I am upset with a friend who has a certain view about art. Please help?

ShadowKissedAngel's avatar
Hello. I have a friend who recently shared that one screenshot of a Tumblr post about buying artwork and removing what they wanted(especially copyrights) off of images because it's "theirs" now, and how anyone who challenges that idea is a whiny artist who is mad because they're entitled, and if they wanted networking or recognition then any further revenue on the piece should be cut with the people showing the artwork to family and friends.

I am truly upset by this. This person has very progressive views, and is typically against things that could be remotely kin to this topic, and is very forward thinking. I was told not to waste my time discussing this issue with them, because they wouldn't revoke what they said or how they felt on the matter, even though it hurt many of said person's friends - including myself.

While many of us weren't attacking this friend, we were instead trying to enlighten them on what copyrights do and how it helps the artist who made it with networking, and getting critics and recognition on their artwork, which as we all know is really important.

I guess what I'm saying is how can I feel okay with this person, without sacrificing the friendship. I was forced to tell them that I could no longer take commissions from them, and I would not offer any handmade gifts aside from food because of this reason. I am really, really troubled by this.

I just need someone to talk this out with me, it's just really getting to me and this is far outside of this persons regular thinking in my opinion.
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Shammiee's avatar
In the end, it's nothing but someone not undersatnding copyright claims. They can't really actually hurt anyone with what they're doing so...... just let it go. That friend will get it one day for sure. I mean, it's a pretty simple thing to understand.
Wolflich's avatar
Are those words they actually used? It sound like they're bitter or resentful about this issue for some reason, which might explain why they still hold to it if it's inconsistent with their other views. Mind you, it's also possible you've misinterpreted their other views, but it does come off as some sort of personal issue for them. Perhaps they have some art to which that applies and aren't comfortable with the idea that they don't 100% own everything about it.

As an aside, I don't think it's necessarily an unreasonable view if those terms are agreed to up front. But if they're talking about keeping quiet and just doing what they like anyway, I'd say it makes sense not to give/sell anything to them now that you know this. And if you were to warn other people about them as well, they'd really have brought it on themselves.
ShadowKissedAngel's avatar
They said that since they bought it, they own it, and can do what they want with it regardless of what anyone says. This person literally told me that I was selfish for putting my artist info on the back.
Wolflich's avatar
They sound pretty juvenile to me tbh. Unfortunately you can't really force people to be introspective, so I guess the easier thing is just continue to keep your distance from them in any way in which art is involved.
ShadowKissedAngel's avatar
Yes, but I mean they got offended when I said that, and called me selfish. I was going to make a gift for this person(I isually make the majority of my gifts, I hate store bought gifts unless they're meaningful) and now I'm not comfortable with it, and they said that I'm selfish because of that, and that me putting artist and care info on the back was an advertisement and I was a horrible person for doing that.
Wolflich's avatar
Well? Don't give them gifts then. I mean why would you want to reward someone who thinks it's selfish not to give them free things? Just let them fuck off and make it on their own if they want it so badly.
Randomstuff-Stuff's avatar
Meh, if she's on DA (or a lesser extant Tumblr) the internet cronies will take her down 
datcookaburra's avatar
I'm not exactly sure about this but it sounds like if it's best solved just ignored. 
Girlfoxgirl's avatar
It's up to you what you want to do given their refusal to listen. You could cut them off, or you could stay but stand firm in your stance on no commissions, no gifts, and try to avoid ring up the topic. Depends I suppose on how strong and valuable the friendship is, if it's worth a sore area of disagreement to dance around.
ShadowKissedAngel's avatar
Well, this person literally said that I was selfish for putting my artist info on the back of my pieces, because gifts and stuff weren't meant to have advertisement. Even though my artist info is a little about me and mostly how to care for the artwork, including framing since I work in a frame shop, and they said that it's making them think we shouldn't be friends.
Girlfoxgirl's avatar
Yeah, I'm certainly of your mindset, not this person's.
But like I said, it's up to you how upsetting it is. Friends can disagree and avoid sore spots when taking to each other, but if you don't really want to be friends, that's your prerogative, too.
ShadowKissedAngel's avatar
Yeah. I mean, all I did was defend my point on the matter, and gave examples using my own experiences and those of a friends, but this person still said that because of this they would want to end our friendship.
Girlfoxgirl's avatar
Sounds like that's that.