Man was never to eat of the tree of life.

Greatest-I-am's avatar

Man was never to eat of the tree of life.


I do not think man was ever intended to eat of the tree of life and you will note that nowhere in scriptures is it’s lose bemoaned.


We came out of Eden being as Gods and knowing all that he knows. God’s own words in this myth. They have become as Gods.


We are then denied the ability to have that knowledge live forever as it would make man stagnate at whatever level of knowledge he had then, or even now if we extrapolate the story to where we are all Adams. Our knowledge continues to evolve.


The archetypal God in this myth does not want man to idolize his own knowledge as that would stifle progress. We are to perpetually raise the bar and not make an unchangeable immortal idol of what we know. We are to deny ourselves the immortality of our ideas and knowledge. They, like man, are to evolve forever.


I bet you never thought of this myth that way.


Can you see it?




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qattle's avatar
"Jehovah, who of all the good gods adored by men was certainly the most jealous, the most vain, the most ferocious, the most unjust, the most bloodthirsty, the most despotic, and the most hostile to human dignity and liberty - Jehovah had just created Adam and Eve, to satisfy we know not what caprice; no doubt to while away his time, which must weigh heavy on his hands in his eternal egoistic solitude, or that he might have some new slaves. He generously placed at their disposal the whole earth, with all its fruits and animals, and set but a single limit to this complete enjoyment. He expressly forbade them from touching the fruit of the tree of knowledge. He wished, therefore, that man, destitute of all understanding of himself, should remain an eternal beast, ever on all-fours before the eternal God, his creator and his master. But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge."

-Mikhail Bakunin, Anarchist Manifesto
Greatest-I-am's avatar
No argument. Thanks for this.

Cethlenn's avatar
I like the idea of always questioning human knowlage. It's how humans, as a species have made their discoveries of earthly phenomenon and how we are able to advance ourselves.
Greatest-I-am's avatar

Agreement is nice to find.

abeautiful-world's avatar
Actually god wanted to test we have free will not how can one possibly test this?
Well you can tel them not to do something  and see if they do it anyhow.
I mean if the almighty god can not stop you using your own free will  surely no mere mortal can.

also the idea of paradise was that we did not know right or wrong i.e we where trapped in a existence where we could never knowingly made a decision because there where no right or wrong answers.

but the tree of life was going to teach us knowledge right!

so what happened when someone eat from this tree well we got put on a place called earth  where we can find out knowledge for our self and decide whats right or wrong so we got exactly what we where looking for!

Greatest-I-am's avatar
You mixed up your trees. Knowledge comes from the tree of knowledge in this myth. Not from the tree of life.

Some of the older traditions only had the one tree though. Needed the two for my little theory.

skulkey's avatar
death is a part of life.  they are two sides of the same coin.  

the tree of life exists in many traditions throughout the globe.  it's symbology goes a lot deeper than mere eternal mortal existence.

Lucifer, in the guise of the serpent, gave man access to the tree of knowledge.  he is the Light-Bringer.  see Prometheus...  gods don't like that shit, generally speaking.  it allows man to question the nature of the creator.  to question and strive against its tyrannical power.

nothing a dictator hates more than an informed and empowered populace...
Greatest-I-am's avatar
Well put and true.

KillianSeraphim's avatar
nothing a dictator hates more than an informed and empowered populace...

So why is it later in scripture, that's exactly what He does? Or do you see the Genesis story as entirely unrelated?
skulkey's avatar
you'll have to be clearer as to what you're talking about, i'm afraid, in order for me to comment.
KillianSeraphim's avatar
Your statement indicates that God wanted His people to be ignorant and powerless.  If this is the case (bearing in mind that God never changes) why does He proceed to grant His people with wisdom, foreknowledge, and power over both the physical world and the spiritual world?  Why would He bother giving Adam dominion over the Earth, and spend as much time with him as He did?  Why does Jesus (who is the Word of God) encourage us to ask questions and seek answers?  Why was the Spirit of God released to His people, an event in which Jesus states "you will receive power...?"
skulkey's avatar
Jesus was meant to be an antidote to the demiurge, who controls this world.  unfortunately it didn't take.

as for the rest, you're not quite getting it.  we have divine awareness because of Lucifer (whether we choose to use it or not).

so, pre-Jesus, tell me where man is granted power over the spiritual world?  not that i doubt you, but i'm very curious.
KillianSeraphim's avatar
What makes you think we didn't have divine awareness to begin with?  As I've stated, and as the bible states, God walked with Adam regularly through the garden.  I'd call that aware of the Divine.

"so, pre-Jesus, tell me where man is granted power over the spiritual world?"

I might want to clarify pre-Nativity.  Jesus before He became a man was known as the Word of God (note John 1), who was with God and who was God.  Even the Jewish community described him as a "living Torah".  After all, how many times did the "Word of the Lord" approach people in the Old Testament?  How many times did the "Spirit of the Lord" (Holy Spirit) influence people in the Old Testament?
I don't have the exact tally, but I know it occurred very frequently.

But to answer the question: Leviticus, actually.  The Levitican line of priests were entrusted with the spiritual well being of Israel.  Everything they did bore some significance and had some sway in the spiritual realm.

The judges were also granted power and knowledge of the spiritual realm, as they spoke to the people on God's behalf.

The prophets also had this power, as God appointed them to be His voice when the people turned away from His law.
skulkey's avatar
God walked with Adam regularly through the garden.  I'd call that aware of the Divine.

i'd say clearly you know not of what i speak, then.

 Jesus before He became a man was known as the Word of God (note John 1), who was with God and who was God.

that's not what i'm talking about and you know it.

Everything they did bore some significance and had some sway in the spiritual realm.

not terribly specific...

so what you're saying is that an "elite" class was granted spiritual powers...  hmm...  very sketchy indeed.  not to mention that the masses had no such power.

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Firozart's avatar
1. I guess your god isnt perfect since we are still evolving.
2. Hallelujah you kind of do believe in evolution. Ah wait a sec isnt that against the bible...
Greatest-I-am's avatar
Part of the perfection of God is that he can become more perfect.

If he could not then he would become the stagnant barbaric laws to those who come later as is what happened to the bible Gods laws.

We have moved on and so should our God.

rockstar1009's avatar
What is a tree? It's a large upright shaft of wood. How does life begin? It starts with the semen.

So man eating from the tree of life is a metaphor for fellatio.

I bet you never thought of this myth in that way.

Cethlenn's avatar
Best interpretation of the myth I've heard.