male pregancy

Rhapsodna's avatar
It is possible but do you think it's right?
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Gyzmo-Grim's avatar
Hey, my sister has known trans men who have had kids naturally, so I see nothing wrong with it.
Ragerancher's avatar
No it isn't possible. It can only happen with a woman who has had a sex change.

In such a scenario I don't think it is right. Sure you can have a sex change but that means signing up to the various aspects of that sex change. Going from female to male should mean no preganancy because men don't get pregnant. If you want to go for some 3rd mixed gender that is another issue, and one I'm not supportive of. Things like homosexuality, bisexuality etc all exist naturally as do 2 genders. If you feel you were the wrong gender then that is ok in my opinion but going for some mashup 3rd gender is completely unnatural and should not be encouraged.
AspiePie's avatar
I actually did show a link showing it was possible in this thread!
Ragerancher's avatar
It's also possible to take high levels of arsenic and survive. The method in your link is excessively risky and is not actually a male pregancy, it's simply sticking an embryo in a male body and then cutting it out again.
AspiePie's avatar
Close enough till we really get some good science!
Ragerancher's avatar
Not really, putting the host and baby in exceptionally risky circumstances just to fulfill a bizarre desire is stupid and should not go ahead. If we develop the means to do it properly, then by all means but not until then.
KittyNocturna's avatar
A man with pms and eventually grouchy old man syndrome and menopause at the same time? I see doom!
Internetexplorer968's avatar
No and no. No because they lack the organs. And no because male pregnacy fetish is already a thing. It would add more people to take abortions. We don't need any more baby spawning humans.
AspiePie's avatar
I showed a link showing it was theoretically possible... Mind you a few centuries ago atomic energy was theory....  
Internetexplorer968's avatar
Wikipedia isn't a 100% trustworthy site to get such evidence. Anyway, Syngnathidae species carry the eggs of the female in its pouch/brooch. "The eggs are merely attached to the male's trunk or tail when the female lays them." So by their words, they think if a rooster carried an egg in its pouch and it hatched, they'd call it birth.
I don't think these two can be compared on the same level. Reason why atomic theory stayed that way for a long time was because people did not have the technology to test them.
CloneTrooperTwelve's avatar
That's actually a fetish? lmao
Internetexplorer968's avatar
It is. XD And it's worse than other fetishes I've seen like tickle and foot. Even Encyclopedia Dramatica can't handle it. Animes are polluted with this crap. XD
CloneTrooperTwelve's avatar
Anime is full of that shit anyway. So I'm not surprised.
moonlight311's avatar
lol no it not right...the kid will be so it my mom or my dad
SlimT's avatar
is it right? depends on the context, and depends on your belief system. as allways moral subjectivity is acceptable.

it seems pretty pointless to me
TheMisterMan2's avatar
I have a feeling this would solve every abortion
debate ever. Was it Carlin or Williams or maybe Seinfeld who said "let men get pregnant, abortion clinics will be like Starbucks, there'll be two on every corner."

So do I think its right? Eh, sure lets mess with mother nature as much as we can cause yay human innovation. I don't have a right/wrong view on it honestly simply because I don't see myself giving birth to little me's outa my dick. Which I know it probably wouldn't still be a dick for convince of the doctors or whatever, but still I don't see myself signing up for it.
Stardust-Supernova's avatar
ilove u XD 

it's soo true 

>.> my bf wants babies.

and I asked him if he could be pregnant instead of me, would he?

and he was like no.

Guess he doesn't want to be a fat balloon that waddles around and rolls out of bed akwardly, ugh the thought is so unpleasant :l
neraksel's avatar
Haha, i'm gonna ask my bf that question. I think he's gonna say yes tho. :s
TheMisterMan2's avatar
Well y'all gotta go through a alotta pain. With the whole birthing and what not, and then if you can't do that they have to do some rambo extraction shit and cut you open. I can't speak for him but I personally am not too fond of being cut open. If there was a way you could just like teleport babies out, yunno "Scotty beam me up" style then this whole article would be so much more simpler.
Stardust-Supernova's avatar
hush, you wish u were born with a vagina :P

all the bleeding and birthing :D 
TheMisterMan2's avatar
I wish I was like telekebirthic. I think it up and its befoee me. We'd have a lot of fun weird shit that way.
Stardust-Supernova's avatar
lol I wish that too then my bf could have more then one child. >_> but for now we only having 1 in 5 years.
Why would it be wrong? The religious folks are all mentally ill since they believe there's a magic man in the clouds that grants wishes therefore they have zero say in anything. 

There's nothing wrong with a male being pregnant if the technology becomes possible