I need a boyfriend

hastsmak's avatar
A spider just came in through the window :cries: and jumped onto my bed :cries: then it jumped into a bag with my CLEAN clothes in :cries: then vanished into my clothes :cries:

I am really happy being single, but its times like these were I just sit a cry for hours because I have nobody to seek the predator and remove it for me. I feel so horrible for thinking of employing a man for this reason, is that bad? am I a bad person? :cries:

(I also miss men buying me things)
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harperyo's avatar
This forum is about REAL life problems not a place for whinning that there's no one to buy you shit and kill spiders. Have some respect for the ones that actually have a hard time.
ZaraAlfonso's avatar
Get a cup and take it outside, I have a partner and I still don't let them kill spiders. =I

And wanting a partner just to buy you things might be part of the reason you're single...that's pretty terrible I'm not going to lie
LoremDimSum's avatar
guuuuuuuuuuuuuurl no you don't. Boyfriends are temporary but spiders are forever xP you should just try to learn how to cope. What do I do? I trap them under cups. o_o
da1withdalongestname's avatar
I need a girlfriend too!!!
Wait, I don't
Do I?
Let's see...
supposing that a month has 43829.1 minutes & I only felt the need of needing a girlfriend for only 15 minutes & 73814.1 minutes feeling happy to be a single, so that means I don't need a girlfriend after all, sorry!
That said
Supposing that you're from America, if you need a boyfriend. All you need to do is to get drunk in a bar full of men.
Best of luck :thumbsup:
DBirdy's avatar
Hey, I can be your boyfriend :D
hastsmak's avatar
Possibly, what is the day and month of your birthday?
DBirdy's avatar
Wooow, serious?:D 28.05 8-)
DragonHair's avatar
You, my dear, are a . . . . . . . .
Bauscheborzel's avatar
may I point out that people that freak out in a, you know, real panicking way, might be arachnophobic?
Being scared of spiders most often isn't a reasonable response, and it's rather obvious they won't harm us and are indeed most likely more afraid of humans than we are of them. Sadly, even the best arguments fade when face to face with spiders.

However, this is no reason to be in need of a boyfriend.
You already got some pretty good advice here I suppose so theres not much to be added from my side. You like male attention? Go out and be a flirty girl (not saying 'hey, jump straight into bed with them', but go and have some fun, many men actually like giving a pretty girl attention and will be happy about a nice flirt).
You are an independend woman, thought. There is certainly no NEED of a boyfriend, althought it might be convenient at times. Rather, find some good friends that will help you out in stuations like this :)
hastsmak's avatar
Yeah I probably do have arachnophobia but havnt seeked treatment for it because I have so many others that seem more important.

I overcame my fear of wasps but I dont even know how it happened.

No I dont like male attention, I prefer just being friend first and only if we are attracted to each other, otherwise its just a problem.

All the friends I have had have had the same fear, or kill them which I dont approve of. But I could advertise for new ones I guess
DamaiMikaz's avatar
As long as you still think you NEED one, it's not gonna work.
Learn how to live your life by yourself (this includes killing spiders) and then try looking for someone that complements you
hastsmak's avatar
I havnt had a boyfriend for years and my relationships before then were sporadic to say the least, so I know I havnt NEEDED one, I misworded it, I was being silly whilst thinking there was some logic to it also, just like if you worked 16 hours a day and you hired a cleaner, you life would get easier in one department
DamaiMikaz's avatar
Well. Logic doesn't really apply to love.
I understand you have a need to be loved of appreciated by other people. To a certain sense, we all have that :)
hastsmak's avatar
Science applies to love.
Well yes we all want to be appreciated:) I dont think I have a higher need than most though, does it come across that way?
IaiaRose's avatar
My dad was spider remover for me until I was 25. I never could kill the creepy crawlies. The best alternative to a man doing this for you, Mr. Vacuum Cleaner. :evillaugh: 
Mihorrorshow's avatar
Ok note me your address so I can fully stalk you and follow you. than would claimed me as yours...
hastsmak's avatar
I need to see photo of you first and some from of identification
Mihorrorshow's avatar
Are looks or six pack required? The six pack I could is beer or soda...
friesianloverl2K's avatar
You don't need a boyfriend to get a spider out of your clothes. Just dump your clothes out of the bag an into the floor. If the spider doesn't dart out of your clothes, the grab a stick or coat hanger and throw your clothes around until you see it fall off of them. Then suck up the spider with a vacuum cleaner. Problem solved. ;)
friesianloverl2K's avatar
Sorry, just read the part were you said no vacuum.. get a bowl and a piece of paper. Slap the bowl on top of the spider, slide the paper underneath and take it outside.
NepetaLejionh33h33's avatar
you don't need a man to do these things!! just take a deep breath and do it despite the fear!!
hastsmak's avatar
Its a little bit more difficult than that though, I zone out and become crippled with fear. Its not abit of anxiety or nerves that you can just push through, my body can turn to jelly and cannot move sometimes. Other times I have managed to get a cup over some like I said