do animals have souls?

wraithsith's avatar
So I have a disabled cat, and he's extremely sweet- and gives love despite being twice-starved( b4 we got him), having uti's( due to being disabled), and had other.problems with his life, yet he remains happy. I read this article that gives significant evidence for crustaceans feeling pain. If you need emotion,caring,morals, and knowledge of your environment(sentiency) to have a soul- then would my cat,and all other cats have souls?would dogs have souls? What about insects?lobsters?or psychotic pandas ( :p )? Where is the line drawn? Just curious, and thanks for reading. 
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JustinMLindner's avatar
humans are animals. 
Maxi-Moran's avatar
Can they love? Yes, they do have souls.
gobnog's avatar
Absolutely. Everything living has a soul and may live on in Summerland to be combined with other souls to create a new being (plant, animal, human) with a new soul.
Gray-philosophy's avatar
That depends, what exactly is a soul?
Vincent1972's avatar

If you are really interested there is a book called “I am a Strange Loop”, by Douglas R. Hofstadter. Book discuss what you say, more from the point of view of modern science than religion, even when he digs into philosophy and some religious ideas.

The topic is extremely complex and at the end the author concludes that only beings capable of understand what is a “friend” have “self-consciousness” or what we can call a “soul”; and I agree because there is only one concept as powerful and complex as “me” and is the concept of “you”.

So you can be “Friend” of your dog or your cat, but I doubt that you may become friend of a mosquito because his basic brain doesn’t have such capacity.

Now is like parents tell to kids when their pet die “the doggies heaven”, if machines evolve enough to be smart, like in those sci-fi movies, there will be the computers or robots heaven?

Do babies come with a soul or they are like an empty bottle tha is filled later? And in any case where the soul comes from?

KillianSeraphim's avatar
Where I come from, they do.
wraithsith's avatar
Where do you come from?
KillianSeraphim's avatar
abeautiful-world's avatar
All living things have a soul because this is what makes them  well them.
I.e without a soul / memories and there own personalities all animals would be the same but as most of us know  some animals are lovely while others are grumpy and this is nothing to do with genetics or science its to do with the animal themselves and how they chose to act in life.

So to me there is no line. 
CrispyLettuce's avatar
I don't really believe in souls. (Not saying they for sure don't exist, just that I have no reason to believe they do.)
But I figure if humans have souls, then why not every living thing?
wraithsith's avatar
I don't trust outside links
KdaAnimefan's avatar
I have suspicions that animals have souls, lesser then humans souls, but yeah. I think it may be tied with neurobiology and how advanced the brain is of a respective species
cloneditto's avatar
I have one simple question that was posed to me on day one of philosophy 101, based on the premise that the soul is not tangible nor mesaurable by scientific devices (at least so far), since that seems to be the consensus of most people I interact with.

"How can that which is physical interact with that which is not?"  To say that a soul exists for humans or anything else, but is immaterial leads to that question.  The wind is physical, because it's comprised of moving particles.  Heat is physical, because it is measurable wavelengths.  So, how can a soul, which is not physical, interact with that which is, usually our bodies.

I would think that if there is any such soul, it is a part of our mind and self awareness and is a very physical aspect.  Beyond life and the physical aspect of what happens when we die, I have zero idea of what might be expected post death, beyond what most would infer from my thoughts so far.
wraithsith's avatar
So you don't believe in souls?
cloneditto's avatar
I believe that our current concept of what a soul is (typically in a spiritual sense) does not logically fit in with how the rest of the world works as we currently know it.  If we believe our soul to be our consciousness, how we determine right and wrong, and so forth, then I believe that we have it in the sense that we have complex enough brains to comprehend such things and it will cease to exist just as we do when life is ended.
This naturally doesn't mean I don't believe there is a possibility, I prefer to leave myself open to any possibilities that differ from my own viewpoint, but at this point I believe and act like we do not.
TenshiHime7's avatar
Depends of the definition of soul. If you want to limit this to feeling pain and fun, then even plants have souls. However, I believe that to have a soul, you need memories, thoughts and a language of any sort. A bit more than survival instincts, you know! So do I think cats have a soul? Kinda? I mean they have a language, but very limited, and while they can learn, the concept of past is nonexistant to them. So if a cat has a soul, it's a faint one. 

But people, don't take this as a reason to ignore/hate/abuse your pet! Cats are stupid, but they need affection as much as the smartest human on Earth! 
eissaDsenator's avatar
i think every creature has a soul while it is alive becuse it feels but a human soul is better
i don't what to tell about your question but i think this explains somethings
once happend for me to read on facebook about a girl being reborn-ed i dont think it's true but ...

a women died in her son's birth day... after 10years a 9years old girl comes with her memory she says this was her family this was her husband and her home is in another town ...and this kind of things her family thinks she is crazy they take her to doctor ... after a while the doctor says to tack her to the palce she says then when she finds her husband she tells him about her memories she remembers her other children but the last who she died to give him her life
it was a nice story but i think souls exist but only for animals because biologically humans are speaking animals dolphins are smart too and have their own communication ways 
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
I'm not one of those who falls under the atheist to theist spectrum, and I don't believe they have a soul. 
wraithsith's avatar
So you believe that humans are superior to all life on earth?
MaskedWannabee's avatar
Only black people singing the blues have got soul.
weirdplushie's avatar
I'm going to attend to philosophy. There are two clasic theories about soul. One says that soul is representation of rationallity and intelligence (the soul is the mind), Plato thought like that and considered that soul was only in humans. The other one is Aristotle's, and he believed that soul was the "energy" which make us able to live, so he considered that there were three kinds of souls (for plants, animals and humans).

You can search about it to get a deep knowledge if you want and decide what theorie you like the most, i'ts up to you.