why people hate gays

silversongwriter's avatar

There.... look no further... That's why.

People say hatred and homophobia is the result of religion, but not really. Most of the people I knew that "hate" gays, aren't christians.

The reality is that it's a natural visceral reaction. In fact, I guarantee you, most of the LGBT teen suicides weren't caused by religious people. The reality is that religion doesn't have much to do with it compared to the fact that people simply think it's gross. And it's natural to think it's gross

remeber this?

Do you think these peoples opinions would change if they were athiests? Not really, because religion doesn't effect our opinion on what's gross or not
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SadistSkunk's avatar
I think heterosexuality is gross. Does that mean it's wrong?
silversongwriter's avatar
No, but then again, people will call you hateful for thinking homosexuality is gross
SadistSkunk's avatar
I think everyone is free to think that, as long as they don't base their laws on it.
Gidrog's avatar
nope it is actually not a natural reaction to think it is gross.
That is based on upbringing.
Homosexuality occurs in many species, nd the natural reaction of other males is that they ignore and tolerate homosexual males since they pose no threat to their position and have removed themselves from the genepool and are therefore no longer competitors.

In bonobos (dwarf chimpanzees) it is a perfectly normal behaviour. They do so to strengthen social bonds.

New Mexican whiptails are a species that consists solely of females and they engage in mating aswell even though that is not necessary since they reproduce by means of parthenogenesis.
silversongwriter's avatar
Hate is based on upbringing... not disgust.

If you saw two old people fucking would you think "ew"... If so... then that must mean you were raised to hate the elderly by your own logic
Gidrog's avatar
disgust is largely influenced by upbringing aswell.
in western culture sexuality has been shunned for a long time.
even the vanilla stuff was for quite a long time something you did not mention.
hell even masturbation was treated as a developmental disorder.

other example the fear of insects or arachnids for example.
babies dont give a rats ass about the little buggers, but the way their parents react tells them oh that is a bad thing or it s disgusting or scary.

the same applies for sexuality during their childhood people look to their parents in order how to react to things.
and since many people still treat sex as something dirty sinfull or generally something that has to be kept secret children adapt those ideas.

and how was i raised to hate old people by that logic?
the problem there would be the sexual activity.
most people react ashamed when they stumble in on people having sex, the reaction is just more intense with old people, since they are normally portrait as asexual.
silversongwriter's avatar
So everything people find gross is a product on environment and not nature...

Well, if someone showed you porno of two old people, would you get grossed out? Why? If I told you beforehand, then there's no surprise. Why would it still gross people out? 

Also, if our likes and dislikes are based on environment, maybe sexuality is too
Gidrog's avatar
Alot is yes. It s mostly what you are and arent accostumed to.

For me it wouldnt be so much gross as simply not interesting.
but as i said it s mostly how people are taught to react.

sexual things are based on culture yes.
for example what people find attractive is largely defined by their culture.
one example would be compairing our beauty standards to the ones from the time rubens lived in
silversongwriter's avatar
Whenever people say homosexuality has nothing to do with environment. I always point them to the ancient greeks...

People say..."Oh, they were just doing it to belong, they weren't all actually gay"

Bullshit... Spartans soldiers developed quasi-romantic bonds with each other that werne't just about sex. They were turned gay through pederasty... That's why women dressed and behaved a lot like men. Many of them were ripped.

It's ludicrous to believe society doesn't have an effect on sexuality
Gidrog's avatar
well if you entrust someone with your live there is a chance for romantic feelings to arise ^^

there are people who have homosexual preferences from the beginning.
other develop them later.
some never feel that way.
there are quite alot of layers to sexuality and as long as it s consensual everything is fine :D
and yes pederasty had an influence on that.
If you grow up in an environment were homosexual relationships arent shunned than it is alot easier to feel save with your own feelings.

