Somewhat Anorexic

zxcraous's avatar
I went to the doctor two days ago to find out that I got sick because of my calorie intake restriction and excessive exercising, plus this also resulted in not getting my period when I was supposed to. She said that I need to gain weight and stop doing this to myself, and so far I've been working on eating more. In my head, though, part of me still wants to go back to my old and very life threatening ways. Is there any way to get these insane thoughts out of my head, or am I going to be this crazy forever? Also, are there any certain foods I should eat to gain weight? I'm so worried and upset about this...
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Shammiee's avatar
Nah, you're not going to be insane forever. Changing is just difficult.

Of course you would feel that the risk of dying is so low that being what you have wanted is worth it. Is your resolve high? If you truly want to live the life of someone who is both healthy, looks healthy, and looks healthily attractive, then those thoughts will vanish with time!

Also, dealing with the stuff that ended you up in that situation in the first place may somewhat help too.
zxcraous's avatar
Thank you so much. I will work towards a healthy lifestyle!
Tuggersgirl's avatar
cheesy I know, but try to love your self and concentrate more on just eating and bing healthy than how you calorie intake I know its more easily said than done but it is true. Good luck! 
zxcraous's avatar
Tuggersgirl's avatar
graysight's avatar
you should eat normally according to what you want to eat, and stop considering if you will gain weight or loss it. well I know is easy to say, but I think the problem is what you think other poeple think of you, body is not the important, spiritual life is what you get in the end, the rest is just vanity, vain, something that serves to no good end at all, just something that is accesory under the apropiate circumstance, not something you should put any effort into it....
zxcraous's avatar
That's very true, and deep. :nod:

Thank you so much. :)
pinballwitch's avatar
If you can get really into a hobby (old or brand-new), that'll simply fill some of the time that you'd otherwise be tempted to spend exercising. Having something to get excited about can do a lot of good.

As for another thing to think about, do you find that your friends/people you spend time with are very focused on body-image / appearance? If so, you may need to find ways to remove yourself from toxic social interactions if you can, or call your friends out on it so that they keep it to themselves.

Also, sometimes anorexia and other eating disorders are more about control than about appearance. Are there things in your life that you feel like you have no control over? Are there other healthier ways you can assert more control in your life? (Being very diligent about a hobby is another way to practice control. Artistic expression and open-ended gaming are other ways...)
^ I say this because stressful changes (even study abroad experiences), terminal illness and other events that feel out of people's control can be very triggering even for those who have never battled an eating disorder before

It's a good thing you're concerned and taking this seriously. Please try to stay open with people in your support network about what's going on and reach out for help when you need it. :hug:
zxcraous's avatar
My friends do focus on their weight, but not constantly. I bet they want to leave it out of a conversation as much as possible since they know what's going on with me now.

And I am stressed out a lot with school and stuff, so I feel like that may be a cause.

And thank you very much! :hug:
pinballwitch's avatar
:hug: All the best to you.

And I noticed from your page that your dog is sick :( I'm sorry. That could be another out-of-your-control stressor along with school and stuff.
zxcraous's avatar
Yes, my dog is sick. And it's okay, he is still here with me now, for the record. 

The stress just piles up... at least the weekend isn't too far off, and my birthday is getting closer. :)
Diacraft's avatar
How much do you weigh?
zxcraous's avatar
I currently weigh 115, I think. 
CrazycrochetLady's avatar
I use to have one, I wanted to be thinner and look better but what it does to you is make you sick and look worse.
Eating normal meals is a good thing :) Your body needs food to function.
zxcraous's avatar
I'm working on getting better. :)
CrazycrochetLady's avatar
That's all you can do :) Just remember, body fat isn't bad. 
zxcraous's avatar
CeloTheImpossible's avatar
I used to have an eating disorder, and I might not know exactly what you're going through, but something I found that helped me with it was setting goals- be sure not to eat too many fatty foods to gain weight, but rather try and gain weight with healthy foods (protein drinks like BOOST, I found , help). Anyways, I would set a goal for myself- maybe have the ame goal for a week, trying to reach that goal daily- and then raising the goal expectations as I got used to the previous goal.
zxcraous's avatar
That's a good idea. I'll set some goals. :)
CeloTheImpossible's avatar
great ^^Glad  I could help :)
Pardonmebutwhat's avatar
I think you should see a professional psychiatrist, they could help you evaluate these thoughts and understand the root of the problem. Also, consider seeing a nutritionist.

As for my advice (And I've had both anorexia and bullimia); You need to remember that no matter what, you are valuable. Being alive is wonderful, but we as people do have to... create our own life, decide what's best for us. Even if that means making some uncomfortable decisions.

Distract yourself from the thoughts you're having about food, and excersise. Take up new interests like maybe sewing, painting, playing the guitar or learning martial arts. You could also reserve one day of the week to just stay inside, eat ben & jerry's and watch movies all day. You could quote, review and otherwise disect the movies. Maybe even do it with someone you love; and remember that they care about you and want you to stay alive.

Baking/cooking, for example, would be a wonderful activity since not only is it a useful skill to have in life, but it also allows you to create all kinds of culinary marvels like for example:
peanut butter cookies,
strawberry cake,
homemade ice cream,
rack of lamb,
chicken fettuccine alfredo,
meatloaf with mushrooms,
vegetarian lentil hamburgers with basil dressing and sun dried tomatoes
homemade pizza

If you don't feel comfortable with eating sweets; feel free to pick healthier alternatives, like strawberries with vanilla, greek yoghurt and bananas. Maybe with some toasted  almonds and honey on top.

You SHOULD excercise, It's good for your heart, muscle, joints and also your appetite. Just make sure you don't do it because you're forcing yourself to, or you'll make it into something depressing. You need to do it to keep your heart healthy, keep your body strong, and make up for the times you starved it, or purged, or cut it; or what ever you did to abuse yourself. Excersise, when done right, also makes you feel awesome and surprisingly enough, energized. It produces the chemical Dopamine, which works as a neurotransmitter in the brain and helps you feel genuinely happy.

Humans are social creatures, so surround yourself with people you love. If you're lonely or feel like your friends don't care about you, try to meet new people. Friends and family can help you focus on the good things in life.
zxcraous's avatar
I definitely need a distraction, that's for sure. I'm liking the Ben and Jerry's idea with movies. And I enjoy baking, so I can do that more often.

And I'm still exercising, and I am trying to change my reason for doing so.

I have many people to talk to, and I am surrounded by them. Thank you for all of the advice! :)
Pardonmebutwhat's avatar
Wonderful, I just know you're gonna feel better. 

Take care.