The turtle and the scorpion

carusmm's avatar
"Why did you sting me, Mr Scorpion?" said the turtle. "Not because I am a scorpion, Mr Turtle, but because you were a turtle," said the scorpion.

I love turtles. Who would I have to pick on if there were no turtles?
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malphigus's avatar
pick prosaix. :lol:
Deizzan's avatar
When I heard it there was a frog/toad instead of a turtle. I am also rather fond of turtles and already have a habit of killing scorpions I find in my home.
Abstract-Mindser's avatar
Oh hey, I just heard this metaphor on Star Trek Voyager.
saintartaud's avatar
Who knows, maybe you're the turtle, and we're the scorpions.
carusmm's avatar
I may be a tea pot too.
saintartaud's avatar
You might be a great many things.
kaikaku's avatar
"It's in my nature."


Turtles all the way down.

Pakaku's avatar
You're picking on this poor, defenseless forum :(
carusmm's avatar
Come over to the dark side, turtle, it's more fun.
Pakaku's avatar
I'm already comfy where I am
carusmm's avatar
Turtles like comfort, don't they?
Pakaku's avatar
According to my icon, I'm a bear
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
...with dental issues.
maejonin's avatar
The lol wut pear combined with pedobear.