Sidenote: highheels were originaly mens wear^^
maidacervania's avatar
What the heck? Homosexuality was a common thing way back in the time of Plato (at least for men. Homosexuality in women wasn't documented). In fact, love between two men was held in much higher regards than marriage (although in this case "love" meant "friendship", but friendship back then was similar if not identical to romantic love today. Sorry, I took a class last semester devoted entirely to the philosophy of love). Anyway, there's no way disgust towards homosexuality is innate when there's a definite history of its peaceful exist.

As to your point about your friends hating gays and not being religious, if you look into their family histories, they probably come from a religious background, and certain ideas will get carried down even if the excuse of religion isn't. There's an interesting behavioral study about monkeys and how habits start from reason and how habits can be practiced so long that the reason dies out so that the habits are continued for no reason. Hence, there is no reason for them to hate gays, but they do so out of a religious background that no longer pertains to them.
silversongwriter's avatar
Please, don't use ancient Greece or rome as an example. They were a bunch of sick fucks who liked little boys. Nothing they do counts as normal.
maidacervania's avatar
If you're trying to discredit an entire culture, then your apology thread is just as much bullshit as this one.

Open homosexuality was practiced in ancient Japan as much as it was in Ancient Greece. Those two cultures are geographically separate. Now how do you explain the similarity? Because it can't be that 2 ancient cultures were abnormal.

Basically, homosexuality was fine up until Christianity deemed it sinful. And if you're going to turn a blind eye to historical facts, there's no way you're ever going to "get better" as you claimed you were doing in your apology thread.
silversongwriter's avatar
When was there ever a "not messed up" ancient cultre.
maidacervania's avatar
If all ancient cultures were messed up, you're agreeing their practices at the time were normal, which backfires on your whole theory of natural disgust against homosexuality since clearly it was the norm.
silversongwriter's avatar
Well yea at the time it was normal

So was this

Yet for some reason, most people have a natural disgust for it.
Panjanglatron's avatar
Wow, you made a ton of these threads. 

Grossness is a matter of upbringing and not inbuilt. There are tribes that practice (or used to practice) ritualistic cannibalism where family would consume bits of a deceased loved one so that they may live on inside those left behind. I find that gross - they clearly didn't. I also think cabbage is gross but many Polish consider it a food staple.


This is what you suffer from. Perhaps understanding what you are well help you decrease these feelings that have driven you to this obsessive level of vitriol where you are actively seeking out ways to cure yourself of what you will always be.
silversongwriter's avatar
IF I accidently sent you this twice I appologze


Here... I'm not gonna bother with anymore arguments.. my opinions on gays have changed...

anyone who wants to accept my apology for all the bigotry I spewed... fine.... anyone else can fuck off
So much wrong with this.
silversongwriter's avatar
IF I accidently sent you this twice I appologze


Here... I'm not gonna bother with anymore arguments.. my opinions on gays have changed...

anyone who wants to accept my apology for all the bigotry I spewed... fine.... anyone else can fuck off
I hope this is sincere.  If it is then good on you.
silversongwriter's avatar
It genuinely is... I can only give you my word.. But I assure you it's true
TortelliniPen's avatar
Maybe some aspects of some forms of gay sex are "disgusting," but then again so is heterosexual sex when you think about it.  Plus there are tons of records of animals regularly engaging in same-sex intercourse of some kind, so you can't say that it's "unnatural."

We should judge people based on who they are, not what they are.  I'm fine with any gay person as long as they're fine with me being straight.  Hatred comes with solely judging people based on what they are, and having that what be something that you reject as "normal."

For example coming from the (hilarious) video you posted, most homosexual couples do not engage in scat play; its not even limited to homosexuals, and since there are probably more heterosexuals than homosexuals, its probably safe to say that there are more heterosexuals who have a scat fetish than there are homosexuals.

Its fine to disagree with something.  Even if someone doesn't agree with it, you ultimately can't change people's hearts.  But do you know what hatred really means?