Worse and best kind of afterlife

ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Which is the worse kind of afterlife for you?

Which is the best kind of afterlife for you?

For me it would be this

Worse-you are trapped in darkness forever. There's no sound, no light, no nothing. But you can feel as you are trapped there without actually feeling. It's like a prison of darkness for you.

Best-Technological heaven.
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tdroid's avatar
Not sure what would be the worst, but probably the one that brings me eternal boredom.

As for the best, I am not sure there ether. Of the ones that have been invented in the past I'd go with Valhall, that sounds fun. Other than that, I'd say the one that allows me to express creativity and be the most entertained would be the best.
Vanhir's avatar
Any and all afterlifes seem terrifying to me.
sagethethird's avatar
if there were these things. which there isn't, but I can entertain a thought without excepting it :)

the best kind? certainly one were I'd get to go back to a start screen, select "new game" or review past games (lives) and view all the achievements I got from them (like skydiving and black hole event horizon surfing) and when I select "new game" I'd be able to customize my body, when I am born (but I couldn't choose previous bodies or bodies friends once inhabited) and where I am born. I'd get to talk to all the beings of that "real" universe that apparently never die and created the simulation just to not be bored.

so an afterlife of endless simulated lives. in buddhism that's what you're NOT trying to achieve haha, so I'd be a shitty Buddhist.

the worst kind? say if I was in said universe, but I was really bad at the simulation, I'd be sent to the start screen and only be able to choose say, a character that was most definitely going to die of leprosy, or an artist that went blind before he could make money off of his art and became homeless and died of starvation.

in that one, I'd be looking to achieve Nirvana, and get out of the universe altogether and end my suffering. in that one I'd be a really awesome Buddhist lol
inezuu's avatar
Worst: Reincarnation with no recollection of who or what you once were, and you have to start everything from scratch. Makes it useless to work for things now, if you have to work for the same things later.
Best: Being able to build upon what I know now, pretty much just an extension of my current life.
I like the Greek mythology one, Hypnos (god of sleep) makes you sleep, and Thanatos (god of death) plays a flute, you follow him into the Greek Underworld.
I don't like the Christian death. It's like, 'Believe in my puny religion or rot in hell forever'. Not very nice.
Keydan's avatar
Reincarnation with all experience would be nice... But there probably is no afterlife, so why bother.
Worst: Christian afterlife. Eternal pain and suffering for finite transgressions.

Best: Don't know... methinks the Zoroastrian afterlife. From what I remember reading, it's just like life here on Earth, but without the crippling pains that drive people to depression and lifelong unhappiness that we have. That, and since the government is run by Ahura Mazda (i.e. God), who seems like a pretty cool/wise dude, things work out pretty well.
MARX-MAN's avatar
"Which is the worse kind of afterlife for you?

Which is the best kind of afterlife for you?

For me it would be this

Worse-you are trapped in darkness forever. There's no sound, no light, no nothing. But you can feel as you are trapped there without actually feeling. It's like a prison of darkness for you.

Best-Technological heaven."
~ReptillianSP2011 in Worse and best kind of afterlife
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Everybody who makes this case forgets one important factor...

You need a body to feel things.

Like the passage of time, if you don't have any cognisance of time then any amount of time vanishes in an apparent blink, even eternities. Take sleep for example... It is your eyes shut for 8 HOURS!

Your mind turns off your time perceptibility, you simply don't remember sleeping, imagine how boring and what a nightmare sleep would be if you remembered every minute of it, remember, you actually get paralysed in your sleep by the mechanisms used to keep you alive during sleep and your eyes move so fast that if you were aware of thier movement it would make you physically sick, so after a couple of hours of sitting and doing nothing but snickering your eyes and maybe snoring you would be pretty disheartened to the idea of ever sleeping again... but no, sleep doesn't work like that and dumb-asses like you think that death is like "rest" but forget that perception of time is not an option when you are resting.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Of course you need a body to feel things and of course death in the no more life scenario is nothing like sleep. The most likely scenario is that one does not perceive anything at all. There's other scenario like cyclical existence, but you still won't know you were here if it true. I think you're forgetting that there is time perception in sleep as in you dream and there's different time perceptions. Even in anesthesia (I been through surgery recently), there is still time perception (at least for me). That sleep period lasted 2 seconds. All in all, death is really about not knowing what happened during your life time no matter how you spin the scenario of existence whether it's cyclical or it isn't.
MARX-MAN's avatar
Death is merely the ceasing of functionality of a body.

Whether or not there is a soul or essence that carries on after the body is dead is literally immaterial to me and shouldn't be worried about.

