Hugo Chavez forever?

First of all excuse me for my deficient English.

On next February Venezuelans will take part again in a few electoral assemblies to decide the approval or rejection of an offer of constitutional reform that will allow Chavez to be a candidate presidency all times he wish and knowing that possesses a popularity of 70 % them we suppose that if Chavez win the popular consultation of February 15, he will be a president of Venezuela for a long time.

The intention of this post is to show the results of the different studies of opinion brings about the offer of Chávez's amendment and this way to show a clearer panorama before the Referendum is carried out.


Not: those who reject the amendment
YES: those who approve the amendment

November, 2008. Datanalisis: NOT: 56 %; YES: 25.5 %
December, 2008. Hinterlaces: NOT: 61 %; YES: 32 %
December, 2008. Ecoanalitica: NOT: 65 %; YES: 31 %
December, 2008. GSI XXI: NOT: 42 %; YES: 53 %
December, 2008. Keller: NOT: 68 %; YES: 31 %
December, 2008. GSI XXI: NOT: 39 %; YES: 51 %
December, 2008. Datanalisis: NOT: 52 %; YES: 29 %
December, 2008. IVAD: NOT: 42 %; YES: 48 %
December, 2008. Consultores 21: NOT: 56 %; YES: 41 %
January, 2009. IVAD: NOT: 45.9 %; YES: 54 %
January, 2009. CECA: NOT 49%; YES: 39%

Ante todo pido disculpa por mi deficiente ingles.

En el mes de febrero los venezolanos participaremos de nuevo en unos comicios electorales para decidir la aprobación o rechazo de una propuesta de reforma constitucional que le permitirá ser candidato presidencia cuantas veces el desee y conociendo que el posee una popularidad del 70% es de suponer que de ganar la consulta popular del 15 febrero, Chávez será presidente de Venezuela por un largo tiempo.

La intención de esta entrada es mostrar los resultados de los diferentes estudios de opinión acerca de la propuesta de enmienda de Chávez para así mostrar un panorama más claro mucho antes de que se lleve a cabo el Referéndum.


No: los que rechazan la enmienda
SI: Los que aprueban la enmienda

Noviembre 2008. Datanalisis: NO: 56%; SI: 25.5%
Diciembre 2008. Hinterlaces: NO: 61%; SI: 32%
Diciembre 2008. Ecoanalitica: NO: 65%; SI: 31%
Diciembre 2008. GIS XXI: NO: 42%; SI: 53%
Diciembre 2008. Keller: NO: 68%; SI: 31%
Diciembre 2008. GIS XXI: NO: 39%; SI: 51%
Diciembre 2008. Datanalisis: NO: 52%; SI: 29%
Diciembre 2008. IVAD: NO: 42%; SI: 48%
Diciembre 2008. Consultores 21: NO: 56%; SI: 41%
Enero 2009. IVAD: NO: 45.9%; SI: 54%
Enero 2009. CECA: NO: 49%; SI: 39%

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unclesherman's avatar
Even if he wins this amendment, he will finish his term in office just like all the other little thugs that want power like he has, and that's with a bullet in the head, or getting blown to bits in his car.

Now if he was a pal to the United States, then when he lost power he could move to Miami and retire.

Screw Chavez, his days are numbered.
Poopgoblyn's avatar
Some day we will see the rise of Mecha Chavez. Viva Mecha Chavez!
new information

January, 2009. Hinterlaces: NOT: 54 %; YES: 46 %
January, 2009. GSI XXI: NOT: 40 %; YES: 55.9 %
February, 2009. IVAD: NOT: 39.5 %; YES: 47.5 %
February, 2009. NAOR: NOT: 38 %; YES: 54 %
February, 2009. Hinterlaces: NOT: 49 %; YES: 44 %
webnatu's avatar
Man, he is at it again? Didn't he get the message already?
Because of people like Chavez I'm embarrass to say I'm from south america, honestly who put him there.
Gush do as all south americans a favor and put that clown in the circus where he belongs. Send him to the cartel maybe he'll get shot.
Scarrl's avatar
I've always like the concept of term limits. Forced change.

