Coexist the Interconnection through Networking

IntuitiveMoth's avatar
I made this post because I would genuinely like to meet Deviant Members on here, who'd be open to willingly share their spiritual selves and insight on Life and their perspective on reality. Serious and honestly natural unique people. I want to get to know new people. New minds, eccentric thinkers, not afraid to conceptualize outside the box.

My name is Mark. 26 years old. I'm a Pantheist. An Eclectic Pagan, part Buddhist, Self-Spiritualist, Living being with so many other beliefs as well. Anyone wanting to meet on here learn from one another, each other and get to know others like me whom are like-minded as well, feel very welcomed to respond. You're not alone.

**Anyone who reads this is also welcomed to go to my profile and hit me up on my "Shoutbox". Anyone whom is a Philosophical Free thinker, open minded, Spiritualist, Pagans, Wiccans, Satanists, Buddhists, etc**

Introduce yourself to me. i will reply back. Tell me your interests and what things you believe to be YOUR OWN TRUTH. Tell me your hobbies, type of music you listen to, things you appreciate doing in life, occupation.. anything you'd like to say honestly. Anything goes. Even a simple "Hi!", it's a nascent to initiate and converse.

"As we Learn in reality, experiences with people are Man-made. Interacting is part aspect of evolving."~Me

Namaste~Peace~And Blessed be.

~Mark (Mnemothra)
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EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
I thought the title meant we were talking about lesbians.......
Juliabohemian's avatar
You’re probably thinking of scissoring. A reasonable mistake.
Str8EdgeAng3l's avatar
I'm not sure what I believe. I got to a fairly orthodox Catholic school, yet half my family is atheist, and a member of my family is any religion but Catholic. I deffinitely believe there is nothing wrong with being LGBT or a female priest. However, I'm struggling with whether I believe in God. I genuinely don't know. I also don't know whether I want to have an opinion.
Lytrigian's avatar
Truth *is* absolute. Or rather, our understanding either approaches objective reality or it doesn't. You may like to argue that spiritual truths are different, but there's no real reason for that other than the fact that there exists a plurality of opinion.

However, that puts you on the wrong side of history. Galileo was right. The Church was wrong. The heavens *are* just like the earth. There do not exist different laws for "celestial" things than "terrestrial", and these are in fact just anthropocentric categories created by our own point of view. Both are really the same. Both obey the same laws.

Modern "spiritual" thinkers make the mistake of generalizing not from the side in that conflict that was proven right in the long run, but from the side that was proven wrong. They say: "Spiritual" things are NOT just like "material". Rules of logic that apply here do NOT apply there. Two contradictory propositions CAN be simultaneously true.

Trouble is, this is nonsense. If it's right then everything is true, which is the same as if everything were false. It's not useful and cannot correspond to anything real.

Dogma arises when we apply rules of real-world logic to spiritual matters. Is dogma a bad thing? Only if we disagree with it. If we agree with it then it's a good thing, only we resist applying the label if we've already been trained to think of it as bad. That doesn't make it any less dogmatic. And if the rules of real-world logic are applied correctly, then dogma can really only be false if our starting premises are false. And thus you ultimately have to return to who has a true revelation, since in spiritual things revelation is where all this comes from. If you feel you have a PERSONAL revelation -- you'd probably label it "insight" -- that doesn't absolve you from the need to think about it rationally if you're going to say anything at all about it that you expect to make sense to anyone else.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
So, then, pretty much everybody agrees with me that Unitarianism and Pantheism are fundamentally flawed by concept.
Lytrigian's avatar
The Universalist aspect of Unitiarian-Universalist thinking, anyway. Unitarinanism in essence is nothing more than a radical anti-trinitarianism. It's when it also became Universalist that it turned soft in the head, so to speak.

I don't think pantheism is either here or there in this discussion, as to me it's one of those things that either is or isn't and assigns definite attributes to the divine as well as asserting that the divine lacks certain attributes such as personhood.
IntuitiveMoth's avatar
You miss my concept of what I'm doing here. I never meant to say Truth as in answers or fact. I meant what others views are and what they believe in. I AM NOT HERE TO DEBATE w anyone. Nor will I.

I just want to connect Spiritually to people that want to relate with me. I'm not doing any of this out of pure ego. It's all as honesty.

