
skullwarrior13's avatar
How do you view it? Why do you continue to live? Do you value any other person's life? Would you sacrifice your life to save another?
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etheara's avatar
How do you view it? =
Meaningful because I share it with people special to me.

Why do you continue to live? =
I'm sharing my life with people close to my heart. I won't bail out.

Do you value any other person's life? =
Yes, as much as some others value mine.

Would you sacrifice your life to save another? =
After watching "Right At Your Door" (2006), I really thought about things along the lines of your question. I advice you watch it if you haven't. To answer the question, I can't really say yes but, I have to say that I won't live at the expense of another person's life especially a loved one.
macker33's avatar
Life is like a basket ball, it has its ups and its downs.
carusmm's avatar
Death is always dishonourable.
staple-salad's avatar
I live because at this point it takes more effort to die than not, and I want to know what happens. I want to know what death is like too, but I want to experience all that life has before I give it up to answer another question.

I'm pretty chicken-shit so I'm not sure if I'd make a very good self-sacrificing body guard. But I've never had to seriously consider the decision before so I have no idea if I would.
JericaWinters's avatar
:dummy: I'm just here for the chocolate!
Solum-Ipsum's avatar
I am a solipsist. Thus life in the plurality of a person and an environment is mostly just an aspect of my existence. Life, along with every other part of existence, is a fallacy; an illusion, if you like.

I continue to live because in this current state I only understand the world as described above. And I want to live it through that way.

The value of my personal life can be compared to that of the aspects of my environment, which, in the end, is indifferent from who I am. Thus, there are situations when the most suitable choice is to destroy the individual perspective for an expected outcome (e.g. redemption of something greater).
empiredice's avatar
It just is. I'm alive because it's actually pretty hard to die - I think I recall only about 16% of suicide attempts are successful. Mine weren't, obviously. Your instincts for survival still work if you're unconscious, did you know? I'd say it's by far the most powerful instinct we have.
UncleGargy's avatar
Life is what you make it. If I had no-one else that depended on me and no friends at all then I would not continue. Would I sacrifice myself, yes for my partner and children if there was no other way to save them.
Sora200's avatar
Considering I'm Christian, I say life is meant to be lived out in a way that is both pleasing to the Lord and we must enjoy the good things that the planet has to offer. I respect other people's lives unless ofcourse somebody is purposefully trying to end my own. One of the commandments is to not murder. It isn't murder when you are protecting your own life. Unfortunately, I don't know if I would have enough guts to say, push someone out of the way of an oncoming car. Shameful, I know :(. I continue to live so that I can continue to be a service to God and to do all of the things that would complete it. which would be in this order. Get a job that I like, get a girl friend, marry said girlfriend if she is the right one, start a family, and finally pass on whatever I have to offer to my kids.

Sorry if that was long-winded.
RunesPainter's avatar
I view life as a gift, full of chances, lessons, mistakes. I continue to live to spread love and happiness in any way I can. I live to find some answers to the many questions I have. I want to think I'm able to make a difference.

I would sacrifice my life for another. I believe it's in vain not to.
Nenril-Tf's avatar
I continue to live because what we can be if we stop to be? I mean the void, i can think it because i exist, as well as this question, why i continue, only because i live and i can face the life. We have to live because we are alive, no matter the obstacle you can meet, you are alive and this is importante.
I have no lot of selfconfidence so i value more other's lives than mine, probably i will sacrifice my life others, i'm sure for some people, i don't know if the fear will stop for me for others.
cake-fiend's avatar
I continue to live because the desire to survive is innate in myself and other human beings. That is nature. Our species continues to exist because we strive to. That may be a lackluster reason to live, but I accept it. I don't seek a deeper meaning.
I do value other lives, for a similar (look up the evolution of empathy if you want an explanation) but more complicated reason.
Whether or not I would die for another person depends on the circumstances.
KillianSeraphim's avatar
I view life like a forge. Sure we go through hell from time to time, but we can come out of them a better, stronger person, if we so choose.

I continue to live because: A. I choose to, and B. My God isn't done with me yet.

I always try to consider others over myself.

Thus, the answer to your final question would be: In a heartbeat. I know where I'm going when I die, all I ask is to have a death that was as useful as my life was.
CatapultedCarcass's avatar
It passes the time, doesn't it. :shrug:
WolfySpice's avatar
:bulletpurple: Despite the bad parts, I am enjoying it very much.
:bulletpurple: Because living gives me much more pleasure than the alternative.
:bulletpurple: Often to the point of valuing it above my own.
:bulletpurple: I would rather live to save someone I love. ...But it depends on the circumstance as to whether I would accept the risk of death to save a loved one. I'm not stupid and would rather save them and live in the process.
Pakaku's avatar
Life is just a :iconskulltrumpetplz:
skullwarrior13's avatar
So, Life is just an entity associated with "Death" wile at the same time playing a brass instrument that may or may not be good?
Pakaku's avatar
Juliabohemian's avatar
At this point, it's mostly to see what happens to Walter on Breaking Bad. After that I will have to reassess.
EnuoCale's avatar
I'd sacrifice my life for someone whose life is worth more than mine. Not some random person whose is not. It's harsh, but fair.
goldacorn's avatar
I like my life, I continue to live it a) because I'm not done with it yet and b) I am immortal. I value all lives to some extent, some more than others. and it would depend on who I was sacrificing my life for and why.
OrangeKrissy's avatar
I'm sure there has been a lot of people who sacrificed their lives for you and so that you could live in freedom and they didn't know you.
goldacorn's avatar
if you're referring soldiers, some of whom I've known and fought alongside, you are correct. I would have done the same during my service if the need had arisen. like I said, it would depend on who and why. if the reason were that it was simply necessary during my term of service then I wouldn't have had a problem with it. there are many other reasons I would gladly give my life for another, but there are also many reasons I would not.