Is alien abduction a right wing conspiracy?

are aliens being paid by the bush administration to abduct democrats...thus preventing them from voting in elections or even perhaps doing a brain transfer on them so they can start thinking logically again. Evidence has indicated alien abductions have increased during the bush presidency...even Dennis Kucinich says aliens were after him for awhile.
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anjules's avatar
Ugh. Troll thread.

lorcth's avatar
What use would aliens have with our money? They carry around diamonds as currency. Have you never watched The Day the Earth Stood Still?
they could use the money to buy video games....I doubt they have wouldnt be logical for them to develop games about blasting alien spacecraft since they were doing it in reality......but I still think the aliens would enjoy some doom or whatever...Halo maybe
punkdaddy74's avatar
I feel dumber just for reading this thread
keep reading and maybe you will get dumberer
punkdaddy74's avatar
Do you actually believe the nonsense you write?
I actually believe you will read it
antilogy's avatar
Don't worry, the whole truth will be revealed to the masses in a documentary being released very soon! It's called x-files; don't miss out on the truth people!!!!!!
dude, where have you been there are already tons of these x files on the web and it has nothing to do with space....its about SEX
bagshotrow's avatar
"are aliens being paid by the bush administration to abduct democrats...thus preventing them from voting in elections or even perhaps doing a brain transfer on them so they can start thinking logically again."

A brain transfer from whom?
obviously from someone who no longer needs their brain......
bagshotrow's avatar
So we just pull out the republican voter registry and pick people at random?
Im no scientist although Im prob smart enough to figure it out theory is that it begins with a sort of mind meld like spock does......then, if he brain is considered fertile and there are enough brain cells, more logical and altogether thought processes are imprinted on virgin brain cells and the stuff on bad cells is erased or destroyed. Keep in mind democrat voters have been proven to be not so sharp in the head....remember in florida...every single voter that was to stupid to do something as numbingly mundane as vote was trying to vote for Gore I have been told......think about it...(if you can) otherwise you might in fact be a prime candidate for brain transfer watch it!!!
Upsilon400's avatar
So that's why I cover my butthole whenever I hear Bush's voice.
No, aliens don't work for Bush. He's too dumb to lead an army of superintelligent beings. No offense, republicans... I think most politicians are dumb.

you dont normally keep your butthole covered dude? Thats nasty and I bet your mother would be ashamed of you
Upsilon400's avatar
No, I totally bought into the Gangstalicious fasion line.

xxstoopid-star-boyxx's avatar
Thats insane...
Everyone knows the pope is behind all the alien abductions
And its all to get their hands on precious honey...GawsH!!!
I seriously think that alien abduction has been involved n the Obama case.....first that guys says adamantly that he will bring all the troops home in 2009.....then he said 16 to 20 months after becoming president.....then he said it would be based on conditions on the ground.....and lastly he said he must leave them there for their own safety?????? How does leaving someone in Iraq make them more safe. Obviously there is a blatant use of alien technology going on inside obama head.......and whats up with nobody being able to figure out where the guys from, who were his parents, were they black white red etc. Is he a muslim, christian, or liberal did he attend church for 2o years and never hear what the preacher said.....why was he a liberal before he became a conservative....does he like the clintons or hate their guts...........does anybody out there have any reputable information about this guy?????
Th3-F4ll3n's avatar
lol, just plain lol.
never shake hands with a little green man....usually they spend lots of time playing with their little green penises...
mci021's avatar
+ 5 points for creative presentation.

- 5 million points for being totally fucking insane.

Serisouly, I've seen better points made by people who are legitimately missing chromosomes.
Sarusuke's avatar
even Dennis Kucinich says aliens were after him for awhile

No, he said the UFOs connected with his heart and gave him directions.