Good news!

greenstables's avatar
If you were convicted of a crime and sentenced to death and an innocent person offered to take your punishment for you, wouldn't you let them? Or if you found out a long time ago someone died and said 'this is to cover the punishment for all the guilty people' wouldn't you be overjoyed that your life was saved?

Someone already has died for you! About two thousands years ago God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to come to earth as a mortal man and to die for EVERYONE.  He took the punishment for our crimes (our sins, every wrong or bad thing we've ever done or ever will done).  He took the punishment so that we wouldn't have to be sentenced to an eternity in Hell! That's what we deserve, but He loved us so much that he offers to save us from that.  All we have to do is ask Him to forgive us and wash away our sins and He will!  He already died for us, but He gives us the choice if we want to accept him or not.

God wants everyone to come to Him and repent of their sins.  He wants everyone to live with Him forever in His perfect heaven!  The price has already been paid for our sins; all we have to do is accept God's free gift of salvation!  What choice will you make?
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kaikaku's avatar
If you were convicted of a crime and sentenced to death and an innocent person offered to take your punishment for you, wouldn't you let them?


TheArtOfCBYoung's avatar
"If you were convicted of a crime and sentenced to death and an innocent person offered to take your punishment for you, wouldn't you let them"-

Why are you even asking that? Of course not. I would act like the decent person that I am, and I would man up and take responsibility for my actions. What kind of psychopath do you have to be to let someone else be punished for what you did?!
AdamKass's avatar
Come on now.  We all know that the real savior is the FSM.  For He boiled for your sins until He was al dente, and saw He was good.  All you have to do is welcome the loving embrace of His Noodly Appendage and salvation shall be yours... Along with an infinite supply of meatballs.
DarkSideSatan369's avatar
if I were Jesus I would have hurt them and taught them a lesson not to mess with me.
DOTB18's avatar
I'm sorry, but like most sane people, I find the notion of vicarious redemption through human sacrifice to be disgusting, immoral and barbaric.

Have a nice delusion.
Rhapsodna's avatar
Trained-Toaster's avatar
You don't give someone/thing a choice and get mad at them/it for making the 'wrong' one....... i'll take my chances.
ItsNotFilia's avatar
Where's the discussion topic? Or is this just flame bait you're using?
hannoth's avatar
If someone took my death penalty for me and I'd get away scot free, why would I go back and ask forgiveness for a punishment that isn't for me anymore.
I'd just be more careful not to get caught should I want to do it again.
MareDoWrite's avatar
He took away God's wrath that everyone was going to face, and provided a new way to heaven. It's like if someone buys countless tickets, each for every soul, and offers a ticket in exchange for asking for true forgiveness from sinning and truly trusting him? you would have to do that first and then get the ticket to heaven.
hannoth's avatar
but then he didn't die for our sins, then he died for the option of salvation which also was there before his death by conversion.
empiredice's avatar
Actually I'd call out the justice system on how fucked up and disproportionate their "justice" is.
amberhelf's avatar
Another Christian thing, SERIOUSLY! suck for that!

Okay now that that's out of my system, if I went on a serial killing spree, and was stupid enough to let myself get caught, and was on death row, and if some idiot wanted to take my place I would definitely have no problem with it.  I get to live and there is one less stupid person in the world, there's nothing wrong with taking advantage of the stupid.  
MareDoWrite's avatar
actually, you would have to ask for forgiveness first and put your complete trust in God in exchange for that. That "Stupid" person was someone who actually cared for you and loved you and couldn't stand for you to die, so he provides you a way. This kind of thing tells me that people don't know what love truly is, and is only a thing of fiction.
amberhelf's avatar
I know what love is dumbass, I am so sick of this Christian thing, I was speaking in a general context that didn't include the idiocy of that religion.  
Hurricaneclaw's avatar
That... actually sounds awful.  No thanks.
Weird-Black-Cat's avatar
:iconinternetsatan:wants your soul!!!!
TimLavey's avatar
I would let them take my place, but only because I'd take advantage of a fucked up system and a fucking moron willing to take my place on the death row. It's not in any way right, just or sane. Plus the whole unbelievable Jesus story with him taking on my future doings not approved of his father who's also himself (sins) because forgiveness cannot be unconditionally given without pleasing a primitive craving for blood sacrifices is just fucked up on a whole other level.
MareDoWrite's avatar
The law of God stated that if we disobeyed him from the beginning, the punishment would be death. We disobeyed him, and we deserve God's wrath because that's Justice. Jesus stepped forward who committed no wrong and offered to take our place to cover our sins. He knew what he was doing. So Jesus lived on earth, cried, became angry, and happy like any other human does. God didn't crave blood, Justice demanded death as payment for what we did. that's why they would sacrifice perfect, spotless lambs as a way to cover their sins. You can imagine that's a lot of sheep! But Jesus died as the ultimate sacrifice because he loved us that much. That is pure love, and it is sad to me that many are blind of what love truly is.
TimLavey's avatar
I don't think the "law of God" make sense or is just and loving, so it really doesn't matter to me that you think that your god thinks that his system is awesome. I say it's rubbish. If someone is guilty of a crime they are to be punished, not an innocent party, not a sheep, not anyone else except for the guilty criminal. That's justice.

Also, according to your mythos, Jesus is God in a revealed disguise and is alive and well ruling over the universe, so please don't tell me he made the ultimate sacrifice when he at the most had a shit weekend. I myself would gladly be nailed to a cross if I got to be the master of the universe after it all. You're not sacrificing anything.
MareDoWrite's avatar
your right about the first part, but a judge can decide if they will grant some mercy. When I said "Ultimate sacrifice", I meant that it covered all of our sins from present to future. In my opinion, I would feel very scared to where I am sweating blood and feeling like I was going to faint of fear if I were to be whipped with pieces of pottery and bone, made fun of with a crown of thorns pressed onto my head and being spat at, then having nails being driven into my wrists and my heart and lungs slowely collapsing and dying the most dishonoring criminal death and to be buried for 3 whole days and all the while not use my powers. now I was just answering your comment, and so if your completely stubborn about it, I'm fine with it. just please be a bit more polite. I am not trying to act like I'm better or anything, just giving you more info about what christians believe.
TimLavey's avatar
I know what Christians believe and it's my belief that what you call divine justice is a mockery to everything the word stands for. It is in fact not justice, but a get out of jail free card in a monopoly game where the game creator has set up all the rules and want your appreciation and praise for going through a bizzare and unnecessary ritual in which he dies for a bit and then rise again as if nothing had happened, nothing had been sacrificed. And by accepting Jesus' pretend sacrifice you get to avoid the punishment you think you rightfully deserve. I have no better word for it than fucked up. If you take offence to that harmless expression you don't need to respond any further.
MareDoWrite's avatar
I dont take any offence. No matter how much you Say it doesn't make sense, that Jesus died for no reason,  or that i have no idea what im saying, ill stand with what i believe. We will see at   the end of i really did believe in a lie. This is my last reply.
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