Help me find the perfect religion

LizzyChrome's avatar
I think religion is a good idea in principal, but I am struggling to find the perfect one. It seems every religion I look at contains one fatal flaw that is impossible for me to overlook or excuse.

For example, one certain religion has a long history of violence and oppressing women. People following this religion have conquered other cultures, chopped off heads, limited women's freedoms, and probably killed children. I am speaking of course of Taoism, the religion of Ancient Imperial China. Many Taoists today are very prejudiced against Japanese people, which is evidence for what a flawed and intolerant religion Taoism truly is.

The next religion I wish to discuss is also imperialistic. It's the dominant religion of a certain nation that frankly had no right to exist in the first place. The people living in this country now have no business being in someone else's homeland, and should have no trouble going back home to Germany, Poland or Russia, so why do they insist on staying in a land that is not theirs? Luckily, there are some good Christians in the world who don't support America, and who realize that the United States must be wiped off the map. The only hope for ending the racial tensions in that region of the world is for the Europe colonists to give back the land they stole from the Indians and go home to Europe. 

Then there's the religion that's just backwards. The one that believes being gay is a sin, abortion is bad, and thinks the Earth was made in 6 days of 24 hours. Yes, I'm talking about Judaism. 

Please, someone help me. Where can I find a religion that has no bigotry, no misogyny, no conflict with science, no history of imperialism or violence, and no intolerance? 
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smolmedium's avatar
Witchcraft! It's magick.

Any witch will tell you it doesn't conflict with science. ;)

And you get to follow your own path.

But, Wicca is the technical "religion." Witchcraft is just a practice.
Gyzmo-Grim's avatar
Satanism. Then again it's a newer thing but from looking at the Church of Satan's website it actually doesn't sound all that bad. The only thing I don't like about it is that if you don't keep in mind that they are trying to say "Stick up for yourself" it can sound like it's saying if someone is being mean/cruel to you or something like that you should punch them in the face.
Pussyism it"s good for you
QueenMimi011's avatar
Unitarian Universalism: we respect your beliefs no matter what.
we have Jews and Christians and Muslims and Buddhists and atheist and agnostics and everything in between, and we have a Standing On The Side Of Love comapiagn supporting the LBGT community. We believe in democracy and fair justice and helping  people. 
Basically, you'll be free to explore your beliefs in an accepting environment that will respect your truths.
Armorknightmaster's avatar
There is Catholicism. And I swear, the first person to mention the Crusades or the Inquisition will get a long-winded rant on why neither of those were uncalled for.
SlimT's avatar
you're problem is that you assume you're ideals are perfect. they aren't.
Notadrugdealer's avatar
Satanism. It worships the theoretical satan which is just normal human nature. It basically says "Hey, its okay to be human. Accept it."
littlemisskayakocos's avatar
I say instead of following someone else's beliefs follow your own.
Religon is belief in someone else's experiences. Spirituality is having your own experiences. -Deepak Chopra
seonji's avatar
Come join the Jehovah's Witnesses, haha :D

Been getting the idea of "Our religion is the most perfect and pure; all other religions are tainted by evil and immorality." thing etched into my very mind by the J.W. deacons and elders ever since I could even speak as a 1 year old. ;) Perhaps you could try it to?
LizzyChrome's avatar
Sounds like fun! I've always wondered about masochism! 
seonji's avatar
Sounds like just the perfect thing for all evil smile 
Kanpake's avatar
Before I say this, I have nothing against religion (as long as it does not involve the harm of others).

Now that that's out of the way, I have a simple question -- rather, questions -- for you (and any other follower of any religion): Why follow the beliefs of others? I mean, why not just build your own beliefs? What do you believe? Is there a god? What is right or wrong?

I personally find it strange to take in the uniform religion of others, especially when said religion believes outrageous products of imagination based upon no evidence/proof/fact whatsoever.

The perfect religion (belief, rather) you seek is the one of your own creation.
QueenMimi011's avatar
This is exactly the ideals of Unitarian Universalism, how about that. :D
Titiany's avatar
LizzyChrome's avatar
I usually hate the Flying Spaghetti Monster joke, but if that's the official name of the religion then I'm converting!
Titiany's avatar
You and me both I recon! I love my pasta.
IzAc95's avatar
You will not find any utopian religion, friend. That because, as far as I know, there is none.
May I ask you why you seek a religion like this? Is it so you can abide to it? If so, perhaps it`s much better to just follow your own intuition, to have a religion and a code of your own. 
Cheers! :D 
Impious-Imp's avatar

wait no..worshipping a crazy megalomaniac starship captain may only be half as bad as worshipping the Christian god but it's up there.

maybe try the jedi religion? the circle of life?
LizzyChrome's avatar
How about Picardism: The belief that if you run into a society that practices euthanasia on perfectly healthy people who don't want to die, you respect the aliens' "culture." :nod: 
Impious-Imp's avatar
Prefer Siskoism.

If your patience runs out, make gumbo
Zatarian's avatar
Really? Your biggest problem with Judaism is that we believe an omnipotent God created the universe in six days?
Teri corrections:
Abortion isn't bad. There are times when it is allowed in Judaism.
It's not a sin to be gay. It's a sin to act on it.

If you would like to do more research you can, but it looks like you were just trying to bash religion in general. So what were you trying to accomplish with this thread other than since your bigotry?
Impious-Imp's avatar
Abortion, just like murder, is only allowed when god says so.

Moses, go rape and pillage your neighbors and keep the unwed virgin girls for yourself

you think your wife is cheating? go take her to a priest and he'll poison her and see if she's pregnant. guilty until proven innocent.

gotta love those wholesome stories
Zatarian's avatar
I think you're confusing the Christian interpretation with the the Jewish interpretation.