why jesus why!!??

ihatejesuschrist's avatar
Hi, it is me again. I have been thinking about this topic for well over a year now so here it is:

Why is Satan portrayed as the evil one when it is Jesus/god?

My explanation: Jesus/god forgives evil doers while Satan punishes them. Um, but should it be the other way around? Should not god/Jesus punish us and Satan forgive us? I mean, Satan wants us to do evil, not Jesus according to the bible. So why does not Satan forgive us all? Forgiving according to me is saying, "yeah, go do evil I will just flick it off as a okay thing." <-----that to me is what Jesus/god says 24/7. Here is what Satan says in my opinion, "no!! You must not do evil!!!! You must do good!!!!! Burn, and learn goodness!!!!" <-----that according to me is punishment. So why does the bible have this reversed? Please help me.......
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Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.  It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:5-8
ihatejesuschrist's avatar
okay. thanks. I will try.
Read the Bible.  If you don't know where to start, read Mark
TheOuterDarkness's avatar
Well, for one thing there is the whole "by your fruits they will know you" thing. What that means to me is basically this: if you are doing all sorts of evil things and not even trying to stop yourself, then you haven't really taken God's forgiveness. In other words, if you are forgiven you will act like it. If not, your heart is evil and you're on the high way to Hell.

As for the second part, Satan is repeatedly referred to as "the tempter." In other words, Satan is actively trying to get people to commit evil. Also, Satan isn't punishing anyone, he is an "inmate" in Hell just like anyone else. Basically, he just wants you to be as screwed as he is.
ihatejesuschrist's avatar
I see........... for the millionth time...............-_- thanks though.
TheOuterDarkness's avatar
Sorry, I didn't read through all the comments.
DoodleZap's avatar
Jesus forgives those who truly want to be forgiven. And he forgives them because he loves every single one of us.
ihatejesuschrist's avatar
4eyesneko's avatar
In Islam lore. When God made humans, Statan was an angel. God told angels to bow before us because we are better than them, since they can't learn and feel like us expect what god thought them himself and they did. But Statan said "Why do I bow to something made out of mud and I'm made of fire?" and things lead to another, he said he will lead humans to the hell fire. What people misunderstand here is that hell fire is "run." by statan. But it not, it filled with angels that punish the sinned, and as we sin Statan laugh at us because were mislead by him and other demons that serve him out of stupidity, the only time he is not is when you can't stop sinning and you don't need him anymore to do it.
4eyesneko's avatar
You welcome, I think it same in the bible as well, but I'm not %100 sure. The Adam and Eve part may be different. 
61021376's avatar
Take a prison. Punishment is never a good solution.
ihatejesuschrist's avatar
 for me it is. keeps people in line.......
61021376's avatar
Well people who exit prison are not really sweeter than when they entered it...
Justice of the future could be all treatment, like medicine.
Kowasaci's avatar
Satan doesn't punish evildoers, God does, while he also forgives if the man is truly sorry for what he has done. 

Satan doesn't punish evildoers, he creates them out of regular people so that they can be punished in hell like him, because he's probably jealous that we're not suffering.
DutchConnaisseur's avatar
You are overthinking things.
The bible is a religious book for the masses with stories that are not to complicated.
Every story needs a good guy and a bad guy. Team God got the white had, team Satan got the black hat. Don't bother with motivation and such.
ihatejesuschrist's avatar
I see....... but the only thing is, I love overthinking things..........
Gray-philosophy's avatar
Nothing wrong with analysing Things. Keeps you learning, keeps you smart.