Weird person

lovingkitten29's avatar
Why do people call me weird

I can act weird but people think I'm really annoying
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lifeislife1999's avatar
Weird means many things,,, may mean you're unique, creep, or talented in a different way... So don't take it seriously and focus on important things rather than what other people say. Because they DONT Matter,,, you matter! ❤️❤️👍🏻💕😘
lovingkitten29's avatar
Aww thanks

But how do I handle it when they make me stand out
lifeislife1999's avatar
Then, just take advantage of it by making art you like, so that people will see more of your talent! We are all unique in different ways we don't even know, but it is important to believe in ourselves, not just in what we can do, but also in what we really want in life. 
lovingkitten29's avatar
canttel's avatar
who cares if ur weird then ur weird if they dont like it then they can go suck a dick
catsandtats6's avatar
Even if people are calling you weird, so what? Embrace it! I've been called weird my entire life, but hey, it shows that I'm different and not quite like anyone else. 
Ambersbroer's avatar
Maybe they just think you're annoying because you act annoying?
If a lot of people think badly of you it's probably because you did something to irritate them right?

Find out what that is, and try to fix it.
lovingkitten29's avatar
brodskales's avatar
They probably say that because you're the kind of weirdo that will ask strangers why people think you're weird. 
lovingkitten29's avatar
Is that supposed to make me feel better
Ambersbroer's avatar
You never asked him to make you feel better, but he's kind of a dick yeah.
brodskales's avatar
You asked a question and you got the answer. You should feel nothing, you should now know more.
lovingkitten29's avatar
.....I'm not an emo ok

They make me stand out in an uncomfortable way
snowflakeflower9's avatar
Being called weird used to bother me a lot too, but I found that it was a lot better than someone calling you boring. However, I think a lot of the time, some people tend to make fun of things that they don't understand. This is what my literature teacher once wrote in a note to me, but I think it could apply here as well. And while I don't know what caused people to call you weird, just know that being "weird" is alright. If everyone in the world were the same like robots, then this truly would be a boring world. ;) 
lovingkitten29's avatar
BurnFairy's avatar
Asking a bunch of anonymous strangers why everyone thinks you're weird is like spontaneously announcing to the room that you're not crazy.
Jigglypuff333's avatar
Let me say one thing, normalness leads to sadness. People call you weird, so? Find someone who doesn't. Find someone who doesn't care. 
lovingkitten29's avatar
Thanks for the tip :)
DeathbatGMC's avatar
Be proud of being different =D If you are like everyone else, you get boring, just be content with the way you are and look for people who appreciate you exactly this way.