It takes time to read, and also to help.

dtnol's avatar
When having a hard day/ month / year or even life, sometimes it just takes for the power of music to touch your heart.
Or maybe it takes just that one person to tell you that they care. Maybe, you don't have that one person and if you don't I will take that empty spot and tell you "Someone doesn't have to even know you to show that they care. And with that said, I care."

Please know how special and unique you are--not having that special someone to remind you this (whether it's a bf/gf, friend or even a family member) to comfort you can be truly difficult. Trust me, I've and many people have and are experiencing the pain you are in. Sometimes the future doesn't look so bright cause' life has continuously thrown curveballs at you that you have yet to hit. Maybe, many people's "love" for you have failed in the past and you've blamed yourself ever since, completely shied away from the world that seems to enjoy hurting you.

Maybe it's the opposite. Maybe you're like me who received it on both ends, inconsistently (but still) loved but was still taught self-hatred. Perhaps you worked hard on a project whether for work, for school, for the dA community, or even yourself..and unsurprisingly it failed to be recognized or appreciated.

You wanted to give up.

You wanted to give in. To every. single. negative feeling that could exist.
All seems lost, all seems over. but guess what...I've been dying to tell someone this for a long time..

Don't feel unloved.
Don't feel unappreciated.
Don't feel unimportant.
Don't feel alone.

cause guess what!

Feel loved!
Feel appreciated!
Feel important!
Feel free!

There is only one you that can ever be and will exist, you know what that means?... YOU ARE INFINITE!! The reason why you can't be person A or person Z is because you are PERSON YOU. You must remind yourself every day that you are beautiful, smart, and have a big heart to share with the world.

THE REASON WHY THE WORLD SEEMS CRUEL IS BECAUSE WE AREN'T USED TO SEEING THE GOOD THAT IT INHABITS. There are many gorgeous people who inhabit the earth, that would love to be with you and share their love with you. And the best way to find those people is to be those people! You can't expect unconditional love when you don't give it to yourself. Believe me you, you must love yourself more than anyone else could. Because one day, life will test you and you must pass everytime! And when you do pass, even more people like you will appear!

I guess what I'm trying to get at is: cease trying to be other people. The only idols we should worship are ourselves. Instead of having idols, have inspirations. Instead of regret, have experience. Instead of hate, have forgiveness. And life will start to open up in ways you've never experienced before. 

Trust does get better. But first, you have to BE BETTER!

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Girlfoxgirl's avatar
It's beautiful- but help kiosk threads aren't allowed here. ^^; You should post this instead on the threads people have made recently.
dtnol's avatar
oops, my bad oh my ! is there a way i can take this down then ? ^^'