I sense that I've automatically offended you in some way. I don't understand how? When I meant by "YOUR OWN TRUTH". I meant exactly "that" to the individualist him/herself. If this is hurtful or came off the wrong way. Then you misunderstood me. There is a significant difference.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
This is a forum 'for all your religious and philosophical debates'. Says so right underneath 'Philosophy and Religion' in the forum title. Debate is what this forum exists for. You don't come here advertising your shoutbox as some kind of coexistence domain or saying you want to meet like-minded people. You come here to argue with people about questions that cannot be answered definitively.
Lytrigian's avatar
I just gave you my views, and you're complaining. I'm not offended, nor did I give even a shadow of a hint that I might even remotely be so. Is it that you only want to hear views that mesh with a certain worldview?
FruitsOfHarvest's avatar
I wouldn't say your own truth, more like your own answers.

I'm suppose to be a southern baptist, but the bible doesn't give me answers and is just something written by other men searching for their own answers using their own opinions. I believe in a god who has angels to to help him raise man kind. I believe in a balance of good and evil where a dark force in a bottomless pit has his own angels to whisper hatred into our hearts.

Man kind is a bendable force easily manipulated to do things. Hatred and misery are what spreads because it wants no happiness and joy.

I am a artist that is what I want to be. It needs work but in time I will to great. I listen to different kinds of music it helps me understand what it is I need to draw at that time.

I am easily paranoid and still hold a grudge against someone.

That is who I am
IntuitiveMoth's avatar
Art is everything you're very much correct. The truth and answers, is based on ourselves. However the answer part, is what we decide to agree with idealistically. That is our Art being. A Framework, It's everything around us. To each individual it's what we're here to find in ourselves in a self Journey. It's constant, yet embracing it.
Bullet-Magnet's avatar
There can be only one truth. If you care about truth, it's your responsibility to find out what that is through the best means available.

Anything that is true only for me is necessarily false for everyone, including me. It's not a coherent concept.
IntuitiveMoth's avatar
Bullet-Magnet, I never said nor implied that I am an Atheist. I don't know where you got that from? I have my own beliefs above in which I proudly stated. Atheism is the doctrine or belief that there is no God. I believe in GOD. Which is also a derivable term. I'm not here to debate anything.

My entire concept was to learn and share others that reach outside to find themselves. I want to know these people. To each to their own Mind and Universal Perspective. There is nothing wrong with that. The majority of people are oblivious to Spirituality these days. Even Religious people. The focus is tainted and lost. From what I notice all around me. Every being has their idealistic form of beliefs. I just feel that you should realize that Life is not just about a certain specific TRUTH. Because that is not fact nor proof.

I want to connect to Freedom of restraints through people. It's Life. It's reality. It's what makes us who we are.
Bullet-Magnet's avatar
I never said or implied you were an atheist. I was sharing my perspective like you asked.

In my view, there is no difference between reality, fact or truth. They are all ways of saying what is real.

Furthermore, atheism is not the belief or doctrine that there are no gods, it is the lack of belief in any. The "a-" prefix means "not". Everyone who is not a theist is an atheist.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
Yeah, he was replying to me I think.
Modern colloquial being dominant aside, "not"-theism would be the lack of a theology, no? Meaning rather than the lack of belief in god(s), it's the lack of belief in a religion. Usually the existence of god(s) implies a religion attached to said god(s). Now, even a belief self-derived about the existence of god(s) represents a religion and therefore the presence of a theology, but is it possible to believe in god(s), but have no religion, self-derived or otherwise, and yet still be considered atheist by the literal definition?
Bullet-Magnet's avatar
No. Theism is the belief in one or more gods. Religion is irrelevant. If your religion has no gods then you are also atheist.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
In the broadest sense, yes. More specifically, it is the doctrine concerning the nature of god(s) and how said god(s) relate to existence. If you took the specific definition, though, and never cared to define he characteristics of your god, nor how they relate to you, would you be an atheist? Ignoring the broad definition, of course. Just because I'm really into arguing semantics.
Bullet-Magnet's avatar
No. Any active belief in any sort of deity whatsoever precludes your being an atheist.

If you posit a creator that had no interaction with its creation after that point, that would make you a deist. I'm not sure it that's a subset of theism or besides it. But it is not atheism.
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IntuitiveMoth's avatar
Ohh okay. I wish you would have been more specific on that, hehe. Atheism is someone who doesn't believe in any type theosophy or God for that matter. I understand what you meant.
Smkiller's avatar
Haha, you responded to the wrong person.
KlaxonLithology's avatar
Quoting yourself? Hello, egoist.

The issue with the idea of 'Your Own Truth' is that people tend to believe their truths are absolute. An atheist has reached the conclusion that god and religion are false. That is not choosing to think they're false, but just for the atheist. A belief system in which all beliefs are held as personally true for some person essentially negates the validity of any one of those beliefs and is in effect, an atheist system in all but name sentiment. It relegates them to simple individualist truisms. They no longer hold meaning outside the individual's consciousness, unless you hold true that an individual's consciousness creates the entirety of existence.