Hot "non-sexualized" female expression.

silversongwriter's avatar
You have probably noticed that the majority of the time when I post, it's because something has pissed me off... well here, I'm talking about something that doesn't bother me in the slightest... in fact, I think this is totally awesome. I should put this is Praise. So let's get that out the way... I don't think this is a bad thing. In fact, if there was one word i could use, it would be... "nice"

From experience I can say, males and females express friendship WAY differently. And that's freaking cool. You see, whenever I saw a group of female friends growing up, they behaved in a much more close knit, touchy-feely, kind of way. I would always think, "damn, if my friend did that to me, I'd punch him in the face".  I mean there are girls who kiss, hug very frequently, share the bed, cuddle, give each other massages, or even shower together.
Most guy's ain't like that. And if there is... I definitely don't wanna meet those guys. However, girls seem to do that sometimes, and it does not make them lesbian.
So how do I feel about this double standard? Well... I damn sure ain't complaining, I mean... whoa... I'll just be sitting in class and it's like...damn.

The only thing I wanna know is why so many straight girls are so much more comfortable with super hot, steaming displays of affection. There's sociology and human nature. I lean more towards the idea that since the female brain is wired differently. And the hormones and chemicals and stuff. Or you could argue that masculine culture, forbids strong displays of affection. I don't buy that.... even in countries where kissing is accpetable between male friends, it's never taken as far as I've seen female friends take it. I just could not see a group of guys, who are just friends, behaving like that. Regardless of what culture they're from.
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siegeonthorstadt's avatar
you wrote this from a males perspective. females see males in the same sense, even more intensely.

also this wouldnt turn you on if it was done by toothless rednecks with rags and randomly fattened body regions. so it is sexualized. all fashion is sexualization.
emreof-of-merilam's avatar
Gosh I'd just written a long awesome comment and i exited it and now it's gone. anywayyyy to recap, i know what you mean. girls are more comfortable with physically showing fondness for each other like braiding each others hair, laying in each other's lap while watching a movie, holding each other's hands when you're nervous. My brother used to say that all the girls in the world secretly knew each other. But guys have other ways of showing that stuff. It's like they just meet and its easy for them to joke and talk. There's a sort of comradeship and dont-hate-until-you-give-me-a-reason-too feeling. It takes most girls a little longer to get comfortable around each other.
horsiefreak's avatar
I am female I don't do that kind of thing with my friends, the most contact we have is probably punching each other in the arm.
silversongwriter's avatar
I'm not comfortable hugging anyone, male or female, unless I wanna have sex with them
MysteryOrganMan's avatar
I've read your original post, and I read some of the responses you've given to the people who've commented on it.  You seem like a very mature person, and I really like you.  (Not in a gay way, of course.  I'm not a faggot.)

As a straight male, I really don't know why girls do the things they do.  Maybe it's because girls are hot, and even the ones that like guys still think girls are hot?  Or maybe they do it for attention?  I don't know.  It's very strange.

I would never shower with another guy or kiss him on the lips or anything like that, because I think it's gross.  It doesn't make me embarrassed or ashamed or anything.  It's just uncomfortable, and, most of all, really, really gross.

What makes me laugh is all the people who commented saying you're a pervert and a homophobe.  I'm not going to say exactly why I find it funny, because I don't want to be disrespectful.  But, yeah, it's totally funny.
silversongwriter's avatar
Personally, I think it's just nature. Due to the differences in neurotransmitters from male and female. Feminine behavior is mostly associated with closeness and nurturing. Things that may seem gay to dudes, are really just basic comfort and affection to females. Plus, with less social stress, they can express themselves a little more than you'd see males do... personally i find that to be the uber tits... That's awesome in other words...

As for pervert and homophobe. I'm not really gonna deny either. Homophobe is stretching it, but pervert is probably right on the money
harperyo's avatar
Because males who act like females are shamed in our society. You could also ask why don't more guys wear feminite clothes and the answer would be the same.
silversongwriter's avatar
I don't see that as a bad thing so much... I don't wanna see men walking around in dresses
mondu's avatar
The only thing I wanna know is why so many straight girls are so much more comfortable with super hot, steaming displays of affection.

Because they don't consider it "super hot, steaming" displays of affection.

It's normal affection.

Unfortunately, with people like you around, the moment they display normal affection you immediately think "this chick wants  to have sex with me."

So, no, it's not them who have a double standard.

It's you being a perverted asswipe.
silversongwriter's avatar
I know it's me being a pervert.

However, ideas of normal affection vary from gender. That's the way society is here. Things vary from place to place. My point is that society's norms of gender and displays of affection are fine the way they are and don't need to change
emreof-of-merilam's avatar
i dont think its being a pervert. more like yearning and that sort of feeling that you get when you see two kittens snuggling each other. an awww moment. in both senses of the awww word.
silversongwriter's avatar
Well it's that feeling too... but it's also hot as fuck at the same time
rosa-arcoiris's avatar
Stop fapping to lesbian porn and enter reality.
silversongwriter's avatar
I'm basing this off what I've seen
rosa-arcoiris's avatar
Yes, we've established that you have a porn habit.
emreof-of-merilam's avatar
we? how many people are you?
rosa-arcoiris's avatar
"We've" would be collectively referring to the OP and myself. :B
silversongwriter's avatar
She's right this time, I do have a porn habit
emreof-of-merilam's avatar
well benefit of the doubt is always act of the wise...even if you are wise in training. *tips hat and gives soldier salute* at least you have the maturity to admit it. it's human nature, in the end.
silversongwriter's avatar
In fact, people calling me a closet-fag, pervert or homophobe is what makes this site so fun. It's hilarious how DA users are... let me give a quick call out to all the funny folks, and closet-fans/open fans

Agent-sarah, Eraezr, CrimeRoyale, hannoth, Mrgreen36, theMaskedDeviant, TimLavey, Kaizenkitten, sircassie, didj, pakaku, blackbook668, TheArtOfCBYoung, MajorMareM0lester

Y'all make this site fun, awesome and hilarious. It would be boring without y'all
silversongwriter's avatar
yep... the best way to enjoy your time on DA is to stop giving a shit about what people say
silversongwriter's avatar
I mean what I've seen in reality
M-J-Gagne's avatar
Society and culture probably do  have a lot to do with. There are social  expectations  about how women should behave towards one another, and towards men, and this influences how men and women are brought up  to interact. The fact that men in other cultures may display some affection, like a kiss on the cheek,  but not take it further actually supports this. It is because, culturally, they are brought up to believe that this display is Ok if you are a man, but not if you take it much further. Science has shown that there is chemical differences between the male and female brain but these studies are inconclusive since the differences don't actually show up until men and women hit puberty, so it could be a chicken and egg situation. Are the differences there because up to that age children have been socialized differently based on their sex, and so their brain has been "wired" accordingly through neural plasticity?
silversongwriter's avatar
I think it's both honestly... But to be who cares why? I think it's adorable and awesome to see chicks act that way. So I'm totally okay with the double standard, whether it's influenced by biology or society