Consensual Incest? Your thoughts?

Heineka's avatar
I've been recently pondering the subject lately. It's honestly shocking to me!
As an only child, I find it really weird....and I have cousins but I've never felt anything more than family love. :l Also, no religion, no person had to tell me that it's wrong for my opinion to be the way it is now. I just think it's gross! :l

I've read a lot about this though and it freaks me out at the same time.
I've read stories where people have affairs with siblings or whatever, while they're in a relationship with someone! And that to me, is crazy. D: I've never seen family as an option y' I guess when I read about people doing this stuff, it freaks me out! D:

I don't hate on people who are into that, it's just uncomfortable.
However, it seems like something that happens a lot more than we want to believe.....and there is a question of, "Love is love, right?"

It makes me think, am I feeling the same distaste as people felt towards homosexuality? Cause I have no problems with that. Am I a hypocrite?
And I guess if you were in that situation, it wouldn't feel wrong.

I remember watching a video on youtube about a family in Australia where a daughter and her father were seperated when she was born. When she met with him, they fell in love and claim it's okay cause they didn't have the family bond. Now they have 3 kids. Many people don't like them for this, but they say incest is the last taboo to break. By the way, none of their kids were disabled or anything, they were telling the camera that there's nothing wrong.

Now it makes me wonder.. who in my school does it and how much people do it in general. >.> it would be interesting to see an actual percentage. Cause I've read it's common enough that you probably know someone who's into it.

So here are some questions:
-What are your thoughts?
-How often do you think it happens?
-Is this the next taboo to "break?"
-are you/have you been involved?
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MagusTheLofty's avatar
If they're two consenting adults then I don't care. I just don't want to hear about it.
EnuoCale's avatar
Twincest is like, way hot.
RavynneNevyrmore's avatar
I think whatever two consenting adults want to do that doesn't hurt anybody else is up to them.  But close relatives reproducing hurts someone else.

I think it will be a taboo that goes, but it won't be the next one, and it won't go until abortion and strict family planning are less taboo.  If you want to fuck your sister/brother, that's fine by me, but you should not be having babies even if that means you accidentally got preggers and need to get an abortion.  And I think we're a long, long way from making it okay to enter into agreements in which someone agrees to have an abortion in the case of accidental pregnancy and then holding them to their word.  Abortion is still very much taboo right now.

No I have never been involved in incest.  No I have no desire to fuck my brother or my father even if I'm totally into Cersei and Jaime Lannister's relationship on TV.  And yes I think there is very much a parallel with homosexuality/homophobia and incest(/incestphobia?), where people are afraid that if they say they're okay with other people engaging in incest then it means they must want to do it themselves.  I am also very much pro gay rights, but I have little to no homosexual leanings myself.
borninabathtub's avatar
Consensual or not, I wouldn't recommend it.  Even the theory of evolution doesn't support incest, so why should anyone bother trying it?
Melee818's avatar
Well if nature has anything to say about it, Evolution has selected against the act of incest as it confers disadvantage. Particularly, it greatly limits genetic diversity in offspring resulting from incest. A lack of genetic diversity makes you vulnerably to diseases as well as genetic defects.
i-stamp's avatar
You're more likely to cause genetic problems by having a baby at 40, or cause deformities from smoking/drinking/taking hot baths while pregnant/not taking neonatal vitamins than incest. And we don't restrict partners carrying diseases like HIV or hemophilia or muscular dystrophy which are much more serious short and long term. 
But even still, would you care if one or both partners were sterile? What about if they were homosexual? 
Melee818's avatar
I'm just pointing out the very real biological consequences of incest. I never even expressed my personal opinion on incest. But I certainly wouldn't do it for that reason. 

Also, I'm very much against people drinking while pregnant, and I'm highly against smoking [cigarettes] regardless if someone is pregnant or not. And anyone who chooses to have a child while having HIV is utterly irresponsible.

