is not worshipping god that much bad?

ewolf20's avatar
 im a christian who mostly worships god occasionally. my mother always keep on shoving god a few times and begs me read the bible when i just want do holy things on my own accord and will and acknowledge god when he needs to be mentioned somehow. i love god but sometimes i fear that if a ever stop worshiping him or only just go to him for just simple things my life would be ruin as some of my family members claim would happen.
christianity limits my enjoyment as most of the things i do are perceived to be bad to god's eyes. like me not mind if a guy dates a guy or a woman dating a woman i just don't at all. but can agree that don't normally do violent things or look up that much squick( for the most part a don't really like fetishes that much). seem to do things that most christians despised but i find them fun to enjoy.

so is it that bad to do just believe god is real than tell everyone to worship him as if it's required to. let people enjoy there lives for what they are.    
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BlushingBeauty0's avatar
I hate worshipping false idols.
TheCunningCondor's avatar
I hate it when people view religion as a set of rules or dos and donts. Religion is one's philosophy on life. Not a set of boundaries to hold you down.

I'm not religious, but I have zero problems with the idea of religion.

I will say that any god who punishes a person for thinking for themselves rather than have the rules spoonfed to them is not a god worth of worship. If you don't believe in a god, that's absolutely fine. I you do, same thing.
macker33's avatar
I know i'm probably being as picky as fvck and it might be a catholic thing but you should spell God with a capital G.

What you need to be careful of getting scruples, scruples are things you think are bad but arent actually bad, Christianity is very easy to live with because it has so few rules.
   Dont artificially add to your "yoke", Gay lifestyle is totally wrong though.
ewolf20's avatar
Alphabeta97's avatar
"let people enjoy there lives for what they are."

Agreed, wholeheartedly. 
Amuscaria's avatar
If you want to stay a Christian, my suggestion is to NEVER read the Bible from cover to cover. The quickest way to deconvert yourself is to read that text front to back and make up your own mind about what it means; as you will see, all the crazy things people say about is actually there.
macker33's avatar
Why? what happens if you read the bible cover to cover? i read it and i'm just fine
TwistedSynapses's avatar
It's a fairly common opinion. The scriptures are packed with things that might cause a person to recoil. 
macker33's avatar
 Too many people looking at the whats and not the whys
TwistedSynapses's avatar
This is a valid point.
Can't form meaningful opinions without a few "whys".
macker33's avatar
All these people are interested in are sound bites, stats and data
ewolf20's avatar
Great , now I have created a flame war on to this page. Fine by me then
kitsumekat's avatar
That's the best part about the forums.
Meow-Mic's avatar

That's what I'm told, but I don't even believe in such a thing.
Do what you like. Besides what does god do for you?

My body is ready...
Dragonic-Paradox's avatar
Some people: "God is a perfect being, who needs no justification. But still, if you don't justify him by openly praising everything he does at least once a week he'll throw your soul into a pit of fire for all eternity."
The-Abyss-Watcher's avatar
Christianity is a strange set of beliefs. According to my religion "worship" = "work for".
Niflem's avatar
God is giving us freedom and liberty of choices. He realised that that was necessary with Adam and Eve. For that, God won't punish you. He won't sacrifice someone or something like money to make you forced. But you do get blessed if you practice your religion. And upon blessings, many miracles happen, at least many happened with my family and I.
And you should really read the Bible because considering yourself as a Christian shouldn't just be believing God, but also to know about the Bible. I personally don't recall that we have to tell everyone to worship Him, but I do personally believe important to show people His ways (values and stuff related to the Ten commandments)
ewolf20's avatar
I do read the often at church and home
Dragonflae's avatar
>claims to be a Christian
>hasn't read the Bible.

You do not get to call yourself a Christian when you don't know what the fuck Christianity is.

Read the damn thing--there's modern English translations available--and THEN decide if you believe in it or not.

And don't tell me "but if I don't believe, I'll go to Hell!"

That's bullshit.

You don't have to believe in Hell, either. 
Amuscaria's avatar
If the requirement of being a Christian is predicated on reading the Bible, 90% of Christians wouldn't be Christians.
Dragonflae's avatar
Then we have Christians and Morons. 
3Ravens98's avatar
Everyone worships God in their own way, you shouldn't feel bad that your way happens to be different than how your family does.