now what?

halonut117's avatar
okie dokie, here goes. diagnosed with depression a while back and put on meds and into therapy. the problem? the meds don't do shit anymore and the therapy didn't help one bit.

I've always been told to ask for help if I needed it and that's what I did. Didn't work though did it? no... asked my doctor and he just gave me some more useless pills, asked for therapy or counselling or whatever and they said "we'll be in touch" that was months ago. asked my parents and they got mad so no help there. I would ask my friends but they don't know how to help so I ask you, what now?
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Komapsunida's avatar
I had mild depression in 2011 but maybe it is a different situation to you.

I forced myself to draw. loads of drawing. LOADS. For me at least that was my solution and it has helped me out a lot.

That and having a change of scene^^ e.g. I moved to London, new job, new flat, new circes. That helped^^

good luck mdear xoxo
Komapsunida's avatar
Didn't help that I was in s-Korea at the time where generally speaking depression is either looked down on on ignored sooo it was pretty much a self-help programme haha'''
2lazy2talk's avatar
change doctors. Some are in for the money, others are legit.
Apart from that, medication only helps, you need to complete it with a healthy diet and exercise.
Th3-F4ll3n's avatar
Ive had depression all my life. Its bad, but probably not as bad it could be. I just wake up some days without the will to get washed, i eat too much some times just cus I don't care, alcahol doesn't do an awful lot and since being unemployed as well its added to the mix. I wish you the best ameigo, cus I can't help myself let alone you.
halonut117's avatar
thanks anyway chief, hope things get better for you
signsofortune's avatar
I'm going to tell you a terribly hard truth:

I have had probably about 8 different psychiatrists
and probably 15 different therapists.

7 of the 8 psychiatrists were pretty much useless.

13 of the 15 therapists were the same.

Regarding mental health there really is an extremely small amount of good help out there. Some people are helped by this bad help, not because of the therapy or drugs, but because of the placebo effect, or because of other factors in their life.

If you really want to get good mental health, look very hard. The way I found good help: I found some people who were sane and wise, and I got them to recommend me my current doctors.

good help may cost you more. alternately, it may not. but be warned. sometimes it is worth a little extra money to get decent mental health help.

besides that I'll add another thing. all sane mental health professionals will (quite correctly) say to you that the help they offer is only a small part of handling your mental illness (if your professional says otherwise, drop them immediately and replace them with someone else) So, If you really want to be healthy, do not start to think your problem will be solved by a mental health professional. as a rule, they will not do miracles. they will only help with one corner of your mental illness. Do go to them, but keep this in mind, to fix the rest of your problem, you will/may need to do some or all of the following:

1. wait. some mental illnesses are aggrevated by current circumstances, or by the stresses of puberty or whatever. some symptoms may decrease or go away given time.
2. Bring order into your life. this may take the form of: social groups you associate with. religion you associate with. Self-discipline. A reliable job. Doing your homework. Respecting your parents. etc.
3. Finding emotional balance in your life. read: learning not to take yourself seriously.
4. Associating with good friends.
5. Removing yourself from association with bad friends.
6. Any number of other healthy habits, to numerous for me to name.

I am rooting for you.

godofimagination's avatar
It took me awhile to find the right meds. Stay busy. I'm here to talk if you need me.
halonut117's avatar
you'd do that? for a stranger?
halonut117's avatar
I wish I'd met people like you before things got so bad
godofimagination's avatar
Sorry you didn't meet someone sooner.
halonut117's avatar
its fine. shit happens
GunNUTcmc's avatar
What kind of depression? I've got clinical depression don't know if I could help ,but I wanna so help.
halonut117's avatar
I dunno, the doctor and the therapist just said depression
GunNUTcmc's avatar
I think there is like nine types.
Extreme sensitivity to rejection
Moods that worsen or improve in direct response to events
Are signs of clinical depression
Got any of those?
GunNUTcmc's avatar
well I guess you got something like me, I guess (I mean i'm not a genius at this). Now for the next question. When or how did this start, around what event did this start
halonut117's avatar
i don't know, i've felt like this for as long as I can remember
GunNUTcmc's avatar
I wonder if that's how it always is. Certainly how I did so i know how you feel on that one.
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neurotype-on-discord's avatar
You said your doctor prescribed new meds, was that a specialist or just a GP?

Mental illness is wonderfully hard to pin down. It can take years for some people to get the right mix of meds/therapies they need. So you should definitely be speaking up if it's not working.
Taurick's avatar
I suppose I know what you're going through- Help is far and few, and only does so much. In the end it's all up to you...
I wouldn't call this advice, if anything- this is what I do.

Accepting it and not repressing it, as well as any of your emotions or thoughts is the first step. Thoughts and feelings, whether they be positive or negative will pass, each have their time and place.
Living in the moment is the best thing you can do, there's many ways to act on it.

"That of which you resist- will persist."

I find different meditating methods help, but not always. "Action now" or keep your mind busy is another- (Which you probably know or heard of already) Also don't look inward to much, there's more to the world than just yourself. Avoid being falsely or overly optimistic & pessimistic too, both are delusional.

You can try talking with some one, preferably some one you know or are close to. However I know how difficult that can be
(and possibly harmful/unhelpful). Just be careful when you do; set boundaries for yourself & others.

Lastly, Motivation is a powerful thing, something I'm trying to master... I'm open to chat if you ever want to.
Svataben's avatar
You may need to try quite a few different pills, before finding some that work on you, nod it always take time to test it out. You'll have to be patient.
ryfvs's avatar
Hey, halonut. I remember you've mentioned your depression before in your journals. I don't have experience with depression, but I know when I'm discouraged it's because I'm bored or I'm pitying myself. And those are things that can be prevented, but only controlled by you. Am I saying you are simply bored? No, but I think forcing yourself to try new things and be productive is key to anyone living and being alive. Fill your day with positive things to help keep out the negative.

I am no expert on medication, but l I know that what ever your life was before depression is in the past. Meds aren't going to bring life back to the way it was. Sorry if that is harsh, but you might need a reality check. There is no quick solution. If keeping busy isn't working, then add change to your life. Change little and also change big. Maybe it could be the music you listen to. Maybe it is the job your are working. Just remember, no one is 100% happy with life.