Divorce and Christianity

theMaskedDeviant's avatar

So, here's a ponder that recently struck me. Christians get all butthurt over the idea of gay marriage. Saying that it utterly destroys the sanctity of marriage and all the fun stuff. Honestly, someone needs to tell these people that Christians do not hold a monopoly over legal marriage. But if Christians were really so obsessed over preserving the sanctity of marriage, why are they alright with divorce? Why don't you see anyone protesting against divorce or pushing bills to get divorce outlawed?

Seems that the Bible speaks out a lot more against divorce than it does homosexuality. And you'd think people breaking a rather serious promise they make to God would be higher on people's naughty list. But when it comes to divorce, yeah, suddenly the sanctity of marriage doesn't seem to be all that threatened. Go figure.

What do you think?

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HaniSantosa's avatar
Because the majority of Christians are only cherry picking verses that they like. If they don't like something, they will search Bible any verses which support that. If they like something, they will search verses which support that, and ignore the verses which are against. 
Pynasta's avatar
I think divorce should be avoided, there are a lot of marriages that were started when the two still had a typical crush on each other, and when it ends they divorce, leading to children having to live in two places and all that.
Often the feelings might have returned, or changed into that form of love old couples seem to share, some people give up too easily. Of course, one should think through marriage in the first place, and sometimes divorce is the right thing to do, but it should be a sort of... Last resort?

Oh and, I never saw the problem with gay marriage. Considering what the bible actually says, and what Jesus said and did, homosexuality is no big deal, not at all. I might even say it's all nice and dandy.
And even if one sees it as bad, one sort of has to agree that it's better to be in a homosexual, steady marriage, than to fool around with anyone, in a heterosexual way. :shrug:
RoyCura's avatar
I could rant and rave about all the mistresses my dad had... and I could complain about the abuse he showered on my family... but, c'mon. The amorphous community of gays who I've never met have done more to damage my family, right?

Okay, cynicism aside. I agree that divorce hurts families worse than homosexuality. Cheating/abuse does exponentially more damage to the family model.

I'm saying this as a Christian. The father is a model for God, and love and care will make your children grow closer to God. Don't abuse your kids. Of course I support discipline. But abusing your children will only give them a distorted view of God.
carusmm's avatar
It's called natural selection, stupid breeds with stupid.
RoyCura's avatar
And smart, nerdy people never get married. And they never have sex. And they never pass on their genes.


I hope smart people can pick up their game, and really fast.
carusmm's avatar
Intelligence is a mutation of learning.
RoyCura's avatar
Whatveer that's supposed to mean.... I agree. Because you're the smart guy, right?
AvalPlaza's avatar
With globalization and the internet, free will exists like never before. For the human mind, these are difficult times indeed..

So..let's all pick on the Christians and the Muslims, everyone who believe in something. This will make us look intellectual and strong, and it will probably make people think I know where to go from here.
theMaskedDeviant's avatar
You're right. Let's abolish free will and intelligence and go back to the good old days where superstition made all of the important decisions for us. Who's up for a witch burning?
DWBloodfin's avatar
Because Christians are hypocritical pricks, cut and dry. "Thou shalt not kill...except the Muslims, pagans, native Americans, protestants, Indians, and every group of people you just don't like, oh and that guy, fuck that guy." Would you honestly expect Christians to follow their own principles? "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self."
RoyCura's avatar
I mean, come on... who really cares about that guy? Fuck that guy.
DWBloodfin's avatar
RoyCura's avatar
Also - what form of Christianity are you looking at?

Because "fuck the Protestants" could be easily transformed into "fuck the Catholics" depending on region.
DWBloodfin's avatar
Personally speaking? I say fuck em all, it just seems that Christians hold their commandments so high yet find exceptions to everything. Calling them hypocritical pricks always fits in place.
RoyCura's avatar
I'm sure you can find some who stick to their own beliefs.
DWBloodfin's avatar
Oh certainly, of that i do not doubt, the fact of the matter is that I've yet to meet a single one that does so, or one that doesn't shove their beliefs down my throat. I wouldn't have a problem with Christians if they stuck to what they believed and didn't harass me for doing the same.
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maejonin's avatar

But if Christians were really so obsessed over preserving the sanctity of marriage, why are they alright with divorce? Why don't you see anyone protesting against divorce or pushing bills to get divorce outlawed?

So many wrongs reading this premise already, divorce is not the same level of homosexuality.

We don't like the fact of divorce. Although there are biblical reason divorce,most of the time, divorces are for the wrong reason and looking at America's divorce rates, there is something wrong with how we marry in the first place.


Comparing to Gay marriage, there are situations where divorce isn't an issue and is trace back in biblical times. Gay marriage doesn't have anything other then free speech so to say. 

mondu's avatar
But if Christians were really so obsessed over preserving the sanctity of marriage, why are they alright with divorce?

They're not.

The majority of Christians in the world are Catholics (more than 50%), and divorce is considered against natural law. If it were up to the vatican, divorce would never be allowed, period.

Your world view is limited, it seems, to america. That divorce is so high in america says something more about america than it does about christianity.
DWBloodfin's avatar
Yeah but anytime you try to defend Christianity by saying, "it's more of an American thing" you tend to fallout over the fact that most Christian atrocities were preformed before America was it's own country.
aillin1's avatar
Her conclusive point doesn't state that Christianity hasn't done unseemly things, only that the problem of divorce in America may be for an ulterior cause.

Civil expectations may be the largest reason Americans divorce so much, apart from the haste they take in it.
DWBloodfin's avatar
Noted, I didn't look at it from that angle.
Nitsuj237's avatar
excellent question.

have fun getting a logical answer from a christian LOL!

Some christians unfortunately feel because they "know" or "believe" in "god" that they have the right to tell you that you are wrong. Completely diregarding that the person they are judging may have no relation with god or christianity at all.

There is no sanctity in marriage. If you think there is, look at some divorce rates. A Marriage is a legal contract that you share with a person you feel will be the best partner/friend/parent. People however make mistakes and marriage doesn't always work out.

Homosexuals should be able to be married and have all the same benefits. They fact that they dont is a civil crime, and raises questions as to "loving thy neighbor".
PrairieLily's avatar
The issue is, the bible is "to the interpretation of the faithful" which means that what the text says, means what ever the hell the religious person in question wants in order to win an argument. :B

Also, you were a little kid once. If you ever had an imaginary friend like these religious folk do, then you know very well that you made your imaginary friend like and dislike what ever you wanted them to. It's the same concept here, just on a larger and more cult-like scale.