Kind of a moot point to point out things biologically more damaging than incest, as if you were expecting my views on any of those circumstances to be in favor of it. "Oh, beating a pregnant woman is worse than incest." Nah..... really?! I never said anyone should beat a pregnant woman, nor did I even remotely express that pregnant women should drink.
i-stamp's avatar
The very overstated consequences of incest. Again, having a baby at age 40 poses higher risk. The only reason we have historical examples of incestuous problems is because it was deliberate, royal families keeping it in the family. But occasional incestuous relations won't pose more danger than a lot of things already done routinely, including those examples which aren't at all comparable to beating a pregnant woman (which is illegal and regulated for a very high chance of damage). By the way, the chance of HIV passing from mother to child (except in situations with no medical intervention) is only around 2%. And that's still a lot higher than first generation incest problems.

My point is that people by in large are averted to incest because of a gut 'ick' factor not all that dissimilar from the 'ick' reaction some people have with male homosexuality or anal sex in general (which, by the way, is a higher risk sexual contact but can easily be reduced with precautionary measures.)
Melee818's avatar
People shouldn't have kids when they're too old either.

Drinking or smoking while pregnant or having kids with HIV, I think, is comparable to beating a pregnant woman. Which is why I said what I said. Drinking while pregnant, I look at as abuse to the unborn child. 

Anyway, I probably shouldn't have mentioned genetic defects as you seem really stuck on that and missed the other part of my point. I don't know how well you understand genetics, but it's not just a risk of defects with incest. Defects aren't even the main problem. Rather, the main problem is producing an offspring with a lack of genetic diversity.

Incest guarantees a lack of genetic diversity, and while a child resulting from incest can come out seemingly normal, for the most part, with no explicit genetic defects, he will for CERTAIN, lack genetic diversity. Because the organism's only two sources of genetic information is coming from two parents that are genetically closely related. Lacking genetic diversity makes the organism ill equipped against common diseases and becomes more vulnerable to them. This is guaranteed whether or not the child has an actual "defect".

Even a child born from a 40-year-old parent, despite risks of genetic defects, still will have genetic diversity.  In fact, the genetic diversity will help the child cope with any possible genetic defects better. More genetic diversity means more back-up genes to fall back on in case some of them are defective.

Look at any species with small populations. Gorillas, highly endangered group of animals, have horrible immune systems. A simple human sneeze can wipe out an entire family of gorillas because they now have very limited genetic information.

The "ick" factor is not at all impractical. Natural Selection has selected for this innate feature to inhibit incest and to promote genetic diversity. While it may not be dissimilar to the "ick" reaction of homosexuality, it doesn't at all mean it holds the same merit. There's no physical problem with homosexuality, at least none of which can't be worked around. 

But you can't make an incest child suddenly have genetic diversity. At least not until we start genetically engineering humans. Then it won't be much of a problem, but who knows how far off we are from doing that.
i-stamp's avatar
Again, it's not comparable because the trauma of a beating will near certainly if not certainly cause damage. Apples and oranges.

That isn't a problem, as I said, in non-deliberate occasional incestuous coupling. A single mating will not produce enough lack of genetic diversity to be an issue. It's like saying that everyone should have children with people in different countries, because children born from such pairings would have a marked increase in variety over people from your own town.

Children born from older parents have higher odds of debilitating physiological issue due to genetics. This is because errors in the germ line cell division is more likely to happen to older gamete cells that have a higher chance of damage. It's more dangerous than incest. Yet unregulated. We place an overemphasis on the danger of casual incest.

Gorillas have been inbreeding for many centuries, their issue is due to chronic inbreeding, not occasional, which happens with every species on this planet. 

There is no merit in selecting incest (especially in sterile or homosexual couples) as unacceptably bad, let alone child abuse.
Melee818's avatar
I think it's obvious we can't say which is worse between drinking while pregnant vs being beaten while pregnant when we're not even specifying the amount of alcohol consumption or the forces of physical impact on a beaten pregnant woman. With that said, you can't simply say one is worse than the other, which means, it is comparable if we're simply speaking generally about it.

