What do you think happens when you die?

Kenilem's avatar
In all curiousity, most people will say nothing, go to heaven or hell, or become a ghost.
But is there anything else after death?
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MatthewMatters's avatar
I die and then, from my subjective point of view, nothing. As a Buddhist though I do believe the flame of life that burns in me shall pass on -- for such is the cycle of life.
IokoThePanda's avatar
I even don´t know if there is something after the death,
but mayby it´s good, that we don´t know that...

I think, there is a live after die.
I belive in heaven, and I belive on having another live after dead.
I think, I´m on earth, becouse I have to do something, after doing that, I´m going to die.
Then, I think, I will weak up in heaven and one time... there is another live, with another exercise for me...
summitstars's avatar
I believe that we just become one with the universe and with God. I don't believe hell exists unless you do things to create your own "hell" on earth. Whatever we believe will happen...that's what will happen (to me, anyway).
carusmm's avatar
Whatever lies after death, I don't live by.
kaikaku's avatar
Death is the undoing of the self. There is literally nothing after that. That's what I think is most likely.

And yeah I hope I'm wrong.
Cercan's avatar
I don't know.
carusmm's avatar
You float up to heaven and become beautiful. Just kidding. Death is permanent.
UltimateRidley's avatar
Well, I know what happens when you die.

Your body shuts down, with your brain being the last organ (unless the cause of death is linked to severe brain damage) to go, slowly shutting off every single process your body went through when it was alive. Don't worry, you usually don't feel that because technically, you are already dead.

Blood stops flowing because your heart stops. Your body evacuates any waste it had built up (urine and feces included).

After about half an hour, rigor mortis kicks in, and having someone else close your eyes takes a level in extreme difficulty. This also stops you from being completely dead weight, becoming the stiff zombie-like posture we all recognize, minus the arms hanging outward (...usually).

When all is said and done and assuming you weren't cremated or moved to a completely sterile environment immediately after death, you will rot away slowly as food for the worms, fungi and flies. All that will be left in the end is your skeleton.

As for what happens after you die, as in concerning your consciousness and "soul" of sorts, hell if I know.
EldingaGunman's avatar
It depends on where you are heading. The way I see it, the only finite thing about Death is that you cannot come back to Life through the same doorway you used to leave. :shrug: Where exactly I'll end up is a good question that I, for now, will leave for my dying moment. But I don't think that Death will stop me from moving On once I've gone and kicked the bucket. I think more of it as an intersection that you're bound to reach eventually.
T4pew0rm's avatar
This has happened to me in several dreams before.

I think that death is a lot like falling asleep, a peaceful sleep, no matter how you die. Because when you're in pain and dying, once you die, you're relieved of that pain. At first there's nothing, but you wake up in another life with no recollection of the one you just lived.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Sounds like you're a believer of cyclical existence/materialistic reincarnation. If it true, it'd make for a great story or movie. Things evolves with suffering and also enjoyment. You may have been a pet once or a slave once or a ruler once or a philanthropic person... Many sees death as a way to nonexistence.
T4pew0rm's avatar
Maybe. One time my mom and I were talking about that once and she keeps saying I'm a shamanic person, and as this conversation was going, we started thinking that some traits in past lives are preserved. Maybe things that we've learned from that life.

I couldn't ever see as death leading to nonexistence because everything that ends gives way to something new, such as the death of a star giving way to heavier elements needed for life.
Then there's the whole preservation of energy and life is an energy so there's no way the life force can just vanish.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
The problem with your thesis statement that we learn from the past life assuming materialistic reincarnation is true is that there is no way that memories can be transferred as all memories are vanished upon death meaning you only can have fresh memories.

As for death leading to nonexistence, that's the most likely scenario since the cosmological constant won't even permit things to rebuild. Now, it's possible that a supernova could allow for rooms regarding reincarnation, but the processes makes it very unlikely as the vast majority of the space is not living. If we are living in the big lie and the universe is in fact cyclical, then you may have existed plenty of times before. There isn't any actual knowledge on dark energy and dark matter making the predictions of the death of the universe uncertain until they are figured out.
brainninja11's avatar
I believe that the brain holds all the consciousness and thought processes for a human. Once it is disconnected, all of that disappears. There is no soul, no afterlife, just sleep.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Depends if existence is cyclical or not. If it is, no chance for you to be on earth again and you'll be born in the next trillions of years. If it not cyclical, you die.
AncaXBre's avatar
You get the answers to everything, I hope. Than it would be cool to sit around and hunt the living in more original ways a bit so horror movies won't have to copy a story over and over again.
jarringx's avatar
i'd probably be the director of the gene pool
directing the dead(who are actually living in my future bloodline) to gain proper control over their cells([link])
carusmm's avatar
KingStephenArthur's avatar
just the boring ol' answer: Nothing. :shrug:
Zer05um's avatar
End of line. Consciousness fades and the body decomposes (or is burned depending on waste removal process preferred).
CandanceAmy's avatar
Well... your conscious energy will flow with all the other energies of those passed away. And you will be everywhere from Earth to the deep endless corners of the cosmos.
El-and-Noxi's avatar
You go to Soul society and train to become a Shinigami. :D Ha, wishful thinking. But seriously, as long as you don't wake up in a coffin everything goes.
carusmm's avatar
A bit of recycling but apart from that not an awful lot happens after you die.
AdamKass's avatar
Decomposition, providing sustenance to insect and plant life, the redistribution of the body's elements into the environment... And procuring the ability to hangout in the lady's locker room unseen, as per the standard adolescent male fantasy.