What's soo offensive?

UltraRaccoon's avatar
Why do you reject God the father/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit?

Is He offensive, stupid, boring?

Or do you have everything figured out? and if you do oh do explain.

Did someone of that faith treat you wrong?

Or does ever-lasting love and joy sound threatening?
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Underdell's avatar
It's a man made cultural institution's description of what the all powerful being is supposed to be. I do not reject God, or even Jesus, I merely do not put my faith in the bible as the only word of God, and I certainly put no faith in the catholic church.

I do not need to bible to tell me what God is like.. if he wants me to know him, he will make himself known to me. I think there are many paths to God, and Christianity is one of them.. but I acknowledge that religion is the attempt to control spirituality. 
magnifulouschicken's avatar
"Why do you reject God the father/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit?" I don't see the idea as logical; plus, what makes the idea of one god better than the idea of thousands of specific gods? Additionally, I was a Christian..well, somewhat, for awhile, and even then I couldn't see what made it better than other religions. It seems so...black and white, and the world is NOT black and white.

"Is He offensive, stupid, boring?" Offensive, maybe, because of all the killing of innocents and whatnot. Plus the whole jealousy thing is really annoying. Stupid, no...omnipresent and whatnot. Boring...kind of. This is mostly a non-serious answer because I feel like the question was a little silly.

"Or do you have everything figured out? and if you do oh do explain." Of course I don't. That's silly. No one does. Scientists are constantly making new discoveries and there's so much to find in the world that has nothing to do with religion. 

"Did someone of that faith treat you wrong?" Kind of. One former friend annoyed the hell out of me and was constantly preachy without considering others' beliefs.

"Or does ever-lasting love and joy sound threatening?" No, but the threat of burning eternally sounds threatening . Part of the reason I could never fully be a Christian (and 0% now) is because I loathed the idea of Hell- love and accept God or burn forever? Again on the black and white. Plus, the people closest to me love me and that is enough.
UltraRaccoon's avatar
good detail thanks
Shiro-Jinja's avatar
The original post to this sounds a little like you're egging me on, so...

I left the Christian faith because being told that fear is the heart of love didn't appeal to me. Being told that a human was worth more than my pet dog, who was my best friend, didn't appeal to me. Being told that if I didn't do things right, I would burn for eternity didn't appeal to me.

I didn't like living with it.

Some people need Christian faith to get through their lives. Others need Buddhism or Muslim to get through theirs. And some find their own way without any religion.

That doesn't make anyone wrong. Finding your own way through life is essential and only you can decide which path is the one for you. No one can tell you if you're right or wrong. Only you can determine that based on your happiness with your decision.
UltraRaccoon's avatar
mind if I ask you what faith were you? IE: methodist, baptist,...ect.
Shiro-Jinja's avatar
To be honest, I'm not sure which. I just went with my parents and grandparents to a little church on an Indian reservation where a bunch of old white people would gather. Whenever I asked my grandma which sect we were, she'd say, "Oh, just typical Christian" and by that, I have no idea. XD; I'm not helpful at all. OTL If it means anything, we had gatherings on Sunday mornings, holidays, mass lasted about an hour...? They had VBS (which I was forced to go to and I never liked it) and they did the bread and wine thing.
xCxx2x's avatar
JericaWinters's avatar
I don't find myths (like Jesus, Zeus or Aries) to be offensive, stupid, or boring. But they're myths, nothing more. People have made a lot of good movies based on that fluff.
theheartkisser's avatar
I get bored with Jesus and god but i have to worship them or i will go to hell. I  hate reading the bible but i have to or god will put me in hell and not love me ever again so i have to please him because i want to go to heaven . I want to go to heaven so i can do what ever i want and have all the stuff i want. I want to have  lots of money , cars, houses and good food up in heaven. I want to laugh at people in hell from heaven cause i hate people who do not worship god they are just evil and do not love god cause they are jealous of him cause he is rich and has money and slaves.

