Arguing with people in threads!!

MayJackson's avatar
I keep arguing with people accidentally in threads! People post something, I try to find something I disagree with slightly (so there's something to discuss) and I write back offering my view, then they attack without regard to logic/ sensible argument design.

In my opinion it should go: Primary post --> dissonant post --> civil discussion of differing opinions, why they may be different, perhaps which is more valid or not (maybe it's just opinion based and subjective) --> resolution or agree-to-disagree.

What do you do when people don't want to cede anything at all? When they just throw random insults?

I am so FRUSTRATED. When someone insults me I can't stop posting back to them, even though I'd probably prefer to rewind and not engage with such a stupid person in the first place. But maybe that's part of the problem, I'm so bored/isolated currently that even negative interaction is better than nothing...

What do YOU do to keep a conversation positive even if you have a different view point? (Or, if you don't care about keeping it positive: how did you manage to not care? how do you disengage?) Do you think that always agreeing is the only way to keep a discussion civil/positive?
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mayela's avatar
Don't take yourself too seriously, nobody does. Also remind this to the trolls, it pisses them off.
MayJackson's avatar
That's a good idea :D Probably a good way to lighten a conversation. Thanks!
edarlin's avatar
If someone replies with something that pisses me off, I just delete their reply and don't carry on the conversation. Most of the time I don't even bother reading their whole reply if I see that they're being intentionally mean. They probably think that they won the argument, which is just fine with me. That's why the internet is great: it's so easy to ignore the people that irritate you.
MayJackson's avatar
Easy for you >.< Though I guess it's easier to do that (for me) if it's a private message. If it's in a forum though where everyone can see, it's so hard D:
angelxxuan's avatar
I stopped doing that myself. I stopped feeding them but as long as people do this sort of thing they are going to continue with arguing. I have been on other sites in the past where they would create alts just to argue with themselves. quite sad really, the right thing to do would be ignore them, walk away and not feed them. it's hard to do but it can be done.
MayJackson's avatar
Alright, I'll try to do that! Thanks :D
DraculeaRiccy's avatar
If they start acting like idiots, stop talking to them.
MayJackson's avatar
I'll try, thanks!! :)
signsofortune's avatar
The way I solve this problem is the way I solve every problem on the internet:
add 3 grams of 'arguement is a waste of time'
2 grams of 'positive attitude towards people'
5 grains of salt
and 15 grams of 'sense of humour'

if someone posts something I don't like, I may talk about it for a little while, but if it gets out of hand, well, find a plz account that will end or lighten the convo.


another method is to respond with a progression of faces or icons to each response they give.
them: I think 32 degrees is a boiling point and you are dumb!
you: :iconnotimpressedplz:
them: my fish died at 32 degrees. do you think you are clever with your silly face? you're an idiot!
you: :iconverynotimpressedplz:
them: I hate you! you are a poptart!
you: :iconimrlynotimpressedplz:
you: :iconmadlynotimpressedplz:
them: i leave this conversation and/or develop a sense of humor.

or alternately, develop some catchphrases that end conversations.

example: i understand what you are saying
you understand what you are saying.
You're a very smart person

or, say something that you both agree on.

example: puppies are adorable though.
LadyKuki's avatar
Actually it's :iconnot-impressedplz:

Lol sorry about that. That was a really funny post btw. :XD:
MayJackson's avatar
Omg THOSE FACES. LOL!!!!! I am saving this post forever in my 'great comments' folder xD
I think I may actually use something random like 'puppies are adorable' too... You're too funny!
Quick question, how do people always find this plz accounts?? Do you just type in a random Or do people save them whenever they find ones they like? Or just try to remember them... I have too much stuff to remember already D:
signsofortune's avatar
sometimes i remember them but most of the time i use google. in order to find those faces i went to this devart account: [link]

there are actually several accounts similar to that one which have catalogued a variety of plz accounts to choose from
MayJackson's avatar
Omg thanks so much!! That's so helpful :D
Cait-Cait93's avatar
People like to fight.

If you want to state your point of view, do so freely. You can tell immediately when someone is trying to fight. Simply state that you respect all opinions, but you won't fight. If they continue, delete the message. Simple as that :3

It takes self-restraint not to fight or reply. But it gets easier and easier with time. Eventually, in my case, I stopped caring. If I have an opinion, I'll share it- if you don't like it, tough sh*t.
MayJackson's avatar
That's amazing :D I'll take your word for it that it gets easier, since you've been there. I'll try. And I'll try being clear like that, that I don't want to fight. Because yeah, I don't think *fighting* is ever worth time.. Thanks :)
Cait-Cait93's avatar
In regards on how to have a lengthy conversation with someone who shares your opinions- you can play devils advocate, explore why the person feels that way, how they came to their point of view, alternate ways of thinking on the topic. Nobody will ever agree 100% about every detail of every topic in the world. You can learn and expand yours and others views by having a mutual shared opinion. You can't go into a conversation like that with a poor attitude though, you need to be open to all possibilities and views.
MayJackson's avatar
Isn't that just a way of saying that you can find minute differences to discuss even though you agree on the whole? I still feel like it's hard to discuss things that you agree about xD Seems like that's always where a conversation ends... But I suppose you're right, you could ask them how they arrived to thinking that way, their feelings about it, etc.
Cait-Cait93's avatar
No, it's not meaning that :)

I mean you can always find something new to consider- maybe you agree with me on somethimg, but we came to the same conclusion in different manners. Learning the differences can help you develop your own opinion even more, perhaps help strengthen your conviction in your belief.

Try it sometime, it works fairly well if both people are willing to talk freely of their opinions. You might find a new friend by doing this, you might also find that someone doesn't have a reason for the opinion and end up giving them a way to support their own opinion.
MayJackson's avatar
That sounds interesting! Yeah, I'll try it some time :) Could be fun.
Cait-Cait93's avatar
Sachi-pon's avatar
YOU SOUND LIKE MEEEEE haha i have the same problem... i like arguing with people, but i hate arguing with people. yep, both things are true somehow. i like arguing a little, but then i regret it lol...

sometimes i just have to hold myself back and not say anything in the first place.

here is a good idea... if you are angry at what someone says, click reply, type a bunch of angry stuff... but don't post. do something else for a few mins. then come back and decide whether all that angry stuff is really worth posting.
MayJackson's avatar
That is a good tip!! And I'm glad you can understand... Arguing is fun if it's civil, but not if it gets out of hand >.< -Next time I'll try that, writing and then coming back to it later before submitting. I bet that would help!
Sachi-pon's avatar
yes it is so helpful to do that... :nod:

uhhh btw your avatar looks familiar to me and i see that i have given you a llama. XD where have i seen you before, what did you say? (it's probably something extremely obvious and i just have a bad memory)
MayJackson's avatar
Haha, I've been kicking around in the forums the last few days, you've probably seen me! I vaguely remember your avvie too :)
I was probably either arguing or giving people friendly advice - tends to be what I do! If I recall you're super nice and like to give advice too ^.^