Am I nihilist?

qwertywithak's avatar
I've always thought that we had no inherent meaning, but we could give our lives meaning. I've always thought it was absurd to think that you could find any meaning to the world, to the sky, to anything. I'm not trying to sound depressing, and I sure do hope I don't. I've felt like asking yourself "why" was pointless, but instead you should ask "how?" as in, "How can I give my life meaning?"
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xAlxyz's avatar
As we "came around" the Earth by pure evolution, there is only one sensible way to solve this dilemma: Each individual would better find himself a goal to pursue, otherwise he would just end up an empty shell. Live for the sake of breathing? Nnnnnnope.
Also, reproduction, or even death, is no answer to the "purpose of humanity".
macker33's avatar
read a book, maybe. if nothing else it'll stop you being bored.
qwertywithak's avatar
I'm an avid reader, I'm reading Nietzche's Thus spoke Zarathustra. I'm about to read the common goods and John dies at the end.
macker33's avatar
" I'm reading Nietzche" -- theres your problem right there, nietzche is boring.

Read the princess of mars or something.
qwertywithak's avatar
DanceAndMakeRomance's avatar
There is a point to life- to die
carusmm's avatar
The meaning of life is anything but death.
carusmm's avatar
qwertywithak's avatar
Then why aren't we all dead?
DanceAndMakeRomance's avatar
because our other objective is to reproduce as much as possible then die
qwertywithak's avatar
You're trying to sound deep, but there is no reason behind what you're saying. I don't think anyone should claim life has a purpose, it doesn't, not even to die and reproduce.
DanceAndMakeRomance's avatar
Im not trying to say anything but the truth. God is dead, because we created him, killed him, and pretend to keep him alive. The biological purpose of all life is to reproduce and die. It's the way nature goes.
qwertywithak's avatar
And you never think to overcome nature?
DanceAndMakeRomance's avatar
I just dont care anymore
gamelno's avatar
That's fucking retarded.
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devine-consciousness's avatar
or to become enlightened and break the near endless cycle of suffering and reincarnation.
DanceAndMakeRomance's avatar
DanceAndMakeRomance's avatar
I used to think the same way
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VelvetFish's avatar
consider a baby being given candy and taking it away.

the baby would be a lot more upset if you first give it candy then take it away. (instead of never giving the baby candy in the first place.)

if there is no point to life, the sense of apathy and nonreason is better shown in a situation in which we're meant to die, but we live anyways. It'd clearly demonstrate that the universe, in all its infinite vastness, couldn't give a fuck if it wanted to. (If it did, it wouldn't have bothered existing in the first place, saving us all the trouble of worrying about whether or not we matter.)

that being said, don't let the universe and the atoms in the deep get you down. Much fun to be had while alive.
qwertywithak's avatar
That's a better explanation then "to reproduce"