American?
MosstarKitteh's avatar
Obama didn't bring his change along for this election. The House is still Republican and the Senate is Democratic, so congress will continue to be at a standstill. Obama can't really do much with that said, although it doesn't really matter because he won't do anything with the powers he does have. He's all bark but no bite. :shrug:
Hyenaworks's avatar
So will Obama blame himself for the next four years? He just inherited an awful economy today.
rockstar1009's avatar
He should blame himself for the anemic stimulus plan. Economists agree that a larger stimulus would have turned the economy around, but he wanted to to keep the numbers under a trillion. :facepalm:

Still, the economy IS moving in the right direction. Just painfully slow. Job numbers and the stock market are both up from the day he took over for Bush, so he has improved things, just not by nearly enough at this point.
Scnal's avatar
Economies don't just reset themselves after x elections. He inherited a bad economy, that was bad when he first got it.
Hyenaworks's avatar
Obviously economic trends and issues often transcend terms. They're just as ridiculous taking credit as they are blaming each other. It's more of a team effort between the the Executive and Legislative with maybe a special guest referee with the Judicial.
Scnal's avatar
Of course. I must've misinterpreted your first comment, and thought you had a more "it's all Obama's fault" sense, though it seems that everyone who's replied to it has too.
TheNecco's avatar
Americans have spoken. They don't believe in the bullshit rightwing plague of religious extremism, limitation of rights, and reverse societal advances. Not to mention they saw right through Romney's lies.

It's sad enough that realistically, your only choices are between 2 crooks. It's not like any 3rd party candidate will EVER gain enough popularity.
Scnal's avatar
*The slight majority of Americans. Let's face it, we were very close to having to face all that.
TheNecco's avatar
This is very true. Extremism comes in phases, just be happy that the extreme right wing didn't get to power is all. Eventually it will shift back to left wing, it's just how politics work.
Dkalban's avatar
Not to mention way too many people are misinformed etc
DaBlackX's avatar
I think I just heard two muffled gunshots.

Bullet-Magnet's avatar
Don't say their names, they might appear!