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SpacelanderRyo's avatar
Recently I've been really bored of not having a religion at all when I have the nagging feeling that I should have one, so basically I'm asking you to convert me. I will definitely not automatically convert to what the first poster puts, and I might not convert what any poster puts. I just want to see what people have to say.
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TheMarcher's avatar
CinderBlockStudios's avatar
Religion isn't about one choice over another. It's a belief. It's not like buying a product.
Dragonflae's avatar
Eclectic paganism.

You get to cast spells and shit, bro.
Dragonflae's avatar
*inb4 'You don't have to cast spells to be a pagan!" I know that, deviantart. Shut up and let me troll.
littleladylucifer's avatar
I'm a Unitarian Univeralist, I take my beliefs from many religons. I love it too! :la:
After--Life's avatar
After--Life's avatar
Millions of people gathered onto the streets, and to do what?

i-am-a-retro-lass's avatar
If I had to compartmentalize myself or label myself inside a religious belief...I would probably choose Pantheist. xx
Personinator's avatar
Yeah, Pantheism's pretty cool in my opinion.
Lumdrop's avatar
I'm sort of going through a thing like that myself.
I converted to Catholicism because I thought it was the best religion I ever encountered.
I still think it is, but most Catholics don't take Catholic beliefs and practices seriously, so not really being able to relate with my coreligionists, I'm pretty much drifting away from religion in general now.

If you can stand limp-wristed milquetoasts and well-intentioned spiritual yes-men, I'd say give Catholicism a try.
There are a few who still take their Church seriously.

Maybe it was just my experiences :shrug:

Anyway, good luck in your search :)
TimeHasAnEnd's avatar
The Word of God of the Bible teaches very clear, no man on earth can be save through any type of religion. Because, it is entirely 100% the work of God for anyone to get saved or get converted and not through man. It's God, who does the circumsized of the heart and give you a new spirit or a new soul. Only, then you can be converted and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. Because, the bible teaches very clear, that all men are "spiritually dead" and no one will believe in Him. So, therefore, we beg for mercy and ask God to saved us. Remember, we are only saved through the Grace and the Mercy of God...
der-freishutz's avatar
taoism is pretty rad
we follow the natural order and try not to mess with it, and try to achieve spiritual harmony through meditation and purification of the self.
SpacelanderRyo's avatar
I'm looking into Taoism some. There isn't anything disagreeable to me on the surface but I still have to research it.
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SpacelanderRyo's avatar
Yes. What are you saying?
Deizzan's avatar
It may not be mine, but you might take a look into Last Thursdayism. According to Last Thursdayism, the universe and everything in it was created Last Thursday to look as though it began billions of years ago. Everything created was created as is including the Earth, fossils, a teapot orbiting the Sun between Earth and Mars, and human beings with complete memories dating back before last Thursday.

"There is no logical impossibility in the hypothesis that the world sprang into being five minutes ago, exactly as it then was, with a population that "remembered" a wholly unreal past. There is no logically necessary connection between events at different times; therefore nothing that is happening now or will happen in the future can disprove the hypothesis that the world began five minutes ago"

—Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Mind, 1921, pp. 159–60)

I would definitely avoid those heretics the Last Tuesdayists. Those people are crazy.
CandanceAmy's avatar
That would make a neat scifi movie scenario :O
Deizzan's avatar
It would be interesting.
xTernal7's avatar
Just start believing that whole universe is actually something like The Matrix. If you consider yourself a geek:
There are no gods. Devs (developer) technically aren't gods.
Everything you see or hear is actually a very good animation.
You are just an entity in the system. System was programmed to create such entites that would have free will. Entity needs to consume energy packets in order to live and operate. Entities have only very basic privileges, so they can't interact with the core of the system and change it. Only devs can do that.
System is still quite bugged, and devs are struggling to remove those. Sometimes system crashes because of that. Proof of that are deja vu sights.
Et cetera.
SpacelanderRyo's avatar
Gnosticism doesn't fit in my my personal beliefs, sorry. I'm also looking for something without robots and aliens.
saintartaud's avatar
The alien God I referred to isn't an extraterrestrial. "Alien" refers more to something strange, unfamiliar, or incomprehensible.
Also, in most gnostic systems, the developer is the demiurge and not very concerned with bugs. That's more a concern for other archons, like Sophia, which I suppose could be thought of as devs but are not really the creators of matter. Depends on the particular system we're dealing with, of course. Valentianism is the most well known and complex.
saintartaud's avatar
Gnosticism was there first.
Knightster's avatar
Atheists... uhhh..... we know how to make cookies?
HaniSantosa's avatar
have you considered Buddhism? Sufism?