I think god wears a long robe made of silver and he has a bald head, really wrinkly , his skin sags because he has been alive for so long, he  is in a wheel chair and is on oxygen because he is old, Arch angel Gabriel  pushes his wheel chair,  and he has vision problems and he cannot hear well . He looks like this to me cause he is so old and this is what old people are like and he created us in his image.I do not mean to embarrass god cause i love him but one time in my mind i heard that god is old so he has to wear diapers and arch angel Micheal has to change them and he throws them on people in hell. He is very loving when he changes his diapers cause god is his friend. I think i was hearing them in my head talk and i believe this . DO NOT MAKE FUN OF ME CAUSE I HATE TROLLS AND THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND MY FEELINGS TOWARDS JESUS AND GOD!. If you do make fun of me or god you will go to hell.
Shiro-Jinja's avatar
You realize that your desire to ascend to Heaven is based on the sin of Greed, right?

Or, is this a parody post...?
theheartkisser's avatar
Everyone does it ! . Most people want to get into heaven because they do not want to go to hell.God is a way to get into heaven and he made it that way.It is his fault he did it and now he has to deal with it.I love god cause if i do not he will throw me in hell and hate me .God is very old though and when he dies and goes to his heaven an angel will turn into god and take his place.I think arch angel Micheal will cause his name means "he who is like god" i think god named him that so he can take his place when he dies and goes to heaven. I think they call it heaven 2 because it is the second heaven.Their is lots of other heavens too. Their is lots of hells too but only people who do not love god go down further. 
h-irsch's avatar
News flash, god doesn't exist and I could mock the god as much as possible but like I said, chances are, he doesn't exist and there is no hell.

Plus why mock a non-existent being?
theheartkisser's avatar
Stop trolling me or i will pray to god to hit you. He may be old but he can hurt people still and put them in hell . He is going to make the heart kisser ( my character ) real and he is going to be the second god when he dies cause god is getting old and he needs someone to take his place when he dies and goes to his heaven . It is a better heaven that angels he goes too when they die. I know cause i can read gods mind and he talks to me in my head and i hear him sometimes.He gets angry when i do not tell people he is going to make the heart kisser real cause he is a strong god.
DruidPeter's avatar
See, the real problem isn't Atheists. It's when Atheists stop arguing with christians. It's easy enough to figure out Atheists when they're loud and militant. The christian can just write it off as persecution from the devil.

But when even the Atheists don't want to talk about god? That must be truly terrifying to the christian.
h-irsch's avatar
I fail to understand how not wanting to speak of gods terrifies the Christian community. Is it because Christians fear they will burn in hell for denying the conversation?
DruidPeter's avatar
I imagine some of them might. Alas, I should have chosen my words more carefully, really. I didn't mean literal, "shaking in the boots" kind of terror. It's more like, according to some christian beliefs, Atheists are supposed to be in denial and fighting back against God, who is like this giant shining light that they can't escape.

It's just kind of hard to see god as this inescabable force when an Atheist isn't even really trying to "escape" him, I suppose. But as to whether christians fear they will burn in hell if they don't convert all the atheists? I wouldn't rightly know. :D
vonRibbeck's avatar
There are three possibilities.

First, god exists and one of the monotheistic religions is completely right about him. In that case he would be an asshole because it wouldn't be any clear from any evidence which one is right about him. He would automatically condemn countless people to eternal suffering without giving them a real chance. I, for instance, wouldn't know at all how to decide between all the myriad religions, therefore I would have to take a lucky guess at which religion I'd follow and in which particular way I'd have to believe in him. I would probably burn in hell one way or the other, so I can just as well reject him. (This option by the way is the least possible, because the fact that he would be generally speaking an asshole would contradict what almost any religion says about him, which would mean they aren't after all right about him)

Second, god exists and no religion is right about him. That either means we all burn in hell, regardless, or it means something completetly different. Maybe he does exist, but only created the world to watch? Or he judges us solely based on how well we did considering the circumstances we found us in? In that case I'm doing perfectly fine and needn't reject him. I also needn't believe in him.

