My 1st relationship and I'm terrified

I am 17 year old girl who recently started dating my best friend who is a guy. I didn't think it would change how we react and communicate with each other but it did. I can't even look him in the face and when I first saw him after he asked me out, I ran away from him. We decided to temporarily break up because Im scared and don't know what I'm doing. He wants us to be able to talk to each other like we used to and once I can do that we will start dating again. My question is, how do I lose this scared feeling?
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AmalaAzula's avatar
Be yourself and show him how much you care for the guy, like he cares about you. Hang out, talk together, and have fun.

Give him a chance to maybe fall in love with you. :love:

Oh, youth. Why have I grown so old... :iconoldplz:
lightning-13's avatar
I'm thinking more about how you actually see him, friendly or romantically? If you are afraid of losing him as a friend then it's logical to consider your options, friendships should stay as they are, not get mixed with feelings etc. Your best friend asked you out so he probably feels something more than friendship, sees you in another way. The question is, how do you see him?
I think I started to develop feelings for him these past couple of ya, i do like him romantically
lightning-13's avatar
Then start being together and see how things go :) you obviously feel the same so why let fear stand in the way. 
Pantheryx's avatar
I was so terrified of my first big crush that it gave me serious anxiety problems. I barely wanted to go to school because I knew I would see him there. Since you two are best friends, I'll just echo what others have said and tell you that communication is number one, and should come a little easier for you since you know him and know what he's like. Don't be afraid to tell him things!
Vineris's avatar
Hey, congratulations!  Running away from someone and having to break up over it is a pretty big fuck up so the thing you were so afraid of has already happened.  I don't think there's anything worse you can do, other than hurt him on purpose.  And I'm sure you'd never do that to anyone you love so things are pretty okay!  You have done the worst thing, you survived, your friend survived and he still wants to date you.

You'll still worry, of course, but I think you can relax somewhat.

You two might fall out of love in the future.  No relationship is guaranteed to last forever and one or both of you might get bored.  But if neither of you is a selfish jerk to the other you can still be friends once the hurt feelings go away.

Otherwise communicate with one another honestly, don't be selfish or manipulative and enjoy your time together.  A good relationship is also a good friendship.
Thank you for your advice!
Thank you guys so much for raising my confidence and making me feel more comfortable about being in a relationship :) I really appreciate it
Valsayre's avatar
Are you sexually attracted to him ? 
kind of an embarrassing question but yes? I guess I am? I really do like him. Is that question supposed to help me become more comfortable being in a relationship?
Valsayre's avatar
If you are attracted to him mentally and physically, you shouldn't be uncomfortable. 
you're right. I really shouldn't feel uncomfortable around him at all. especially when I know he wouldn't do anything that will make me uncomfortable.
Hey there!

Communication is super important! Whatever it may be, it's really important to talk about it with your partner, honesty needs to be a priority in a relationship.

I see that you're scared of messing up somehow since it's your first relationship. What could you do that would be so bad that he wouldn't want to date you anymore? Are you planning on ruining anyone's life in the near future? Are you plotting to take over the world and ban bacon? 

In all seriousness though, I had that same fear when I got into my first relationship. Seriously, you have to do something really bad/terrible for him to break up with you.

And as far as losing your best friend goes, well, at that point it's a choice you've got to make, I think. My fiancee is both the love of my life and my best friend. I think that any relationship you get in, the person is going to sort of be your best friend. What I mean is that they'll become your confident, you can talk about anything with them. You'll be doing tons of things together, hanging out all the time, like you'd do with your best friend, you know what I mean? 

Honestly, I think the best you can do is just be honest with him. You said he's been moving slowly to make you comfortable. You still seem to be uncomfortable, so you could ask him to keep taking things slowly? 
Thank you so much. This has honestly helped me a million! 
ImperialNokhtis's avatar
Why don't you tell him that. Communication and honesty is important. I would also keep in mind that being scared of new things will happen with absolutely everything. Sometimes you have to take risks. Trust your gut, use your head, be responsible and you have nothing at all to worry about. 
I can talk to him through text easy enough but whenever we come face to face I just freeze
That is great advice, it really is, but how do I start being able to talk to him again?
ImperialNokhtis's avatar
You do something hard that you don't want to do. There are many ways to do this, some of the easier ways are IMing on your favorite chat website or facebook, write a note, text on your phone, skype each other, small things that give you time to organize your thoughts and hide the embarrassment on your face. If you're more daring you could do it face to face and/or call each other on the phone that way you have a more personal connection and have real human feelings being spread and can personally comfort  each other. 

 I also suggest that you get back together, even if down the road you break up again and it becomes meaningless or don't trying things again when you fail the first time will help you be less scared and gives you practice for commitments. 
school is starting for us in a couple of days and that may make it easier for me to face him and actually talk to him. Ill try my best to talk to him normally and we probably will hopefully get back together again. 
Izanami-No-Kami's avatar
What're you afraid of?
- has something happened?  (in past or smth)
Nothing has happened. He's been moving extremely slow for me so that I can feel comfortable. I think Im afraid for several different reasons. 1. Ive never been in a relationship before and Im going to mess up somehow 2. Im completely different from all the other girls he has dated 3. Im afraid of losing my best friend who has always been there for me
Izanami-No-Kami's avatar
- Being in a  relationship isn't so much different,  then being friend with someone.

- You shouldn't  be worried about being different what makes you : YOU..
(It's better to be loved,liked for who you are, than someone you're not.)

- Just jump into it, if you keep ruing away,
it will only get worse..(fear grows when you run)
You're right. I really shouldn't be worried about being different and I shouldn't run away(literally and figuratively).