Why do people act like all religions are the same?

SpacelanderRyo's avatar
Not all religions believe in a nice, fuzzy, personal, omnipotent sky daddy. Not all religions believe in Jesus or Zeus or Thor. Not all religions have a god of evil or really an important concept of evil at all. I see the biggest problem in religious debates as a semantics problem, because there are all these undefined terms like god and benevolence, similar to undefined terms in mathematics that you just have to know intuitively, but unlike mathematics tend to be warped through interaction and reflection, as if them being intangible and invisible was not bad enough already. Religion is too often used as a synonym for Christianity and Greek mythology. In Buddhism there is no god (although you can still have one), in Judaism the afterlife is generally not a concern as is proselytizing people, and in most religions besides Christianity, the favor of god(s) is about your virtues and not about kowtowing in the typical interpersonal manner. Christianity is generally a very interpersonal religion, because it's all about having a relationship with Jesus who is nice to irredeemable scum like you (that's why he had to die for you), although there are apparent exceptions with recluses and stuff. Relgion is not a crutch for the weak, even if some are, because what if there is an omnipotent malevolent entity? That's not much to relax on, but many people do believe that, and it's still a religion.

Yawn, I'll stop now and log off. If you have any questions ask me because I've logically though out everything I could think of and if you want to start arguing my personal beliefs or something you can. I've already used all the standard atheist arguments myself and that's how I got to my current conclusions.
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OmicronWanderer's avatar
From a scientific perspective

Religion stems from at its most basic, a fear of the unknown. people (I hate to say create but it's really the only word that seems to fit) religions and myths to attempt to explain the questions science is either unable to answer at the time.

most religions have a strong tie to the idea of an afterlife or a life after death. this tends to be a primary thread between them.

However the most common tie between religions is the belief that the world came into being as a result of a being or beings or occured spontaniously alongside said beings.

An interesting thing to look at would also be flood myths. take a look: [link]
saintartaud's avatar
I think it's a lazy way of saying that all religion seems to be driven by more or less the same impulses.
mystichuntress's avatar
Not all religions are exactly the same, but they have similar concepts. Which suggests that all religions were derived from a single one which had eventually split off and changed.
staple-salad's avatar
IMO all religions are the same.

There is one deity. That omnipotence can be described as a single corporeal being, multiple corporeal beings, male, female, genderless, all genders, conceptual, a grouping of emotions, a person, or really any other way that a deity may be conceptualized. The names are changed, multiples are rolled into one, one is broken into multiples, etc.

Then the religion uses that deity to describe a general moral and social code that more or less creates a social structure motivating followers to be mindful of others and generally not be selfish pricks that would lead to the downfall of society, along with some localized rules regarding specific cultural and environmental traits (shellfish, beef, pork taboos, etc).

The rest is merely explanation for things that science cannot yet explain and elude most other forms of philosophy.

But more or less the message is the same, the deity is the same, but the names and stories are changed to fit a local culture.
destroyedeggo's avatar
Because they all have the one thing in common. Us and our destiny.
carusmm's avatar
There's mud and then there's clay. All religions dish them out equally.
Svataben's avatar
If you think Zeus and Thor fall into the "nice, fuzzy, personal, omnipotent sky daddy" category, you're badly misinformed.

"Christianity is generally a very interpersonal religion, because it's all about having a relationship with Jesus"
No, that's not what Christianity is. That's what one branch of Christianity is. One aspect.
The very extreme Jesus fixation that happens in some branches simply isn't practised in others.
For instance, when I got my confirmation according with the tradition of Danish protestants, the priest did talk about Jesus but much more about God directly.

I don't think most people act like all religions are the same.

I do think lots of ignorant people spout off about religion in badly created OPs like this one. :lol:
BlueWingedCoyote's avatar
Because to an atheist you are ALL delusional... the shape and colour of your hallucinations don't matter to the outsider's diagnosis of looniness.
Sabby1300's avatar
All religions might be different in some way or another, but they're still inherently the same. According to the ancient Romans, what made a religion an actual religion was the worship of a deity. Didn't have to be polytheistic, either, you just had to have a deity to worship. That's what made it a religion and not a sect or form of philosophy. And a lot of people still define religion in the same way today. When I think of all the different religions I've learned about over the years, they all share one thing in common in my opinion and that is the worship of a deity or deities. The means of worship vary from culture to culture, but it's still worship. That's why I personally act as if all religions are inherently the same. Now if you want to talk about philosophy, that's a whole different ballgame.
All religions are based on the same thing, which is to be stupid and 'Ignorance is power'. (got the last bit from 1984 by George Orwell)
da1withdalongestname's avatar
As far as I've seen on this site anyhow. People always assume the word "religion" means "Christianity" the current workaround I use is to emphasize very clearly that religion is not Christianity & what religion I am talking about.

