My friends

KobraGaming8's avatar
So, here's the basis of the situation: I have 3 friends, And their lives are very "special" so to say... One of them Is a girl and she gets abused almost everyday. And her parents beat her with a TV remote.


And there's the 2nd kid, i honestly think he has the worst life. He got ran over by a truck, and lost a foot.


And here's the 3rd girl, she's been trying to commit suicide by 2 ways: Eating a glue
stick And drinking nail polish remover.
I just don't know what to do anymore. i keep trying to comfort them and it still won't work.
And i'm getting suicidal thoughts from them.
Like i said, i don't know what to do anymore.
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MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
In the nicest possible way, these people are becoming too much for you to bear. It is lovely that you want to be there for them and support them, but there is only so much you can do. You are not equipped to help them.

You are not a mental health professional. Tell them to seek help and if they won't, that is their problem. You are taking on too many of their problems, and therefore you are now beginning to suffer. It's time to make a judgement call, and the judgement call might be something that hurts you and hurt them but in the end, you have to remember that the most important person in your life is you.
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Call the police on the first one

Stop feeling sorry for the second one

and ditch the third one
Wolflich's avatar
If being around your friends makes you suicidal it's probably time to look for different ones.
KobraGaming8's avatar
I can't, they need help. Everytime i recommend the police or the suicide hotline they just get stressed out.
MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
All you can do is offer your support and offered them proper channels to look into to seek help. If they aren't willing to help themselves and get that help, that is not your problem. Looking after people with mental health issues is a very big cross to bear, and you can suffer immensely through it all. If they continue to insist on not getting help, then perhaps you should look into walking away.
lmkiture's avatar
It's not easy for those going through the situation to get help themselves. And like Wolfich says, you are not really in a position to give them direct help either, and it's not good for you. I understand you want to help, and they are your friends, so I would advise not just to give up helping them. It will be hard for you. Some suggestions:

Get real help for them. Don't know how old you guys are, but get someone involved who can help. Example, tell a teacher, parent, police if necessary. Or offer to help your friends do so themselves and be there with them to call a hotline maybe.

Also, give yourself some distance from them. Until they get help they will continue to bring you down too if you feel you can't do anything. Doesn't mean they aren't your friends, but you need to look out for your well-being too.
Wolflich's avatar
You can't be expected to help everyone who needs help, especially when it's damaging to your own wellbeing. From the sound of it you aren't really in a position to offer them much besides emotional support, and if that's taking so much out of you that you are becoming suicidal, it's probably time to let them go. You wouldn't be doing them any favours by doing that to yourself anyway.