would the world be better off

HorrificSensation's avatar
without religion, you think?

I do.
Although then there wouldnt be any jokes about it everywhere. but still. would be better.
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CandanceAmy's avatar
Well I really wonder what humans would have been like is they would have never wanted to ascent to divinity...
CandanceAmy's avatar
*ascend... not ascent. Or maybe they both work? I intended for ascend.
malphigus's avatar
It's better for me,
but I can't really say for others.
viberunner's avatar
The world would not be better or worse off without religion... but unquestionably humanity would be better off without religion.

It would be nice for people to think for themselves rather than abdicate their moral, emotional, and intellectual development to bonkers racist magic desert manuals and/or weirdoes who think they're in telepathic communication with supreme forces.
DragonQuestWes's avatar
What difference do you think it will make?
kaikaku's avatar
I don't know what a world with no religion would actually entail. I think it could be better OR worse. Or better in some ways and worse in others. It seems very difficult to predict. It might ultimately depend on how the world became non-religious.

Some of this also depends on what you think counts as a religion. Are only highly organized, ritualized belief systems religion, or do vaguer things like animism and freeform spirituality count? I can't help but feel that a world with no religion might also have no humans, or only teeny-tiny human societies.
tdroid's avatar
Yes, even though we can't claim that it would fix all wrong. However, I think that we should root out things like religion anyway, because they can be very harmful. There will always be things used by people to justify horrible things(and sometimes also motivating them), but we should still fight to get them removed.
Jm764's avatar
and what about those who use religion to help those around them... should they be removed?

Science is used to place harm upon others... shouldn't it be removed?
tdroid's avatar
Science is a tool to understand the world, the best one we have at this time. Science in itself does not motivate anything. How people use it is another matter.

The thing about using religion to help those around them is that you don't need religion to do that. All charity work can be done seculary. A point of religious missonary is to spread the faith. And if they don't do anything like that, it is a secular mission(secular means that no religious view or dogma is attached to it).
Jm764's avatar
Science and Religion we know well and how they are used in society...

How ever... religion gives to those who believe in it a better take upon life and those around them...

If we were to take that from them... then we'd be no better than those who have taken our rights to freely believe in what we wish to believe whether it is the belief that higher beings exist or not...

How ever... those who "force" their belief system upon those who do don't believe as they do should instead have their influential powers reduced.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't work like that... so we'll just have to deal with the way it operates now...
tdroid's avatar
I am not proposing to take someones right to believe what they want, I am an idealistic believer in Freedom of Speech and Feedom of Thought. What I am saying is that we have to challenge religion to justify their belief if they want it to have an effect on things like politics.

When I say remove religion, I mean that we should remove its effect on just that. People believing in something, but not using it to affect others are fine with me.
Jm764's avatar
In that respect we agree...
Kenny-White-Lion's avatar
Even without religion we would still destroy this world, and I believe that doomsday would be a lot quicker. Without Religion somethings would of not been prevented and With it things would of been prevented. Same thing goes for a world with science and no religion, this planet is a war planet and humans are always and will always fight. Hell the Dinosaurs did it for millions of years and so did other mammals, nothing different between humans.
KingStephenArthur's avatar
there is no way for certain to say. Though I myself am completely against religion and would love to believe the world would be better off we can't really know.

say we had the opportunity to pull a lever that instantaneously removed all religions and religious thoughts from our existence. By pulling the lever we would be taking a gamble that whatever we fight over next would not be as bad as religion, whatever would take the place of religion, assuming something would, could very well be much worse.
LazyPixel's avatar
I would argue that there will always be religion. Religion isn't believing in a god, or gods or a sovereignty or whatever. If you look at the one thing religions have in common, it's following set rules and doctrine through life for whatever reason (get into heaven, achieve enlightenment, be one with the force). There's always going to be people who will gravitate towards a set of rules that they will live their by, they'll create a religion.
siantjudas's avatar
It's difficult to say, in our present that is.

Religion was first made to help create social order in early societies, so people wouldn't be running around raping and killing each other. However, even with that said, religion has to provide some sort of incentive to follow the rules, otherwise we get early mesopotamian culture, where even though there is a religion, there is no reason to be "good" so in this case it doesn't really work, but also gives us an example of what would happen in a religionless society, at least early on.

However, in our post-modern era, it is debatable. Just because it was necessary at one time doesn't mean that it always is, and always will be. There could be a point were humans can finally transcend religion and take off those cultural training wheels so to speak and simply act with humanity in mind because we have advanced far enough to do so, in a way following neitchzes death of god.

However, I don't think we can ever live religionless, since religion is really just beliefs held by a group. Any belief held by a group, could fall into this.
EnuoCale's avatar
Would SMT exist without religion?

...There's your answer.
SlimT's avatar
martial arts is like religion in that in their disciplined, and reflective form, they're both vastly creative, and serve to bolster your emotional and physical strength.

putting religion or martial arts in the hands of unthinking, undisciplined people, is like putting a two year old behind the wheel of a car.

by disicpline i mean a certain level of self control, and self awareness.
IncandescentInsanity's avatar
Religion plays an important role in art history.

Aside from that, though, it is a blight upon humanity, and is keeping us from reaching our true potential
Tidal-Wave-Art's avatar
Nope. People should have the freedom to think and believe in what they want.
HorrificSensation's avatar
yeah sure but sometimes they like to try and force it on other people that dont care about it
Tidal-Wave-Art's avatar
Atheists do it too. It's happens in basically anything that requires personal preference.
FerricPlushy's avatar
Yeah atheists force christians to get abortions and gay marry in new york
Kimihro's avatar
I doubt it. People have a tendency of finding reasons to humiliate, annoy and kill each other.

It's not on purpose, though... just Entropy doing its work.