The reason is to why, I believe it's their hubris. But to the part where it's getting weird, I've seen & in contact with some Christians who goes by the logic that "if you believe in goodness & blahblahblah, then you believe in god. Because you believe in god, you must convert now so you can be saved!" Preposterous I'd say.
TimeHasAnEnd's avatar
Because, some of them are unexperienced, but that doesn't mean they are bad christians. They are just lack of the word of God of the Bible. But, if you really study the depth of the Bible, then we know that no religion can convert anyone to believe in God. Because, the Bible teaches very clear, all men are "spiritually dead" and no man can come to God, unless He draws you first (John 6:44). Only then, we can start to believe in God with all of our heart, mind and soul. That is the circumcision of the heart, (not the part of our foreskin) and it is done 100% the work of God, not man nor any other religion that is in the world today.
da1withdalongestname's avatar
So I see you're in a good mood enough to brought up that people should be Christians because they liked the religion & not because we all need to pay our debts.
TimeHasAnEnd's avatar
That, would be up to God and no man can repay their debts. The only way you can repay your debts, if Christ paid it all in full. Otherwise, you have to pay your debts on your own, which is death. That, is what the Bible teaches...
da1withdalongestname's avatar
We all still die, so the debt is not "fully" paid

And merry Christmas & happy new year. I'll just dance & sing.
TimeHasAnEnd's avatar
But, if christ paid your sins at the cross, then you will be ressurected on your last days. If not, then it would be a 2nd death and you will not rise again nor any conscious existence nor come into remembrance. Because, the law of God says, "The wages of sins", is death both body and soul shall die. (Romans 6:23). In another words, there's no such thing called hell and burning forever and ever. God is a merciful God, He doesn't want to see anyone to suffer for billions of years or eons. Only, mankind dare to think such evil ways. Because, God has set up the law, mankind are not to be punish no more than 40 stripes. And, that's exactly where Christ has experienced, He was punished no more than 40 stripes.

Mankind was created in the images of God with Soul or Spirit. Not, like animals, they were not created in the images of God,
thus they donn't posses souls nor they have to answer for their sins, when they die. They are dead and they do not come back to life nor any conscious existence.
da1withdalongestname's avatar
The Muslims also said the same thing about their god. Oh wait, you 2 shared the same god. If your god is half as merciful as you've claimed, then I don't need to be a Christian if I being virtuous according to your god's law. Isn't Ruth a non-Christian? Wait, i remembered all she ever did was treating her Christian mother well. So that means I should get a Christian wife & treat her well, so it doesn't matter if I'm a Christian or not then.

What's the point of living forever? eventually, everything will be said & done, you'll have a dull life. At least, if you die, you'll value your moment in life.

So your holiday joy is running out & you're starting to quote the Romans? The very people who turned Christianity into a political tool. Remind me, isn't it the Roman Christians who burned down & raid non-Christian religious buildings?

Again with this image thing, yet people interpreted differently. So I ask you then, what is this god's image?
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TimeHasAnEnd's avatar
Because, there are only remnant who follows the "Word of God of the Bible", which is the "Law book of God." Other religion, has created their own "man made religion" or they have created their own "man made salvation program." Therofore, creating their own doctrine, that has nothing to do with the Bible. Therefore, whorshipping other gods, other than the "Almighty God", the Creator." Which is contrary to the Word of God of the Bible. Wherefore, ending under the judgment of God.
`GASP`!!! You didn't quote bible?! Couldn't believe it.
siegeonthorstadt's avatar
american youth: instead of looking up the theological references and researching something to actually learn about that thing, they just make a passive-anarchic semi complaining 1/4 trolling and 3/4 trollable thread in some forum corner of the internet, and than makes a half lazy comment like

Yawn, I'll stop now and log off.

which represents most of how his schooling have went.
empiredice's avatar
There's so many false assumptions just in these replies it's giving me cancer. That's exactly the problem though - as soon as the word 'religion' pops up, people assume they know what you're talking about. They don't; the reality is even theologians can't agree on a definition for religion that is completely accurate because there are NO unifying characteristics among them, except ones so broad and general they could apply to many many things other than religions and even those are debatable.
der-freishutz's avatar
It is born from ignorance my freind, they simply have not gone out and researched the other religions of the world. I believe that every religion (well main religion, wouldnt want to be teaching the poor children about pagans) should be taught in school, so people can understand and respect the main religions of the world.
Smkiller's avatar
wouldnt want to be teaching the poor children about pagans
Over tooo
so people can understand and respect

You're a silly one.