What is your thought on "after death"?

LadyZelda1's avatar
For Christians we know what you think. But what about others? Do we just wink out of existence after we die, or do we drift through space forever as a disembodied spirit? That just seems weird to me, going to bed at night and just never waking up as your consciousness just evaporates into nothing. Just like sleeping forever. Cuss or discuss it.
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lyteside's avatar
I know there's a soapbox crate, decorated trees, and sad singing involved somehow.
LadyZelda1's avatar
Can someone tell me why guys use girl's avatars on this site? That seems a bit weird
lyteside's avatar
It's one of my favorite pieces I've drawn, and I'm proud of it. I do not intend my avatars to be used to represent me as male, female, etc. but rather my art, and the emotions and experiences it brings with it. If my favorite work was a picture of a tree, you'd see a tree.
Stxl87's avatar
i dont know what comes after death, i guess i'll have to wait till i die to find out.

i did have a strange experience one time where i feel that i traveled to some "death dimension" unintentionally. i was laying down, tired in a dreamy state, and i suddenly drifted off to a sort of "sleep" where i found myself in a "dream" but it felt a bit different than a dream, it felt like i went to some other dimension, the way the dimension felt when i was there caused me to intuitively associate it with death because thats the sense i got when i was there, it felt kind of like i was all knowing weightless and timeless and floating, the colors there were milky white, milky blue, milky gray and an infinite black, i felt like i knew i was in a death dimension and i understood all of life death and everything else, i was in the same room i fell asleep in in this reality except it was coated in that death dimension with those colors i mentioned, there were also 3 dead kids there, they didnt seem to care at all that i was there and i got the sense that one of there names was Trevor (the boy) and he died from an overdose of pills, the other two were girls. to describe it, it felt like this world that we live in while we are alive is an infinite inhale, the death dimension felt like an infinite exhale with no inhale, it was a pretty cool experience.
UncleGargy's avatar
Why is everyone so scared of oblivion. We knew nothing before we were born and we will know nothing after we are gone. Just enjoy the ride and fell proud to have been a human being and been able to even think about existence in the first place.
LadyZelda1's avatar
We knew nothing before we were born because we hadn't been created yet.
DesmondeKapi's avatar
For me..
I get incarnated into someone or something else.
viberunner's avatar
The first 14 billion years of the universe with your consciousness? That's coming up again except for much, MUCH longer. Forever really.

Sorry, but when the lights go out the show's over.

ReptillianSP2011's avatar
What if the current cosmological interpretation is a lie? Let just say hypothetically speaking.
viberunner's avatar
If we're all pod people in a Matrix then so be it. Technically I can't prove you exist.

Cosmological lie or not I don't have any pre-existence memory, do you?
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Nope, no pre-existence memory although it'd be nice to have it if I existed before (unlikely). So, it ain't gonna matter how the universe came to be and how did we came to be in the whole grand scheme of things.
viberunner's avatar
Quite right... but it's because life is precious and one-shot I find it so egregious people abdicate their moral, emotional, and intellectual development to so really rather nasty Space-Desert Magicians.
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
Errg, it wouldn't matter if life is one-shot or not. You will be gone forever as you know it even if you came back to existence due to cosmic miracle. If life is not one-shot and is continuous, then the 'you' as you know it will be gone forever and you just might as well be a inferior life form after a long time or a much more advanced race.
Tianithen's avatar
This question is asked soooo much. When we die we die, that's it. There is no afterlife, the idea of 'living after death' makes no logical sense. The idea of an afterlife was invented because humans are scared of death and therefore not existing.
line-melte's avatar
Every single idea ever proposed about 'after death' or the 'afterlife' exists because humans are aware of mortality and fear it; the idea of dying is frightening to us, so we need to cushion it somehow. Many do it with religion, some - like myself - just man up and accept it for what it is. :meow:
justMANGO's avatar
Kudos to you, my good sir. :3 I approve when people just man up and accept it for what it is. It gives me lots and lots of motivation to do my best and live the best life too, because well, once we're dead, that's it.
line-melte's avatar
Indeed, I cannot fathom the kind of twisted logic one needs in order to draw the conclusion that life without an afterlife is meaningless. I guess some people just don't appreciate the true value of life and reality. :noes:
justMANGO's avatar
The world is full of bizarre people. =\
maejonin's avatar
I wouldn't agree that everyone knows what a christian Doctrine for afterlife is.

The only thing we could know for sure is that in revelation for the good people, they go to live in the New jerusalem, and also we get new bodies that are simular to the angel and eat the new fruit, and new names written in stone.

For hell, the word sheoul is where all the unrighteous and wicked get sent. Pretty simular to Hades. The real punishment is actually eternal seperation of God, not really burning yourself to death. A place of eternal lonliness. Though it could have burning and sufferenging like that, but the punishment is eternal seperation.

And considering the words soul and spirit, they are used differently in the bible. Some scholars don't hold that we have an immortal soul.
LadyZelda1's avatar
Yes, I believe that hell was made for the devil, the demons or his fallen angels, and the false prophet.
maejonin's avatar
Apparently only half. Hell is apparently translated differently from sheoul and Tataro, there is a place for angels and a place for humans.

The Sheoul is where the evil and unclean humans go. Tartaro is the place where all the angels, and demons go.
LadyZelda1's avatar
Demons are the fallen angels. They are just called demons for some reason.
stoneman123's avatar
It seems pretty clear to me that the consciousness is extinguished upon death. You can tell because consciousness is apparently a function of the brain, as the activity in the brain directly correlates to various states of consciousness. If you had a CAT scan of your brain, it would read accordingly if you were concentrating, relaxed, asleep, afraid, high on drugs, and so forth. If you were deceased, there would be no brain activity, leading me to believe that there is no consciousness. Further, I see nothing to suggest a mechanism by which the consciousness could be transferred to somewhere else. The brain is a computer, constantly processing data. If you took an artificial computer that was running a program (another data-crunching system, like the consciousness), that program could be transferred to and run on another computer, but only if there was a connection between them, like a cable, or a wireless signal. Obviously, there are neither present for dying humans, so there is nothing to suggest the posthumous survival of human consciousness.
LadyZelda1's avatar
But you can't see a spiritual being, nor it's connection to any person's brain. OK, let's use a computer. If one computer is in another part of the house to the room your computer is in, you can still be connected to it wirelessly. So who says that the spiritual part of you can't be transferred somewhere else and not be seen? I recall an article years ago about how an aura was observed to be around people through some scientific means, I forgot the details. But they saw that on death the aura seemed to leave the body and up through the ceiling. They deduced that perhaps it was the soul. When we are talking spiritual things that can't be seen by the human eye because they are in another plane, who can say?