The actions that my brain decides are based primarily on the things I have encountered during my life and the limitations of my body, including recall, processing power and logical knowledge, including conditioning to a way off thinking with regards to learned morality. These things are individual to a bodies experiences and do not reflect the decision making abilities of an essence. Most afterlives are considered to be based on the performance of the individual during life, but this is a stupid idea as a living beings actions are determined prodominently by exposure.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Yes, I agree with you though I still fear death itself.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Because I hate the idea of not being able to have consciousness, it's simple as that. Right now, the only theory I'm looking forward to is LQG since it seems promising and the universe will then be replaced by the big bounce in spite of our universe's apparent acceleration if LQG is confirmed as a whole. You may ask why do I look for a big bounce? If the mechanism of the big bounce is perfect and you came from a big bounce, then probability principle suggests you being born from a long history of the big bounce is gonna happen again even if it takes a hundred or a thousand big bounce meaning you're pretty much nonexistent for a long time, but not forever. I have 0 problem with death itself, but I do have a problem with the non-consciousness forever part.
MARX-MAN's avatar
Nothing can be done post-mortem to change what has occurred during life.

If you outsmart the system and get away with it, that's it, you have done it and it is in the history of the universe until it ends.

If a person believes that one is punished after death for the crimes of life, why punish the crimes occurring during life, surely any punishment during life would cancel the need for a punishment after life.
Basically if a killer gets caught, gets the death penalty for his crime, how can a post mortem judge not say that his crime has already been punished, It just seems like a one way ticket to heaven for him, it just makes no sense.
FerricPlushy's avatar
Well according to many sects of christianity regardless if you're a murderer or child rapist, if you're truly repentant of your sins and accept jesus christ as your savior, you go to heaven where it's all old people and aborted fetuses. That sounds like the worst afterlife. While Valhalla on the otherhand where you fight all day and drink and eat and party all night sounds amazing
Abstract-Mindser's avatar
The worst kind of afterlife is one where your free will is stripped; the Abrahamic ones come to mind.

The best sort of afterlife is to transcend.
Vampiric-Conure's avatar
Best - Really depends. I like the idea of being able to do whatever I want, with friends and family and guardians (angels?). Love to see pets again! At the same time, complete and utter nothingness where I don't have to do anything is pure bliss. No people to talk to about all the wrongs in your life, no singing hymns for eternity. JUst the peace that comes with death and dying.

Worst - Reincarnation. I'm sorry. I hate the idea of coming back again and again and again to fix every little thing. Too much pain in this world. Humans suck. I also hate the idea of being forced to reincarnate. (The irony is that I also believe in reincarnation...). At the same time, nothingness kinda sucks, but I would be dead so it wouldn't matter!
IncendiaAngelus's avatar
Ick, reincarnation. That'd suck, after having learned so much in one lifetime, you have to do it all over again in a new one? And what if you end up in some icky place or in some crappy diseased body or something? That'd suck.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
I can see your viewpoint. However, I have to point out that reincarnation does not always have to do with fixing every little things, materialistic reincarnation involves the world-view that the universe will have it cycle and you just become someone else after certain amount of universe bounce. There's no rule within each reincarnation and you just wake up at birth each time. If it were true, there may have been a point where you had sex with your sibling as in that sibling used to be someone else and you used to be something else while you both weren't siblings (I know, disturbing thought, but that's the premise of infinite iteration of big bounce effect). Materialistic reincarnation can be compatible with what we see in the universe only because all scenarios of big bounce haven't been ruled out just as of yet such as holographic scalar dark energy ,loop quantum gravity, 2 big branes, or even dynamic steady state universe where the universe will act like a expanding universe even though rematerialization occurs. I'm not saying this is true, but...
Earthtalon's avatar
Worst: Boring endless fields.
Best: A place where you had a house and food was free and such but if you worked you could get better stuff for i- oh screw it BEST is obviously where you can live out your sick fantasies...
Black-Allison's avatar
Reincarnation. The joy of experience.

Worst is purgatory. [link] I HAVE TO DO SHIT?!
carusmm's avatar
Worse - nothingness.
best - nothingness.
UncleGargy's avatar
When you are dead...That's it nothing. There is no afterlife. Why should there be?
What you are describing is someone who is trapped in their body. Blind, deaf and mute. That is a living hell and many people on this Earth are trapped in living hells. Being dead would be a release from their torture.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Well, it's possible that there's something rather than a nothing without having an afterlife if existence itself is cyclical which is why I look forward to gravitational theory test (I hope LQG shows up as true). I wish I could support either materialistic reincarnation or one-time-only life idea, but alas why should anyone claim shit when no one knows about existence no matter how much we know about the universe? That being said, I believe in nothing about death, I don't believe there's a something or a nothing.

And yes, it would most likely be a release from their torture unless rematerialistic reincarnation is true and they end up in that state again by chance.