Advice on time management skills?

rendjur's avatar
Do you guys have any advice on improving time management skills? Despite being in post secondary for four years, I still feel like I haven't gotten a good grip on things. As a result, I always end up bombing exams...not because I don't know the material or even find it difficult, but rather, because I didn't give myself enough time to learn it all.

Recently happened to me with an exam I wrote today. Going through the material, it was shockingly easy to learn...but because I hadn't given myself enough time to absorb it all, I pretty much forgot everything I studied. Which of course, sucks.

How do you efficiently stay on track with assignments and readings and stuff like that? Sometimes even when I make myself lists/deadlines, I don't follow up with them (I don't make them too unrealistic, either).

I mean, what motivates you? What happens when you feel like complete shit one day? For example, maybe you got no sleep or you know you start slacking a little after an exam...heh. Even if you rest for a day, how you can you make the most out of it?
How do you avoid temptations (eg. Facebook, chatting with some friends, etc.)

I've looked online for some info, but I would really love to hear what has worked for you guys. I know it'll be different for everyone, but I do appreciate any input.

Thank you!
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EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
No motivation needed.
You just make it a habit of doing what needs to be done.
rendjur's avatar
Yeah, I hear people say "Motivation is what gets you started...but habit is what keeps you going"

While that is true, I still suck at managing my time. Sometimes I find myself spending way too much on an assignment and I end up having no time for something else that needs to be done.

I guess I just need to work on budgeting my time efficiently. When should I stop with something and move on? That sort of thing. I guess this is relating more with prioritizing things, though...which really goes hand in hand with time management.

Thanks for the response either way though.
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
You have a cell phone? Set the alarm. Make a schedule and stick to it, even if it kills you.
Damian-Blaze's avatar
Go on Youtube and search "Brian Tracey - Time Management". It changed my life forever.
rendjur's avatar
Cool, thank you! I'll be sure to look into it.
Damian-Blaze's avatar
prosaix's avatar
Make a to-do list :la:
rendjur's avatar
I do. While they help, I find myself straying off or not accomplishing what I want to do.
Not that it's bad...because I usually get more done than I usually would. I just want to get more stuff done, haha :(
ensoul's avatar
Set some time aside to work in a place removed from as many temptations as possible. That might mean using the library computer to work instead of your own, or telling a friend or roommate that you're going to work on such-and-such in a shared room and to shame you into doing it if you start slacking. I was always pretty bad about keeping a calendar, maybe one on your phone or computer that actually alerts you when you're supposed to be doing something would help?

Figure out how much time you personally need to study for an exam and go by that. Personally I always found that cramming, while other people found it a terrible strategy, worked really well for me. It depends on how much time you need to grasp the subject matter and then how long you'll be able to retain it.