
silversongwriter's avatar
I named this thread "AHHH!!!!", cause of the natural reaction caused by seeing this


Can I ask you how you can be okay with this?

I'm curious... How? Could one be okay with this? I am stunned... I am honestly wondering how someone could be okay with this, and still claim to support freedom?

Let me ask you,
If a Klan payed me to photograph a Neo-Nazi wedding, would it be okay for me to refuse?
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WakkoDemonBoy's avatar
There is nothing wrong with gay marriage. If two people want to be together then by all means, go right ahead.
silversongwriter's avatar
This is about forcing another person to photograph at a wedding ceremony against thier will
WakkoDemonBoy's avatar
Or "we paid you, now take the picture"
silversongwriter's avatar
If you took the money, then of course you should have to do it. If you refuse the service, then you're refusing the money
WakkoDemonBoy's avatar
Just because someone's gay doesn't mean you should just refuse to service them. Why are gays immoral anyway?
silversongwriter's avatar
Well, it shouldn't be anyone's business if I do.

By that same logic, if you wanted to kick poeple out of your store for being christians. Then I agree with your rights. Not your opinion, but your rights.
WakkoDemonBoy's avatar
Too bad discriminating is against the law.


Why are gays immoral.
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OrangeStripeyLlama's avatar
The fact is that the opposition of gay marraige is deemed somehow socially acceptable, as though it is okay to discriminate against homosexual couples on the basis of religion. So what she didn't agree with gay marriage. She was being payed to take photographs of two people who loved each other getting married, not coerced into comitting mass murder or something. Did she think her god would strike her from the Earth for simply documenting an event? Are non-discriminating photographers supposed to be somehow causing gay marriage? She got what she deserved. She is offering her services to everyone, and should photograph everyone who pays her. That woman had no right to deny two ordinary people her services because she didn't agree with their lifestyle. Sure, she has the right to disagree with their lifestyle and voice the fact, but not what she did. It would be like a shop owner refusing to sell anything to customers of a certain race.
silversongwriter's avatar
Whatever happened to private ownership. I guess you wanna strip that away like some kind of commie.

If they want her service they should stop being faggots.
OrangeStripeyLlama's avatar
What are you, some foaming traditionalist righty? They cannot help their sexual alignment, and while that woman had the right to not like gay rights, she shouldn't withhold her services from them. She did, and now she has paid for it. It is, by law, discrimination. No one was preventing her from having or voicing her views, but she was preventing two people from access to her services based on their sexual orientation. They were clearly the victims, not the photographer.
silversongwriter's avatar
Victims? I fail to sympathise with them at all. They could have let it go and gone somewhere else.

Maybe if gays weren't a protective class, which they shouldn't be, this wouldn't happen. Why should she be forced to sin?
OrangeStripeyLlama's avatar
Oh dear. Sin? She was taking photographs. Sure, the gay couple could go elsewhere, but that's not the point. The photographer was discriminating, and it doesn't matter what stupid grounds she gives for it.  It was against the discrimination laws, she got sued. If someone steals food
from a shop, they get punished, even if it is to feed to their starving family.
The business takes photographs of weddings, and by declining the job, they were acting as though the wedding was somehow not valid, or not real. It must have been very demeaning.
silversongwriter's avatar
So, are you saying we shouldn't have freedom or private ownership?
OrangeStripeyLlama's avatar
The photographer has both freedom and private ownership. I don't see your point. She's free to express her views, just not to withhold services from a part of society based on them. It is not fair on that part of society, and there are laws in place to protect them, otherwise more people could start discriminating and get away with it unpunished.
i-stamp's avatar
Oh silver, reminding us what a idiotic toolbag you are whenever anyone with a memory less than a gnat might forget.
JinxMiserable's avatar
Dude, what fucking century are you living in? Grow up and stop bitching about stupid arbitrary bullshit, these heterosexist threads are making you look like a prick. Get over yourself.
silversongwriter's avatar
Why don't gays stop doing stuff like that? And just leave people alone?
JinxMiserable's avatar
"Why don't gays stop doing stuff like that?"

Doing stuff like what? Getting married?

Get fucked.
silversongwriter's avatar
Did this thread have anything to do with that?

No, it was about them trying to FORCE a person to do something agianst thier will.
Smkiller's avatar
It's about them demanding to be treated as human beings. Would you jump to the defense of a racist having to provide service to a black man marrying a white woman?
silversongwriter's avatar
You know what. I would.

It's his service. If I was around someone like that, I'd simply take my business elsewhere. And considering more and more interracial people are getting married, odds are I won't have to worry about that person very long.

It's how the free market works.You refuse service, you refuse money. Why would I wanna make them do it. If they're doing it against their will, just to keep their business license. They'll probably do a crap job on purpose.
Smkiller's avatar
"You know what. I would." And this is an issue. "I'll defend people being bigots because MUH FREEDUMZ!"

That's not how the world works, silver.
Zigholtul88's avatar
I swear I think silversongwriter might have a legitimate mental problem considering this is like the 10th or so time he's created a thread showing him bitching and moaning about gay people.