Third, he doesn't exist.
Smkiller's avatar
There are far more possibilities than that, really.
vonRibbeck's avatar
In details, yes. But basically, it all comes down to these three categories. Or else you could provide me with some? I always am happily ready to see myself corrected.
Smkiller's avatar
Were I to go making a list, the post would be quite a bit longer than I'm used to typing. :p The three you listed do sort of suffice if we're talking only about Christianity (or Judaism or Islam). Though in general, it can get much more complicated (let's not even get started on polytheistic religions @_@).
vonRibbeck's avatar
Okay, yes. I did wrote those three possibilities out of the view of a monotheistic claim of god. The possibility that there are several gods (maybe /all/ of them exist?) clearly fits into the 'no religion is right' category, though. I also have to admit that my knowledge on religions is not very deep; I don't know all that many, there may be some exotic forms that clearly don't fit into those categories. But then again, that wasn't the question in this thread anyway, so there. Sorry for writing so much, I'm not good at keeping it short.
WilliamTheKonqueror's avatar
I'm going to try and respond to each of these points the best way I can. If you have any questions or comments, shoot. I'm all ears. Err, eyes, rather... (Bad joke, I know.)

"Why do you reject God...?"
Speaking strictly on my behalf, I simply don't see the logic in believing in a sentient, all-powerful god. For as long as theology has existed, the gods of myth have always existed outside of the realms of mortal perception, which progressively forced the concept of gods further away from our perception of reality. The Olympians supposedly lived atop Mount Olympus. At the now-reachable top, there's no evidence that gods lived there at all. The Judeo-Christian God was said to live in the sky, but to this day no plane has ever encountered him. Not even in the cosmos have we encountered any form of sentient life beyond us. We're alone in this corner of the galaxy, and we're still looking.

"Is he offensive/stupid/boring?"
As harsh as it may be to hear, the concept of God/religion can be quite offensive. For almost as long as it has existed, religion has oppressed others in some way. Heretics used to be burned at the stake for supposed "unholiness". Some Americans today cite the Bible as their reason to hate the homosexual. Even in ancient Aztec religion, humans were sacrificed atop the pyramids in order to pay tribute to the gods. I recommend reading up on the history of religion. It's more blood-stained and prejudiced than you might think. And before you ask, no. I don't think this is the direct fault of gods or religions themselves. It's the power-hungry leaders or superstitious bigots that ruin religion for many.

"Do you have everything figured out? Explain."
There's the thing about mankind: we don't have everything figured out. Science has discovered a great deal of what goes on around us and what exists in corporeal reality, but we don't know everything. But that's no reason to default to God as an explanation for unknown phenomena. The very purpose of science is to discover the unknown, and try to discover what makes this hostile, indifferent universe work the way it does. For example, the only reason the sun's radiation hasn't killed us all is the fact that Earth has a strong magnetic field. The fact that it's slightly weaker at the poles explains the Borealis lights one can see in the polar regions. Back before modern science, it's easy to understand how one might equate big flashing lights in the sky to something godly. But now we know what makes it happen. Discovery makes a far better explanation than a divine cop-out.

"Did someone of the faith treat you wrong?"
For me, I guess the answer is a semi-yes. When I reached the personal conclusion of atheism, my parents were not too proud. To this day, I still loathe it when my father tries to make me believe in something I simply don't believe in anymore. He even altered a story to try and make it seem like God took out his wrath on someone he knew. A man at work didn't believe (according to my dad's story, he even joked about religion at work), and ended up in huge debt. Flat-out broke. The first time I heard the story, my father was only saying that the man was careless with his money and lost it all on account of reckless spending. Personally, I think the original story has a more sound moral. But that's just me.
Also, I find that the faith has produced some of the most primitive, cruel societies in the world. Christianity has spawned the Westboro Baptist Church, the KKK, and even been responsible for atrocities like the Spanish Inquisition.

"Does ever-lasting joy and happiness sound threatening?"
No, but fire and brimstone and torture for all eternity sounds threatening, especially if it's for something as ambiguous as lying, or as morally confusing as killing a man in self-defense. The bad sort of outweighs the good, there.