Do Aborted Children Go To Heaven?

willtommo's avatar
If you believe in an afterlife then they must go somewhere, right..?
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Zetikla's avatar
what about kids that died at birth?
thankGodsomuch's avatar
M1n1dr10d-Y0D0's avatar
That really depends on when the abortion took place. If it happened before the brain developed, then the child has no consciousness, and is as such nothing more than a lump of flesh. Now if it happened later on, then... I'll have to ask God when I meet him.

Hello! Some sh*thead posted some gross images. If you're squeamish, I will help you by making my message have tons of period marks so you have to scroll down to see it.
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Rhapsodna's avatar
Eh I've seen better from /b/ :yawn:
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Sluttylikesithot's avatar
It's okay just do not post it again.
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Rhapsodna's avatar
At least post pics of decaptided women
Sluttylikesithot's avatar
whats on the link they posted?
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Azulcat8's avatar
In heaven with god and jesus.
Even more important, do fertilized eggs that do not implant and are flushed out of the body, go to heaven.  Somewhere around 25% to 50% of all fertilized eggs do not implant and are lost.  I guess that means that heaven would be somewhere between a quarter and half full of lost fertilized eggs.  Geez, someones god is very weird that he's do something like that.
UsagiToxic's avatar
Just like non-baptized infants they go straight to Hell.
thrallath's avatar
If I remember correctly in terms of Christianity all humans conceived have original sin and you can not go to heaven if their is sin on your soul.
That being said all these aborted babies would all go to hell. But because we believe in an all merciful god we believe that these babies would be granted
access into heaven because they were never given the chance to remove that sin. This same rule also applies to individuals who were born and never had the chance to
learn of god.

Of course we don't know for sure until well we ourselves die. As for the limbo thing limbo was a place
where all souls waited before the gates of heaven was open. When Jesus died and rose to heaven that
was when the gates were open. Not that people can get into heaven limbo is now empty and no longer used. 

Hopefully I got this right I don't want to say that's absolute and be wrong so if any other Catholic knows the
definite answer to that let me know plz haha.
willtommo's avatar
Most of the answers I've received are that these children go to limbo.

The issue with the idea that God is merciful and allows aborted children into Heaven is that it makes life pointless. If they get into heaven anyway, then aren't we doing them a favour by aborting them?
thrallath's avatar
Sorry it took me a while to respond. But thats a good question that I didn't even quite know the answer to right off the bat so I looked some stuff up.

I guess in a way it could still be counted as a favor if their being taken up into heaven because heaven is the ultimate goal but their were two important things that didn't make it okay.

The first was that one wrong doesn't make it a right. Regardless of where the baby goes it is still counted as murder and is a sin thus making the child's death unacceptable.

The other was that god had a plan for that child and by killing the child not only did it defeat gods plan but all that that child was supposed to grow up to be was ultimately taken away from him. Though heaven is the ultimate goal the gift of life is one of gods greatest gifts and we just took that gift from another human being.

Essentially it's not life its self that is pointless but rather that the babies life that they have lived so far had became pointless the moment they died.
SAD-z's avatar
Or does a soul simply abort life?
Being born does not create the soul, the soul incarnates.
Many things can happen in the process of life.
Sometimes life is aborted, sometimes life is not wanted.
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catsglade's avatar
Sources on children having PTSD with no known cause?
i-hate-trolls's avatar
Yes, but they show up as horribly mutilated little angels.

Sorry, I'm an atheist. I couldn't resist. I guess if there was an all just, all powerful God, there would have to be an afterlife because He could make one, and nobody could be more innocent than an aborted child, so we could be sure that they would be looked after, because to leave them uncared for would be unjust. How comforting it must be to believe such things. I wish they were true.
willtommo's avatar
A more cocky atheist would say that if aborted kids go to heaven, then we would be doing them a favour by aborting them.
i-hate-trolls's avatar
I'm not cocky. I just have a strange sense of humor.