When is the soul created? (from these options)

SerenissimaLuna's avatar
A - At the same time as conception

B - When the heart first beats (5 weeks, however it is only the size of a sesame seed at this time)

C - When it first resembles a human (10-12 weeks) 90% of abortions are performed at 13 weeks or earlier.

D - The baby becomes aware of surroundings, can hear music and voices and becomes responsive, such as reacting to loud noises (19-20 weeks)

E - The age at which abortion becomes illegal, except in certain circumstances (24 weeks) the youngest born baby to survive was 22 weeks old

F - When the baby starts to dream (28 weeks)

G - At Birth.

H - None of the above, the soul doesn't exist.

Now, using your own idea of what the soul might be, whether it be; Consciousness, Religious, Spiritual, Life or Non Existing.

Say when you think the soul begins and leave a comment why you think it to be true, to me, there is no right or wrong answer here, i'm just interested to see what people think about this :)

Please feel free to use your own answer, you don't have to stick to my options, i believe the Islamic view is the soul enters the body after 120 days (17 weeks) but i wanted to keep my options strictly to the physical development of the baby. :)

Thanks :)
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Codfish107's avatar
How i view the whole matter of souls and spirits is similar to how it is viewed in "His Dark Materials". With that being said, souls are created before conception/creation of a living thing and join with a spirit and/or body at the moment of conception/creation.
Makcake's avatar
H... There is no proof of the soul. Is it physical? If so, where is it located? Our brains and nervous system control our thoughts and feelings. Is it spiritual? If so, where is the proof?
SpaceRocker1994's avatar
when the baby starts to dream, though i believe the soul is heavily intertwined with the brain, therefore i do not believe anencephalic infants have souls(criticize me all you want on that, it's just what i believe)
macker33's avatar
At conception

There was a heresy way way back that believed in the pre-existence of souls.
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
Say if God knows that a human soul is going to come into existence, doesn't the soul come into existence when God did?
macker33's avatar
God has always been, a new person is a new being
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
Yes but add a whole heap of omni- as prefixes to words and as soon as God conveived the idea of a person the person will come into existence, there should not be any "maybes", "ifs" or "buts", the person exists when God conceives them.
macker33's avatar
People conceive people, people actually have a will independent of God
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
But if you consider omni-God, omni-God already knows each person's choice, is this correct?
macker33's avatar
Whats the choice in all this?
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MatRou's avatar

I find a great deal of romanticism in the Buddhist ideas about the flame of life though --- it hasn't got much at all to do with the western concept of souls, except that it is what gives us life. Part of this concept is that it's eternal, passing on from one being to another at death.
SerenissimaLuna's avatar
Buddhism does have some nice idea's about life and how to live it i agree :)

RedvioletStorm's avatar
H, I'm not religious and don't see why humans should be considered somehow different from animals when we all evolved and came from the same essential biology.
SerenissimaLuna's avatar
Well everything on earth comes from the same building blocks of course and you would have to be incredibly ignorant to deny evolution has taken place to create humans, but i don't think it conflicts with a belief in God or a Soul, I mean the Archbishop of Canterbury, the old one, Rowan Williams stated he believes evolution took place, as did the Pope i believe, so i don't think that's really in question.

Thanks for your opinion, H certainly seems the most common answer :)
stoneman123's avatar
Well, I'd say the soul was created hundreds of thousands of years ago by our primitive ancestors as a supernatural explanation for the phenomenon of consciousness, snark snark. :XD:

That's H, in other words. Honestly, you can't even prove such a thing exists. How would any mere pedestrian have such insight?
SerenissimaLuna's avatar
Ohh snarky :P 

I think if something can't be proved or disproved, then you can neither be right or wrong, it amazes me how totally sure people can be of their opinions when they are each giving different opinions, Partly why i asked this question :D

AndyVRenditions's avatar
energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another. the soul in the old man that we mourn, existed in him as a thriving adult, existed in him as a happy child, existed in him as a baby, and as a fetus, when his first movements were evoked from him. and beforehand, the coming together of his parents resulted in the abundance of energy from their souls, which transcended itself into his life creation. as such came into the world his parents, and his grandparents, his ancestors and primates. energies of harmonies between bodies and spirits transcend and transcend, but are not so much created nor destroyed, as they have always been and continue to be
macker33's avatar
There is a view called traducianism which believes the child at conception gets its soul from its parents,
   Not unlike how a child gets its dna from its parents
SerenissimaLuna's avatar
So you see the soul as an energy which has always been and always will be, That's an interesting idea and nicely written too :)

pragtige's avatar
If souls did exist I'd assume they couldn't be created or destroyed. They're always there.
SerenissimaLuna's avatar
You're going down the energy route as well :D

MarginalSanity's avatar
I do not believe in a soul (random spirit thing apart from our body) so technically H , however I do believe that its wrong to abort at any stage after conception.
SerenissimaLuna's avatar
Ahh well abortion is a different topic, i simply showed those abortion statistics to show how advanced the baby is at certain stages, personally, i think abortion is something which is an individual decision, accidental/unwanted pregnancies happen but to say every single accidental pregnancy should result in a birth even if the person isn't ready nor capable to look after the child is detrimental to the mother and the child imo, i mean, if a woman was raped, and became pregnant, why should she have to give birth to that child? If a 13 year old girl becomes pregnant, even though she is a child herself, why should she have to give birth to that child? I think it can only ever be an individual decision :)

I'll put you as a H, Thanks :D
MarginalSanity's avatar
Ahhhh ok :)
Personally if your 18 plus and get pregnant from consensual sex or at a party where you got drunk and had a one night stand, you should carry the child reguardless, people hsve to take the consequences of your actions, aborting is wrong 100% in those cases

As for rape, definitely a personal decision, i mean it really isnt the kids fault its thrre, so why kill it? Kill the rapist if you must kill someone.
And why would a 13 year old get pregnant if not rape?

Okies :3 though i believe life starts at conception :)