I've hit a brick wall

Rosesha's avatar
I don't want to get into stupid details but I'm sad, can't sleep and just feel like the worst person in the world.
i think karma has come to bite me in the ass and it hurts like nothing I've ever felt before.
Everything crumbled and I don't really know how to deal.

Sorry for my vagueness.
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I-mpavidus's avatar
If you feel like you've done something wrong, then use these feelings to motivate yourself into being a better person. If you've hurt someone, apologize and try to make it better.
TheOneBlackCat's avatar
Well, just to assure you. You're not the worst person in the world.
The worst person in the world would be Kim Jung Un. I mean, who the hell would restrict the internet?

Also, someone told me that he/she think that you think that he/she dislikes you when he/she really doesn't. I forgot who though.

Try to just have fun and play around a bit!
Vineris's avatar
Yeah, feeling like you screwed something up royally is the worst feeling.  When you stop feeling quite so bad, ask yourself whether there is anything positive you can do to improve the situation, even a little.  It may not be something that fixes the problem, because some problems can't be fixed, but just something that puts you in a slightly better place than you are right now.

Having a plan for what I'm going to do next always makes me feel a little better.
Endeavor-To-Freefall's avatar
Well if you think it's karma you must have done something to deserve it in your eyes. So endure what you perceive as your punishment, atone and maybe you won't deserve it anymore. I don't believe in karma myself, but if you do then you have a way out.
Muftiday's avatar
ur not the worst person in the world!!! i may have only known u for a little while but ur not okay!!!!! ur a good person and u have lots of talent and ur fun to talk to!!!! if u wanna talk it out my notes are always open okay??? <333333333