Females hate me.

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MarinaDigitalArt's avatar
Women, and girls, are very good at picking up vibes.   We are instinctual creatures and with highly developed perceptions when it comes to males.   My guess is your neediness is shining through, and to some extent, desperation.  It's all in the eyes.    Shyness in itself has not been something that's ever put me off.   However, I'm not sure most girls would want to just 'hang out' with you unless they knew you really well.  You need to learn to love yourself first, before anyone else can.   You say you feel like a loser.... well, only you can sort that.   Start by being less desperate for female company, and more easy going about meeting women.  It'll happen if you go with the flow.
TheArtOfCBYoung's avatar
So you aren't instigating conversations with women (Women. Not females, that sounds creepy) and when they instigate a conversation you are dismissive. Were I a betting man, I would wager that is a good part of your problem right here, rather than anything to do with women. 

Try online dating. People spell out what they are looking for, and what they are interested in. It takes a lot of pressure off.
slayerdude677's avatar
i don't think i can really help you with this. im 18 and im focusing more on getting a job and living on my own. just enjoy your life and don't worry about it. i know it kinda sounds like shit advice but just be cool do what you like go out with friends.
AnomalousChild's avatar
I think you need to figure yourself out first, when dealing with possible rejection. That is the fear, isn't it? Should that be stopping you though? There's so many people though, does it really matter if a few don't like you? Maybe you're too worried about what to say to them and talk about, but really that's the best opportunity to see if they're a good person. Talk to them about what you do, or share stories about things. If you don't think you have stories then take a moment to think of one, you can always exaggerate a bit because it's your story. And maybe you're being too hard on yourself, have a drink first then.
AnomalousChild's avatar
Also, I would say try making friends before seeking out a girlfriend. Relationships can always change.
Musicking74's avatar
I've had similar issues that you face, while I don't feel like women dislike me (I have a number of female friends) I can relate to feeling insecure around them. And that's really what it boils down to: insecurity. I've been learning that most problems that I face have issues with self esteem at their root. Getting past your insecurity will probably solve most of your problems. You'll be happy with yourself and you not even need all of these women, or perhaps you'll get a girlfriend because she will be attracted to your self esteem.

Just some thoughts from someone who has had similar problems
Musicking74's avatar
I've found that thinking positively really helps, and thinking about yourself and what you want instead of what other people want helps as well.

But it's more complicated than that, I would suggest going to a conciser, they can really help you. Trust me.

Here's a really good site that helped me:
Musicking74's avatar
Yeah, no problem. I hope they help you out!
AmalaAzula's avatar
Step yo game up cuz. You can get all da puss you want.
AmalaAzula's avatar
You're the one being desperate for a "female" here, right? :lol:
I'm giving you the best advice outta everybody.
You gotta whip it out bruh, then "females" will flock to you soon enough. Well, it might depend on what ya got. But you'll probably get some bj's here and there nonetheless. If whipping your shlong out doesn't work, getting hookers will! ;)
DiamondTank's avatar
DiamondTank's avatar
FacepalmGrump  You got to be kidding me, REALLY??? It have something to do with your personality... or your just desperate. I'll help you out here. You can start with me, so we can see what wrong or right in pm. 
CommissionsNow's avatar
It will probably get better. It just sounds to me like your depressed.

I'm a woman. I agree with some of the comments here. You seem to have a very warped view of the female gender & maybe people in general.
Don't put so much pressure on yourself. If you are genuinely interested in having a girlfriend, start off with being friends. Jumping in to something with the first woman who gives you the time of day seems reckless and dangerous.

I really hope you can find a good female friend you can connect with, and if the chemistry is there maybe take it to the next level. Don't rush it, some people just don't click.
Its happened to me a few times - pushy male friends looking for more. It honestly pissed me off on a level I can't describe. If I say I'm not interested I #)%(#@ mean it :)
In contrast- I'm almost sure I've done the exact same thing to a few men in my day. Some people just don't like you in that way.
The problem isn't our gender, or even us, its the way we interact with these people.
One tiny little thing can change the course of events. A word, a touch, a glance a thought? It can change in a positive or negative direction. Just let things take its course and know the difference between a physical and emotional connection. Knowing what you really want will help you to achieve your goal.

And I highly doubt any of your problems stem from your looks (you look FINE to me)
CommissionsNow's avatar
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not so 'happy' myself so I know it can really suck you when loved ones have no empathy for your troubles.

Needless to say, it does sound a bit like a genuine female phobia - or rather some sort of trauma.

I have a few social phobias as well. Its not gender related but it may help. You just have to ignore your thoughts or the situation.

Being relaxed & not trying helps. Know before hand there's a possibility your going to fail at what your doing. Really understand its a real possibility so if things don't work out you can be prepared & try again. (In other words there's no loss) Make a conscious effort not to have negative thoughts about failing at any type of relationship.

Also, I think it really helps to casually mention you have social problems sometimes -- don't make an overly big deal about it but if your really interested in who your talking to they have to be a good person, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be talking to them at all. If this person has a shred of humanity they will understand and maybe even try to help.

Anyway, I'm married - I met my husband online :) We first met as friends in real life and where friends for about 6 months, then got married. Its been around 10 years now.
It was very hard for me (and still is) to have normal social interactions, but I made a real effort and was able to connect with someone with the same interests. Now we have even more in common since we've grown so much together.

I could have dolled up and found some random guy, maybe we'd get together.. but I don't think that would have been a good thing. I was very lonely and sad before meeting my husband. I think you'll be able to find something similar. You seem like a great guy. Cheer up! I'm rooting for you.
CommissionsNow's avatar
Thanks :) Good luck! \o/
LizzyChrome's avatar
Unfortunately, people who are desperate for love have the worst luck getting it, because they have a tendency to come off as desperate, begging and clingy. An adult with even a tiny bit of dating experience will be sent running if they sense that. My advice is to relax and stop trying so hard, just let it happen, and accept the fact that you may not find a date until much later in life than most people. 

I had my first date at age twenty, lost my virginity at 25, and am now 27 and still unmarried with no kids. Some of us are just slow bloomers. 
JZLobo's avatar
You big meanie! Cut it out with your sensible advice and just pat him on the ass already!