I don't see how even first generation incest isn't a genetic issue(if we're talking about immediate relatives like parents or siblings), as the offspring is getting very little unique genes from a given single parents, and is instead getting multiple paired sets of identical alleles of the same genes. That's an extreme lack of genetic diversity right off the bat.

Like I said, older people should be more conscious about the choice of having kids. You keep throwing the issue of older parents having kids as if I spoke favorably of it. But even then, two older parents still offer genetic diversity. And that's still assuming BOTH parents are older rather than just one being over 40. And at the very least, Natural Selection can at least act on older parents and select for stronger older people, which would ultimately raise life-expectancy as it's selecting for older healthier people. This selection would never happen if we kept having kids very young.

But there's no way to select for healthy incest that I can see. Gorillas simply show that it progressively gets worse throughout generations.
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pastel-poisons's avatar
I believe that it's fine as long as it is between two consenting adults and does not produce offspring. I've never been involved, but I don't think it's fair to treat people (who aren't hurting anyone) badly just because we think it's "icky". I mean, what if we tried breaking up every couple we thought wasn't a cute couple?
wquon's avatar
short answer (without getting into morals) when babies are involved later on they need new genetic code time from time otherwise deformities physical & mental happen. you can see this in royalty who havent ventured outside the family tree in a while, i think hitler also did something similar with the "super race"... same result.
hope this helps
hockeymask's avatar
As they say in Tasmania the only girls who are virgins are the ones that can outrun their brothers!
Or as one old farmer said to his son" Sorry son you can't marry that virgin - if she ain't good enough for her own family she ain't good enough for ours!"
The good thing about marrying the sister is you got the same set of in laws!
Debit's avatar
Insofar as the question of private lifestyle is concerned, I feel indifferent about incest, provided that it is consensual. However, I would look at it less kindly if this results in having offspring as incest is generally not good for the gene pool. (Why voluntarily increase the odd of bringing out genetic disorders?)

On the other hand, I am not sold on preaching the immorality of incest by religious and secular authorities. While those at the top have been discouraging incest, they themselves have been doing exactly that for ages, in order to keep their wealth and power concentrated within their clique.
natetheninja23's avatar
I don't care if you make a mutated baby with your brother/sister, just as long as said mutated baby is cute.
Elidy's avatar
The problem isn't "mutations" per say so much as it is potentially deadly recessive genetic disorders that increase in likelihood the closer parents are related.
natetheninja23's avatar
just as long as the baby is cute, I won't care.
TenshiHime7's avatar
I think Vsauce said it was impossible, since brothers/sisters tend to be sexually repulsed from each other. 
Otherwise, I don't mind as long as both parties consent. 
FluffyInDrag's avatar

Cough cough ahem.
Carry on.
FluffyInDrag's avatar
Legal, consenting adults = no problem!
NemesisAuthority's avatar
Go for it I don't care. Doesn't affect me one bit what others do, even if they do it with their siblings or whatever so.
Ragerancher's avatar
Whilst the idea of having incest personally is one I find quite repulsive, if 2 people consent to it then I say that's their business.

There's been some research on this which has some interesting findings. Apparently girls are attracted to men who are similar to their fathers and guys to women who are similar to their mothers. This is part of the reason why children who had abusive parents tend to end up in abusive relationships later in life, there is a strange draw to it. On the flip side we are also wired up to have any sexual attraction to family and siblings removed, most likely an early system in evolution to ensure genetic diversity. The search for similarity whilst be repulsed by siblings leads to incest if siblings are seperated at birth and meet without realising they are related. Because the desire to have sex hasn't been removed and the sibling is very similar, there tends to be a very strong attraction. Under such circumstances people with 'normal' brains can still end up in an incestuous relationship, although it is exceptionally rare.
gdpr-16712963's avatar
Concentual incest is definitely unconventional and I'm sure if you researched you could probably find some problems that come with it such as genetics what with inbreeding. I however give a total of -7 fucks about who people choose to be with. If two people love each other in "that way" then they should be together. I personally won't be off nailing my sister but I'm not going to go out of my way to stop others.