When is a good age to start seeking relationships?

Cody-H's avatar
Hey, my name is Cody. I'll try to keep this as short as I can.

I've always wondered when a good age to start seeking relationships? I'm currently 15 (16 on Nov 30) and in the middle of my Sophomore year. Getting Drivers license and job soon. A lot of Middle school and High School Relationships aren't taken very seriously between people. Also, me being a Homosexual makes it a little tougher. But I just wanted to hear what you guys think is a good relationship seeking age? I was think around the end of HS, but that feels like a long tine from now.

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gingerontheinside's avatar
i have liked peplz, but i is in the middle schools and i believe that relationships are for da highschools, so ya :3
angelxxuan's avatar
there's always that moment when you feel it's right. some get started way up into their 30s, others start in middle/grade school. another moment is, when you can afford to date and not rely on your parents ;)
Cody-H's avatar
I will definitely go for it when it feels right. I hit 16 tomorrow, so once my parents get back from LaJolla, CA, I'm going to head out and get some more driving time so I can get my license, and then a job right after that. :meow: So that will be good money to afford going out :D

Thank you very much for your comment! Cute Icon :meow:
angelxxuan's avatar
thanks for liking my icon I like bunnies ! and it's better to focus on yourself before venturing out and getting into a relationship. have fun, you still got plenty of time to enjoy other things which life has to offer, no since in rushing life
Cody-H's avatar
I will, thanks again. ^^
OneEyedMe's avatar
When you don't need to "seek" a relationship and simply fall in love is when you'll know.
Cody-H's avatar
Good way of putting it, short and simple xD

Thank you :meow:
nosedivve's avatar
I would say the age you are when you start high school and/or get a job. That would vary for everyone. A general age I'd say would be 14.
Cody-H's avatar
Thanks. Lol I'll be getting my license real soon and a job right after that, that sounds like now xD

Thanks for your comment, it's much appreciated :meow:
nosedivve's avatar
You're very welcome! XD

Yeah, I'm almost 16 (in high school) and I could have a job if I wanted, but I can't get my license until I'm 17 or so. XD

You;re welcome again! :la:
bleedlings's avatar
3 years old.

OH you meant a serious answer! Um, probably 15 in my opinion haha.
Cody-H's avatar
Well I'm hitting 16 in a day, but I've decided that I will be at least 17 or 18 (end of HS, Beginning of College) before I go seeking serious relationships, I want to make sure the mate that I Do get in a relationship with will be in the same area as me, or me to them. :meow:
bleedlings's avatar
That's a good idea in my opinion!
good to see that there's still people that aren't obsessed with love XD
FerricPlushy's avatar
Since you're gay you're allowed to start dating later, I wouldn't recommend dating in high school unless you're absolutely you'll be safe because very bad things happen to gay students in high school.
Cody-H's avatar
Yeah, unfortunately bad things do happen, but I'm not currently hiding who I am to my school. And our administration has no tolerance for bullying.
FerricPlushy's avatar
Welllllllll you can pretty much start dating when you're comfortable. Pretty much these relationships in high school will 99% of the time lead to nothing in the long term, but you'll learn how to act (or not act) in a relationship. Learn to fool around, spend large quantities of time with a person that isn't your family. You should also look up statutory rape laws in your state, you're never too young to be labeled a sex offender. States have been known to lock up a 15 year old for having sex with his 14 year old gf.
Other than that, have fun, don't be passive aggressive, and use a condom.
Cody-H's avatar
I don't want to get THAT serious before 18, no don't worry. I follow the law. xP
Officialpoypoy's avatar
just make alot of friends and see where it goes.

and itll only be a good relationship if u have an amazing self esteem
cuz in order to love others you need to love yourself.
Cody-H's avatar
To be honest, my self esteem goes back and forth, but I've never taken it out on my friends or anything. I got some good friends, but I don't honestly think I'll be in a (serious) relationship till my senior year of HS or after.
lightning-13's avatar
I don't think you should worry about it, just let it come when the time is right. There is no 'right' age.
Cody-H's avatar
Okay :meow: Thanks ^^