Just because the people like someone enough to keep electing them doesn't negate the fact that "the people" don't know jack shit about what's actually best for them. Ergo, you're better off running as many leaders through the system as possible to find a healthy overall average. Or something. Not sure where that's going.
shashaveli's avatar
Its going nowhere in fact.
Shidaku's avatar
I would agree that these tend to be the precursor to a dictatorship, I think Hugo Chavez would do his country well to have somebody new elected and keep himself on the sidelines as a sort of "face" for the nation. Sorta like how France's President has power, but only truly on foreign affairs, and the PM does all the national stuff.
MichelleBurnette's avatar
This seems to be how dictatorships form from democracies. The next step would be for him to have a good hand in the election, messing with the results, or intimidating political dissident/opponents.
thisbusinessofart's avatar
because Canada, with its lack of term-limits, is sliding into dictatorship as we speak.
MichelleBurnette's avatar
Canadians having not having term limits is differet from a specific leader proposing it, and letting himself benefit from it.
thisbusinessofart's avatar
not really. The end result is exactly the same: that there are no term limits, that he or any other leader can stay on as long as they are reelected. I don't think it would matter one bit if William Lyon Mackenzie King had proposed to end term limits and then went on to become Canada's longest serving Prime Minister, rather than simply benefiting from a lack of any existing term limit.
webnatu's avatar
Is that a joke?
thisbusinessofart's avatar
:lol: maybe?

the correct answer is yes.
webnatu's avatar
Let me get this straight maybe I understood wrong.
You honestly think, that after having Dion become the leader of the liberal party (how? it scapes me), and having Duceppe, disagreeing with anything the federal does or say.
And now, having Michael Ignatiff blow the coalition and actually passing Harper's budget, all this is not democratic?
Dude, there's the bloc, the NDP, the liberals, and then the conservatives, all running and debating, plus is a minority government, isn't that what democracy is about?
How can you have 4 parties and call it a dictatorship?
thisbusinessofart's avatar
You asked if I was joking, and I said "the correct answer is yes." And then you took that to be a no?

Maybe you missed the point. The person had said that removing term limits is the first step to ending a democracy and turning it into a dictatorship. I used sarcasm to point to a country that has never had term limits and is about as far away from dictatorship as they currently get in this world. That's the point: having no term limits, on its own, will not end democracy. In fact, term limits are essentially undemocratic, but that's an argument for another day.
webnatu's avatar
that's why I said I might be wrong
OuroborosCobra's avatar
Your lack of an emote to make clearly sarcastic is scaring me :fear:
New study

January, 2009. Datanalisis NOT 48.1; YES: 51.5
spcefrk's avatar
Term limits are not necessarily a great thing. Suppose your currently leader is doing an unusually great job. Are two terms (as in the US) enough if he still feels up to the task and the country is still behind him? Why arbitrarily limit the number of terms he can run (particularly when mortality has a nice way of fixing that on its own).

Maybe the best use of a term limit is that the incumbent can't effectively hold the country for ransom every election season (touting some crisis as reason enough to 'stay the course';). The founding fathers (of the US) put a lot of trust in the American electorate not to choose complete idiots but were clever enough to put in some protections in the event that we do. Some of them are annoyances when we disagree with them at the time and others are heralded as genius when they save us from ourselves.
Hyenaworks's avatar
Ask Washington why he stepped down after the second term even though he was the most popular president in US history. :)
Iron-Confederate's avatar
There is a legal concept that is called "coattailling." If the well performed president has spent his term limits, he can send in another guy in his place and to main tain. However, coatailling can be good unless the guy that has been picked for substitution is a total dolt.
OuroborosCobra's avatar
You and I seem to have closed this one up. Want to talk about the FCC and spectrum selling (as opposed to licensing)? I'm opposed.
spcefrk's avatar
Wouldn't be much of a debate :D

I am, however, getting a Kenwood D710A and matching AvMap G5 for APRS balloon/rocket tracking and ARES/RACES work. Might go so far as putting a weather station on my Land Rover and chasing storms. But that would come later.