How to deal with a Manic episode?

KagomeHanami's avatar
I just took a long walk with my fiance and our dog, and I feel sooooo manic right now. I always feel like I'm in a manic after I take a walk. (I have bipolar). 
It's good that I'm getting out and walking but it sucks being put into a manic episode right after. 
Part of being bipolar is that you'll get in a manic and spend your money on things, like you'll go on a huge shopping spree that you won't be able to tell yourself "no".
I'm just a little concerned cause I just got $50 from my grandma and I really don't want to go out and spend it, but I'm afraid I will.. On gosh knows what? Cause there's nothing I really want, but in a manic it doesn't matter, you'll just buy anything.

I told my psychiatrist and he said there's not much he can do but just keep me on the mood stabilizers and my bipolar medication. 
I haven't told my counselor yet. My appointment with her isn't until 2 weeks from now. 
What should I do? How would you recommend controlling this? I've never opened up about my bipolar disorder like this before, so I'm really curious to know what you guys will say.
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datcookaburra's avatar
Is it common for bipolars to experience manic feelings after walks? You can find a community with others to get tips on how to handle everything. About the money tho: put them somewhere you can't use them // ask someone to take them for you and not give it back until when you've decided before.
KagomeHanami's avatar
It's possible. I don't know if it's common or not though xD
Okay, I'll do that ^.^
datcookaburra's avatar
Glad if I could help!
KagomeHanami's avatar
You did ^.^ I think the important thing here is that I talk with my counselor about it as well. 
ceresite's avatar
this works for me. expend your energy and "recklessness" on more pointless things. sometimes overstimulation actually relaxes my brain, ex. listening to two songs at once, or putting on very strong candles, or a very hot shower. (just, be careful not to burn yourself or go deaf). alternatively, expending mental energy into socialization, and physical energy into some type of physical exercise.

if you are feeling /very/ impulsive, and can't curb it, do something impulsive in a way that doesn't really hurt you. play a video game and jump through levels, go /way/ too far for your level, or whatever. jump between old projects. go shopping a little at the dollar store, (an actual dollar store). learn something you were always mildly curious about, just on a whim.
KagomeHanami's avatar
I'll try some of those techniques o.o Those sound really good. I've never tried anything like those before.

I'll make sure to try those too. The biggest thing I'm gonna do is put all my money I get from work into my Savings account, that way I can't touch it unless I go to my bank. They have an online account, but I don't use it too frequently and it won't let me access it from my phone, so if I'm out somewhere and want to buy something I won't be able to move the money over to my Checking.
Dinoeater345's avatar
get a safe put the money in there and ask your fiance to set the combination lock on there. so you can't get to the money until you consult with your fiance about it. XD
KagomeHanami's avatar
Haha good idea xD
Dinoeater345's avatar
glad you like it! XD
ShinigamiOokamiRyuu's avatar
I endure many types of manic, spending sprees aren't so much up at the top of my list anymore.  here's a link to get you going, try google for more… what I do is, once a month I'll buy something pointless to most.  it tends to be around or under 20 dollars, a toy perhaps or maybe a movie.  the impulse to buy something stops for that month or for awhile.  this method can also help with establishing credit.  so, yes there is something that you can do, willpower is number one, impulse buying something small, second.  I'm not on any medicine and I do rather well without it, note this isn't a method for everyone, I find talking my problems out is more vital than medicine.
KagomeHanami's avatar
I'll give that link a read ^.^ thank you!!

I'll have to try your technique. It may work for me. 
And it's okay that you don't take medication :3 Everyone has their own way of dealing with a mental illness.
artii2tiiciin2aniity's avatar
have you tried doing exercises that make you move more then walking?

like running, biking, jumping jacks, jogging in place, etc?
i too have bipolar and when i start to feel manic, i try and make myself do these things 

give it a try
KagomeHanami's avatar
I've tried those, but I have tachycardia so it's physically uncomfortable for me to do those things. 
But I will try them again ^.^ who knows, maybe they'll work now.
artii2tiiciin2aniity's avatar
i hope you find what works for you

keep searching 0w0
KagomeHanami's avatar
Thank you ^.^ I shall!
JayLeyPrice's avatar
Speaking of which...:drunk:
JayLeyPrice's avatar
JayLeyPrice's avatar
Drink!.. That's my answer and cure for everything.
KagomeHanami's avatar
Haha when I drink when I'm manic I get super flirty xD it's hilarious
JayLeyPrice's avatar
That's like anytime for me xp
Doesn't help that I'm at The Pub
everyday. I have no choice.
KagomeHanami's avatar
I work at a restaurant/bar so I'm around the bar most every day xD haha I even occasionally order drinks when it's been a hard day at work with my gift cards.
JayLeyPrice's avatar
 Restaurant business is all I know. Although I don't 
do much physical work anymore. I might bartend
for an hour or 2 during lunch and in the kitchen
on thursdays to create the menu for the week.
I just deal mostly with the boring business aspect
of it.